In particular, the horse in front of him seems to be rushing towards it, and his nose is constantly puffing out, as if... um, he seems to be very excited.Are you excited to see Haruna?

"So cute...excited..."

The big brown horse barked excitedly, and then... a group of jellyfish protruded from its mouth very chilling.The crystal jellyfish swayed its slender tentacles, and the slender tentacles danced in the air, seeming to emit a sinister arc.

"Yeah... what is this, so disgusting!"

Seeing a group of jellyfish flying towards her, Haruna immediately hid behind Ye Shenyue. According to her intuition, if she was attacked by this group of jellyfish, it would definitely be very disgusting.

"Serious step, hurry up, hurry up and get rid of this disgusting Megalo!"

Haruna hid behind Yagami, grabbed Yagami's clothes and kept shouting.Even the small body trembled, is it really scary?

" you relying on me?"

Feeling that the little Haruna had her face pressed against his back, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly surged with pride, and then... both hands touched Haruna behind her.In fact, he just wanted to hold her shoulders.

But it was obvious that Haruna immediately misunderstood.

"Serious steps! When it's time, you still touch others, and now there is Megalo! Let's solve Megalo first!"

Haruna's face was extremely rosy at this time, this lustful step, even if it is a lolicon, if you want to touch her, you don't look at the time!Is it time to touch her now?

Ah, no, when did I agree to touch him!

The cute Haruna-chan's head is getting redder and redder, and it seems to be boiling.

"Uh... Haruna, how can I transform if you don't give me Mister?"

Heaven and earth conscience, he Ye Shenyue just wanted to transform into a powerful force to protect her Haruna-chan, how could he be wronged for touching her?

"...Humph!...No...not good, it seems that Mister Ding is in the house!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue's explanation, Haruna was stunned for a moment, then snorted softly, watching the tentacle jellyfish getting closer and closer, hearing the words "so cute" from the jellyfish's mouth, a layer of goosebumps all over her body, and she hurriedly asked. Looking for Mister Ding... and sadly found that her two small hands were white and tender, that Mister Ding... forgot to bring it.

"What? Haruna... are you kidding me!"

Ye Shenyue's high fighting spirit instantly shrank.No transformation, no power, what to fight?run!

"Hahaha... This man is also very handsome... I really like it!"

But Ye Shenyue wanted to run, but the horse had already soaked in front of them at some point, and the big nose kept breathing, and it seemed to become more excited.


Ye Shenyue and Haruna were disgusted by the horse, and they cursed at the same time. When they saw the horse running over with his hooves and the group of jellyfish, Ye Shenyue hurriedly asked Haruna to climb on top of him, because even if he Zombies can strengthen %, but that also takes time. When he attacked Malaysia, Haruna was about to be attacked by jellyfish.

Those tentacled jellyfish, Ye Shenyue is disgusting thinking about it, what would happen to Haruna if they were...

Eh, Ye Shenyue can't think about it anymore, and now he can only let Haruna ride on him, and then he will have time to take care of him, thus delaying the time until Yuuki appears.


A light sound, this light sound was not the sound of Ye Shenyue knocking the disgusting horse back and throwing its huge body against the wall, but a very slight sound, as if something suddenly came from a height. The sound of dexterously falling to the ground.

Ye Shenyue's eyes went to the place where the sound came from, and she saw a girl in a cape and hat throwing bowls of soup at the most tangled tentacle jellyfish.

A surprising thing happened. Those jellyfish that were drenched in the soup noodles turned into golden spots and disappeared!

Great!Yuuki has appeared!

Even if the main force is to deal with the horse, there are still tentacle jellyfish entangled, Ye Shenyue's two fists are no match for the four hands, not to mention the jellyfish that do not know one but many tentacles?

He can't stand it anymore!

Yuuki, you appeared so timely this time, I will give you a chance in a special case, and I will try my best to like you.

"This...what is this?...Yeah! There's one more!"

Haruna, who was holding Yagami's waist between her legs, was absent-minded or watched in shock as the girl drenched the crystal jellyfish with the ramen in her hands.This Megalo... how could it be defeated by soup noodles!It's so unscientific!

And just at the moment when Haruna lost her mind, a jellyfish dived behind the two, unfortunately, was discovered by Haruna.


Ye Shenyue hurriedly turned around, and then... she saw a crystal jellyfish drenched in the noodle soup, and an enlarged face.


A crisp sound, the sound of lips touching.

By the way, Yuuki, you should be here to destroy Megalo, not to give you a kiss!

Ye Shenyue wanted to rant like this.

Ps: For the second update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for comments, ask for rewards, all kinds of requests!

Chapter 0043 Campus Wife

"Sure enough love! But I like it~~" Just when Ye Shenyue was absent-minded and kissed Yuuki in front of him unconsciously, the surviving horse kicked his webbed a few times, and then He sprinted towards Ye Shenyue and Yuuki.

It seems that because the current Yuuki is dressed in a cape and a hat, it is understandable for Malaysia to be mistaken for a boy.

Just seeing such a JiBao scene, that Malaysia became even more excited, people couldn't help but complain, this Megalo, why are all of them perverted!Erotic ~ erotic!

To know that Megalo was brought out by the underworld to deal with Billie, is everyone in the underworld also perverted? least not Yu.

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