Ye Shenyue secretly added in her heart.

In fact, Ye Shenyue was wrong, because Biliye is a feminist country, and most of its subjects are women, but not [-]% are men, but men's status has always been low, and their fighting power is far less than women's.Therefore, in order to deal with Bi Liye like the Women's Army, the underworld made this Megalo, the lecherous Megalo, just to harass the girl in magic dress.

Since it is MiShaov, how can it be done without sex?

As for each Megalo mutating into a love for men, that is not the responsibility of the underworld, maybe because Megalo is used to seeing women suddenly change sex.

"Sorry, let's deal with this Megalo first, we'll talk later!"

When danger appeared, Ye Shenyue didn't care to continue enjoying MiShaov's delicate lips, she pushed Yuuki's body slightly, then took the soup noodles in her hand and raised it on the spot, and threw it to the galloping horse.

"Don't think I'm like a little is it possible!"

As for the noodle soup thrown by Ye Shenyue, Dama'er dodged with his own proud speed, just as he was about to continue hitting Ye Shenyue, he suddenly found that a thick soup was flying in front of it.

The oncoming soup poured all over the body of Malaysia, unwilling, Megalo once again turned into a little golden light.

"Humph! I knew you could dodge a long time ago, so I kept an eye on it, calculated the direction of your dodging, and a piece of soup flew out."

Falling from mid-air, Ye Shenyue sneered.

This is indeed the case, because in addition to having a strong physique, Megalo is also very fast. The soup that Ye Shenyue threw at random is not bad for those little jellyfish, but this Megalo is different. .At least it can dodge the first attack of Yashenyue, but when it doesdges the attack of Yashenyue and hits the ground, it will definitely not be able to quickly use the arrogant speed again at that moment, and the real soup of Yashenyue is What was spilled at that time, in fact, what Megalo had avoided before was just an empty bowl.

"Okay, Haruna, you see Megalo is gone... eh... Haruna, how did you get down?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at Haruna, as if asking for credit.But he saw Haruna fleeing quickly.

"Crack! Idiot step... stay away from me."

Haruna was very happy to destroy Megalo, but in the surprised eyes of Yagami, she quickly got off Yagami's body, and then took a few steps away from Yagami, as if Yagami had changed at this time. became some kind of infectious disease.

"Uh...this is..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't understand, what happened to Haruna.Clearly dealing with Megalo, she should be happier than anyone else.

"Bu... I didn't expect you to turn into a pervert! You actually kissed a man!"

As if to ensure her safety, Haruna took a few steps back before shouting loudly.

"Sure enough, bedbugs are not only lolicon, but now they have become all-gender control... Huh?...Mel?"

A cold female voice came, followed by a burst of green leaves, and Serra's proud and tall figure appeared in the center of the green leaves.

Sera folded her hands in front of iog, her dark red eyes seemed to be a bad visitor.

The murderous gaze swept across Ye Shenyue and fell on the girl in the trench coat who had just been accidentally pushed aside by Ye Shenyue. Then, those dark red eyes opened wider.

"Serafim! It's really Serafim...I miss you so much!...Hey..."

Yuuki was in a dizzy state, just inadvertently, she kissed a man and married a man!

According to the rules of the clan, as long as you are kissed by a man, you have to swear to love that man for the rest of your life. At the same time, at the moment of the kiss, the wedding has been completed.

In other words, she is now the wife of the other party.

I got married in a vague way, and everyone was entangled. Yuuki was really tangled and confused.

Until Sera's voice sounded, a familiar voice, Yuuki glanced at Sera and ran over immediately, but he couldn't go any further without moving a few steps.Because Sera didn't know when she pointed her secret sword at Yuuki, her eyes were full of killing intent.

And when Sera pointed at Yuuki, the hat on Yuuki's head also ran away because of the fast running, revealing short golden hair extending to his shoulders and big dark green eyes .

This is a girl!

"How... how is it possible!"

Thinking that Idiot Bu just kissed not a boy but a girl, the sexual orientation is normal, but Haruna couldn't be happy, her cheeks were bulging and she was angry.

"Mel~ Shudrom... I'm sorry, now you are the third party involved in my family... So, I'm going to kill you! Secret sword... Yan... back..."

"Serafim, what do you mean! Hey... that, thank you..."

Yuuki could only dodge Sera's attack. Now that she doesn't have any weapons, she has no chance of winning at all.

At this time, facing the angry Sela, she only escaped the first attack. When the second attack came, she reluctantly placed her hands in front of the iog, ready to fight hard, and she might suffer a little skin. trauma.

Yuuki felt helpless.

However, there was a deafening sound, but her body was not damaged in the slightest, as if the attack did not fly in her direction.

"You stink bug, don't let me go!"

When the smoke cleared, Yuuki saw this scene, an exaggerated scene where her jaw was about to fall, and Serafim, who was still aggressive just now, was being hugged tightly by the boy just now, and the secret sword was also crooked. to the other side.

Judging from this situation, the blow just now should have been distorted by this boy, by holding Seraphim's hand.

"Serious step, how long are you going to linger, Megalo is finished, let's go back."

Seeing Ye Shenyue hug Sera, Haruna suddenly felt uncomfortable and annoyed, and persuaded Ye Shenyue.

"Uh... Haruna, then you promise that Sera will not continue to get angry, she is obviously my wife, and she is so fierce!"

"What? Seraphim is already your wife!" Yuuki's face darkened a lot, as if her body was shaking slightly.

Is it disbelief and disappointment?

Just when Ye Shenyue wanted to comfort her, she said surprisingly, "But you are wearing our school uniform and should be a student of my school. In that case, then I will be your campus wife!"

Ps: I took a look and found that the comments are so fierce!Keep asking for comments!Thanks to Meng Yuzhai, all those who complain are gays, Qin Shiyue and Han Shiguan, for their rewards.

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