Chapter 0044 Boys' anger

"I said Yuuki, even though they are all blood-sucking ninjas, can't they live in harmony?"

Going back with Yuuki, Sera, and Haruna, seeing the huge silence in the three-person room, Yagami hurriedly made a round.

The reason why the three of them went home together was because Youji said the phrase "campus wife". When she said this, Ye Shenyue was stunned, and she kept winking at Youji. See that Sierra is still on fire?Isn't Yuuki adding fuel to the fire?However, Ye Shenyue's eyes were regarded as encouraging eyes by the other party.

Of course, this is not the most tangled part of Ye Shenyue. The most depressing thing is that at this time, Sera suddenly stopped struggling, and even put away the secret sword, and asked coldly, "Mel, are you really? Are you serious?"


According to the rules of the clan, kissing is marriage, Yuuki can only nod, betting on the honor of her blood-sucking ninja.

"Well, trust you for the time being, you have kept the bedbug in jail for me at school, and come back and report me if you have any troubles!"

Sera's face was cold, and a force burst out, and Yuuki, who was threatened, could only nod her head.

Just this nod made Ye Shenyue and Haruna, who were most out of the way, surprised, what is this all about!

How could Sera (leaf girl) agree like this!

However, no matter what, the final outcome is like this, Ye Shenyue suddenly has another nominal wife, and this wife seems to be able to take advantage.

However, although Sera acquiesced to Yuuki's intervention, their relationship was still stagnant. They should have been happy with MiShaov, but the atmosphere made Yagami a little nervous.

"Impossible, Mel is a reformer, and we are conservatives. We are born to be opposed, but now the situation is special, let her live first."

Sera shook her head with a cold face, and her tone was very superior.

"Hey, hey, Serafim, you sound like I'm not as good as you... um... well, I'm really not as good as you."

Yuuki wanted to argue at first, but was stared at by the red-eyed Sera, and then... she immediately shrank behind Ye Shenyue.

"Thank you just now."

Yuuki grabbed Ye Shenyue's clothes and whispered.

"I just want to thank you... If it wasn't for your appearance, our situation might have developed in a disgusting direction."

What Ye Shenyue said was not a lie. If Yuuki didn't show up, she wouldn't be able to say what would happen to that disgusting Megalo.Therefore, Yuuki appeared at the right time.

Ye Shenyue turned her head, Chong Youji smiled softly, and the smile was very sincere, but in the eyes of Youji, who had never had such close contact with a man, it was a gentle smile.

Unconsciously, Yuuki's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"My home goes in this direction. Then...that, then we'll see you tomorrow...tomorrow..."

Some panicked and quickly left, even if Ye Shenyue looked at her now, she could only capture a small back hurriedly away.

"Serious step, did you do something to her just now?...Um..."

Chunnai suddenly stopped, and then, turned around her small body, her eyes lit up at Ye Shenyue, looking into her eyes, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that any crime was invisible.

"Sure enough, it's a disgusting bedbug, and it's shot so quickly."

Sierra also helped. "Listen, she's in school, you can't take advantage of her, she's just monitoring your existence!"

Sera's eyes quickly turned red, and it seemed that the latter sentence was her true words.

The reason why she agreed to let Yuuki be Yashenyue's other wife was just to use her as a pawn to monitor whether her husband was having an affair.

Poor Yuki.Thankfully, she also changed her mind on Seraphim.It was actually used.

"What if you hold hands with her?"

Ye Shenyue asked weakly.

"Chop your hands."

This is Sierra.


"Behead directly."

This is Haruna, and Haruna paused for a while, "And it's the one who cut you. Anyway, you're a zombie, it doesn't matter if you cut it."


Haruna, how can you join Sierra!Gaia, give me back the shy Haruna, not the lighthearted Haruna who talks about scary things so lightly.

Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart, just like that, some chaotic nightlife passed, and soon the next day came.


"I said Aikawa, this is for you,"

Soon, Ye Shenyue knew what happened to the campus wife Youji said, and saw that Youji handed the prepared bento to Yeshenyue, and looked at Yeshenyue's bento with gleaming eyes. Open.

"Hey Yuuki, why are you helping Aikawa make bento? Shouldn't you also make bento for our poor classmates who can only eat bread?"

At some point, Orido, who was biting his bread bitterly, came over and looked at Yuuki eagerly. Now, he also saw the bento that Yagami had opened. It was a delicious-looking ramen, but the ramen seemed to be very delicious. Frozen, but still looks just as delicious.


Yuuki didn't even think about it, and refused directly.Then, he turned to Yagami and said, "Aikawa, how does it taste... I like ramen, so I made ramen for you too..."

He seemed a little embarrassed, his face was a little red, as if he was admitting his mistake, Ye Shenyue had no doubts, if he said it was not delicious, Yuuki would definitely put away the bento with sadness and shame, so she smiled. , give each other a comfort, although it is a little worse than Haruna's omelette, but Yuuki's craftsmanship, especially the craftsmanship of ramen, is still very good.

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