God sister's louder voice came from inside, but it was hard to get in touch with him, but what he got was roar, Wuhe sister didn't do it.Moreover, the matter is not that serious, she is not worried about Tohka's safety, because Tohka is very safe, and why Tohka was abducted is entirely because she, the commander, made up and took him from Tobiichi Origami. deceived.

"This... ahem, that... Kotori, I'm impatient too, hurry up and tell me where Tohka is."

Ye Shenyue roared out in a hurry.Now that my sister is in commander mode, she really can't roar. When she changes back to sister mode... Then you can...

"Hmph! That guy Origami Tobiichi must be very upset right now, and the things he just got slipped away..."

Ye Shenyue seemed to have heard the sincerity of her godsister, but it was better to keep her mouth shut at this time. This was the final conclusion he came to after wandering around in multiple Shura fields.

"Tohka is three kilometers away from Tobiichi Origami's house. I don't know the exact location. She is lost, so just fly up and take a look."

Ye Shenyue guessed right, and after whispering broken thoughts, Commander Wuhe said useful news.

"Well, I'll try it!"

Time is running out, and Ye Shenyue doesn't care about shocking the world. Anyway, no one around here jumped directly into the air, using her own magic power to float.Then look at the radius of three kilometers.

It is said that standing high and looking far away, I have indeed seen a lot of things that should and should not be seen in the future.

For example, three kilometers away in the northwest, he saw a familiar figure.

The petite and slender figure was surrounded by three youths who were not doing their jobs properly. The beautiful girl with black hair covering her left eye walked down the path, and the three remaining youths were full of kinky faces~ lol He also walked in, and in less than a second, fresh and dirty blood floated from the side of the road opposite the alley.

That's human blood.

And faintly, Ye Shenyue felt that there was a pair of eyes looking at him in the alley.

It was a bright eye and a mysterious clock-like eye.


Ye Shenyue immediately swept away from the sky in the northwest direction, as if avoiding something terrible.

And staring at the figure that had gone away in the sky, the girl with two ponytails walking out of the corner, smiled bloodthirsty, "It's really a good prey, it seems that there are still many secrets about him that have not been discovered. I really need to go there in person. Get in touch."

Ye Shenyue would never know, it was precisely because of this moment's escape that the girl saw him floating in the air for a moment, which made the girl even more determined to transfer to another school immediately...

It's really terrifying to be targeted by Kuang San again.Now it's still Yoshino's plot, okay? Third Master, you can continue to murder the scum. Ye Shenyue swept to the northwest. On the way, she couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on her forehead, so let's go to Tohka.

To tell the truth, after witnessing Kuangsan killing people, Ye Shenyue, a guy who has killed people, is not at all disgusting. He understands that if another helpless and helpless girl is surrounded by rogue youths, they will You don't need to think about it to know the fate of the family. Maybe a good child will fall because of this and regret a family the most.

So seeing Kurumi brutally blasting these scum with guns.He has no guilt at all.If he encounters it, it may be even more cruel, and it would be better to destroy all the dangers.

Kuangsan also suffered, her weapon needs strength, and this strength is vitality. With her kindness, it is impossible to capture the vitality of ordinary people, so she aimed at these scumbags, killing perverts and scum all the time. never been surpassed.Killing a whole 2 people is so tiring.

Ye Shenyue continued to fly, feeling that the intensity of the sight behind him had diminished before he felt relieved. In just a blink of an eye, he had already reached his destination.

"Let go of that girl and let me come!"

Discovering the iconic long hair of the night, Ye Shenyue fell from the sky and landed with a shout, attracting the attention of a group of fish.


The girl with long hair in the night who was leaning against the antique bridge suddenly turned around, stretched out her hands, and jumped directly to Ye Shenyue who suddenly came down from the air.


Ye Shenyue grabbed Tohka's hand, but silently looked at the environment around Tohka at this moment.

"The... Tohka, where is the person who came to strike up a conversation? Did he do anything strange?"

Ye Shenyue was almost thrown to the ground by Tohka's force, but when he looked around the surroundings, he suddenly felt cheated.

There are no strange men around, only the little fish swimming at the bottom of the bridge.

"The person who struck up a conversation? What is that? After being put down from the airship by Kotori, I got lost after walking for a while, but Kotori told me to stay where I was and not move. No one else came..."

Tohka put her arms around Ye Shenyue's neck with a puzzled look on her face.Big purple eyes stared at him as if waiting for his answer.

"Kinli! Kotori!"

If Ye Shenyue doesn't know that he has been deceived by now, then he is really a fool!

His sister actually used Tohka as bait to trick him out of Origami!





"The commander's not, the commander's not. The commander's not, that's all."

As if showing the fact that "the commander is not there", Kotori's voice is still weakening, as if it is going further and further away.

"There is no sound coming out! Qin Li, you liar!"

It made him miss an opportunity to further communicate with Origami, although if he did communicate, his future fate would be very miserable.

"This... that... Rein, you say it!"

Commander Wuhe, who was sitting on the captain's seat, immediately pulled Reine Murasame, who had calmed Yoshino, over and pushed it to the loudspeaker.

"Yue, the situation is urgent now, I hope to come back soon, the airship has been frozen by Yoshino and cannot be repaired manually."

Murasame Reine pushed on the cute little glasses and continued to speak in a voice full of royal sister style.

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