Kotori can only deceive people, and the analyst is more like a commander who speaks with dignity.

"Well, go back now."

Ye Shenyue nodded, turned off the earphones, and grabbed Tohka with both hands, ready to go back, but Tohka grabbed him.

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue looked back in confusion, Tohka's natural sluggishness has not changed, but now Tohka's expression is a bit strange, like nervousness and fear.

"Tobiichi Origami!"

Tohka called out the name of an origami master first, as if to accentuate these four words, and continued, "She, she's not bullying you!"

"If I really bully you! I absolutely can't spare her! How can she bully you, I must bully her back!"

Tohka's body faintly glowed with black air, and with a sudden kick of his right leg, the ground where Ye Shenyue and Tohka were located immediately dropped to a lower limit of nearly three meters, which was about to become the pit created by the appearance of the elves.


Listening to Tohka's declaration that seemed to be angry, seeing her faintly angry face that seemed to have regained the momentum of the Valkyrie, and the ground she had kicked down at the moment, Ye Shenyue's expression at this moment was really Wonderful.

He still didn't really understand Tohka.

Whether it's this momentum or this leg strength, it's amazing!

"Also... still don't bully Origami... She has nothing to do with me, trust me! We Kobe and her are much closer."

Ye Shenyue 1.8 kissed Tohka on the forehead to make her awake a little bit, but he didn't want "really?"

Tohka's face seemed to rise.


Ye Shenyue nodded.

"She didn't kiss you? She didn't climb on top of you? She didn't take off her clothes? Did she take off your clothes?"

There seemed to be sunshine on Tohka's little face.

"Uh... these... who taught you these!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a chill in her heart, how could Tohka, who is naturally dumb, pay attention to this?And it seems... as if they all understand the meaning of it?

You can speak so bluntly!

Where is his innocent, bullying and deceitful Tohka!

"It's Miss Lingyin... She said that the actions you did to me were all expressions of liking me, such as... If that Tobiichi Origami really did that to you... then let's do it now! I'll beat her one more time!"

Tohka's face was a little embarrassed at first, and then she blushed and shouted out in an irresistible tone.

ps: Thanks to Rogue Xiaoxuan, maxzelin's monthly pass.

Chapter 0037

Teaching a person well is difficult and difficult, but teaching a person bad is simply impossible.

Facing Tohka's eager "request", Ye Shenyue couldn't help but covered her forehead, Reine... You gave me a pure Tohka.

Tohka has been taught badly by you!

I'm not sure if she will take the initiative to attack at night next time.

"Cough cough... Now it's in broad daylight, and there are things that need atmosphere, and can't be casual... Casually..."

Yagami was a little afraid to go to see Tohka, who was taught "strange knowledge" by Murasame Reine.

"But as Lingyin said, as long as you have love, you can ignore everything. Does Yue not like me?"

A sad look appeared on Tohka's face, and the calf, which was finally held down, seemed to want to turn the discomfort into strength and kick the hole under her feet.

Airship at the same moment丨.

Commander Wuhe's face suddenly became extremely serious.

"Reine, have you taught Tohka these things?"

Commander Kotori stared at the analyst standing beside him who seemed to be sleepy again.Ye Shenyue's headphones were turned off by him, but it didn't mean that Commander Wuhe couldn't grasp the situation on their side. Don't forget that Tohka is still wearing headphones, so of course they also heard Tohka. 's words.

"Well...but she doesn't seem to understand it very well. For example, she still can't understand what swallowing is..."

"Swallow...swallow...what do you say these shameful things at such a time!"

Kotori sister jumped up like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, blushing blushing, and speaking to the plain-looking analyst who said some amazing nouns.


Ye Shenyue had already got Yoshina, and she was still on the way back. She almost froze the spaceship. A look of doubt and interest.

"This... Yoshino doesn't need to understand these things..."

Commander Kotori immediately blushed and waved at Yoshino, this kind of academic stuff can't teach bad children...

"It's finally back."

Ye Shenyue carried Tohka back to the airship floating in the air, but the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

Murasame Lingyin was still the same, she was groggy all day, but Kotori, her face was red, was she embarrassed or angry?

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