In Tohka's pitiful eyes, in Yoshino's eyes that didn't open much, and in her sister's strange eyes, Yagami suggested this.

"Well...if there's nothing wrong with the residential building...the question is what do you want..."

Lord Commander nodded, but Ye Shenyue smiled at this time.

"Of course it's magic, Yoshino, which house do you choose, Tohka? As long as I choose, I will be able to connect our houses together!"

Ye Shenyue has a good mind, but just connecting two houses together, this problem is not difficult for him, as long as he designs the teleportation magic circle, he can go to Tohka and the others from his side, and the same is true for Tohka They can also come to his side at any time, so there is no distance, right?

Just do it.Yagami walked directly into the room that Yoshino and Tohka had chosen beforehand, and stopped by the wall on the left side of the hall.

"Just choose here!"

After obtaining the consent of the two, Ye Shenyue quickly closed his eyes, trying to evoke the magic power hidden in his body, trying to recall the magic power fluctuations when Ariel-chan painted the magic circle.

Magic is like the chakra of ninjutsu, by controlling the shape and pattern of power to produce different effects.

And when you use magic, you have to chant a spell, which is to strengthen the wave formation of magic, and this is only done by elementary magicians, like Ariel-chan and the others who are called by Gaia to step into the realm of the gods with half a foot. You don't need spells, you can use magic however you want.

And now, he has to recall the magic fluctuations of Ariel-chan showing both hands in front of him.After all, he could see this teleportation array or because Yashenyue was a male who could only live in the boys' dormitory, and could not "cohabit" with her, so Ariel-chan spent her magic power to create a two-way magic array, so she could go back and forth to Yashenyue's dormitory at any time.

Now, it can be considered to be of great use in the bitter tears!

Ye Shenyue closed her eyes slightly, and the magic in her body actually appeared in front of him in a substantial form; it became a faint golden sphere, and the light of the golden sphere was very soft, but it was like the sun. Do not open your eyes.

Then the golden spherical magic power moved from Ye Shenyue's chest to the wall, and quickly drew a magic circle of a six-pointed star on the wall, and in an instant, all the golden brilliance entered the wall and finally disappeared.

"Okay! Now this wall is connected to my house, as long as you pass through this wall, you can go there."

Feeling that some of the magic power in her body was sucked away, Ye Shenyue opened her eyes a little tiredly.

Making a magic circle or a two-way magic circle is still very tiring. He remembers that Ariel-chan pestered him to help her massage her to relieve fatigue after making it.

"So miraculous?"

The commander didn't believe it, so he was the first to experiment.

Yoshino and Tohka also followed curiously.


Without any obstacles, they actually passed through the solid wall, as if it was just a moment of time, and they immediately went to another place.

A brand-new notebook, a familiar bed, and a quilt that I hurried up in the morning and didn't have time to make.

here is……

here is……

"This is Moon's room!"

The most familiar Tohka was the first to exit, while Commander Wuhe's shoulders trembled, "Brother big lecher!"

As if containing endless anger, Commander Wuhe was finally angry.

because now

Chapter 0039 The opening of the hot spring trip (2 more flowers)

"Kotori, in order to express my past mistakes, I hope you can come. Of course, I will pay for the cost, and I have already reserved the place."

In fact, the real purpose is to correct the relationship with her younger sister. Yashenyue and Wuhe younger sister, who have returned home, are still wearing black ribbons and military uniforms that indicate commander status.

It seems that Wuhe sister is determined and will not return to the simple and deceptive sister model.She herself knew that if she tied a white ribbon, it would be a good strategy, so Kotori would easily forgive Yagami's irritating behavior.

Sitting opposite her sister at this moment, her sister was expressionless, but Ye Shenyue's expression was very vivid, and she said to Sister Wuhe very sincerely.

Tohka and Yoshino were in their apartment, and when they were stared at by everyone with strange eyes, Yagami had to spend magic power again to change the exit of the two-way magic circle, and could only be honest in the hall. .

Anyway, Yoshino and the others can come over at any time, and Kotori won't be in the living room all the time, so they still don't know when they come to Kotori.

These are all shallow sketches. 5 The current Yagami Yue wants to quickly repair the relationship with her sister. It is difficult to find a good strategy for her. According to Lingyin, her favorability to him is still stable even now. The state, but the face of the sister is still a cold look, so difficult to get along with.

"Qinli, let's promise Yue, it's still fun for everyone to go together. And the hot springs also have the effect of relaxing the mind and body."

Murasame Reine, wearing only a pink nightdress and wearing small glasses, came to the stage with three cups of coffee.It's just that the white sugar on top of the coffee is chilling, is this still coffee?

Ye Shenyue brought the coffee and pushed a cup in front of Wuhe Qinli. He was still a very caring brother.


Commander Wuhe didn't change, he didn't nod or shake his head, but he couldn't help but raise his brows.

This is a sign of loosening.

It's the beginning of a good strategy!

"And I also have something I want to tell you alone, something very important, I seem to remember what happened 5 years ago... At that time, a little girl dressed like a goddess slowly leaned over while crying, And then... um..."

Before Ye Shenyue could finish her words, her mouth was covered by the commander who suddenly stood up with a petite body and a flushed face.

"Then... let's do it like this... Anyway, it's been a long time since I took a vacation, so let's just relax."

Sister Wuhe with a blushing face finally agreed, just to cover up for face, not because of a scene from 5 years ago that Yashenyue said remembered.

Wuhe sister is still very easy to attack.Her face is too thin, even compared to Tobiichi origami master.

So, the plan to go to the hot spring has officially begun!Night God Moon is looking forward to...

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