The AST secret base on the other side.

"What a bald man, it's so simple to say that you have the ability to attack the elves yourself!"

Ryoko Hibuka, who was the leader, slapped the table suddenly and became angry again.That kind of guy with a bald boss is really abominable. The daily lectures tend to take longer. From the first minute to the current 10 minutes, who can stand the nagging old man's remarks what!

"Captain... Because of the frequent appearance of energy, the standby level has increased by one level, so we can't freely go to the thirteen hot spring bases... Wait a minute, captain, don't get excited, don't get excited... ... In order to reward our captain who led our team through hardships, we decided to go to the Bliss Hot Spring, the largest of the thirteen hot springs, which has already been reserved, whether it is food or wine."

Seeing the captain's gesture of going crazy when he heard that the game was canceled, the AST members immediately explained, and at the same time threw the bait at the captain, Bliss Hot Spring.

Although there are no thirteen hot springs, it is still good to have hot springs.

"Good job! That's it!"

The captain's expression instantly became serious, as if he was giving an order, but the next second, he immediately went to pack his luggage. He had to bring special towels, wine he liked, and clothes he liked.

"I object!"

But at this time, Tobiichi Origami objected. If she went to the hot spring, she would not be able to observe (track) Yagami at any time. What if she let him leave her control?

"Beep beep..."

At this moment, Tobi Ichijun Cao's phone rang.

It was a call from Yagami Yue, which Origami had specially marked as "future husband".

"That...Origami...If you have time, go to the Bliss Hot Spring. I invited everyone to go there. I was very embarrassed that time, even if it was a little compensation from me."

Ye Shenyue was really embarrassed, she could almost push Origami, but she let go of her pigeon.

However, these are all superficial and substantive. This is Ye Shenyue's strategy under the guidance of the analysis officer, isn't Origami jealous?Then he took the opportunity to take the girls with him, and then told Origami that he was a philandering character, and asked Origami to choose whether to follow him without jealousy or break up with him.

And the good boy Origami will not choose to break up, so he can only accept it!

In this way, the jealousy problem can be solved!

Ye Shenyue once again felt that Reine was very useful, and she could ask any questions.Sure enough, the woman who became Sister Yu was very tolerant, so she didn't bother to compete with Tohka and the others for favor, but the current Lingyin was being watched closely by Kotori, and he couldn't touch her, otherwise he could do it. That kind of thing while restoring some memories in this world.

"No, I have no objection to hot spring travel."

Just hung up the phone, Cao Yuanyi immediately denied what he said just now, his face was expressionless, and in the surprised and hot eyes of many teammates, there was no shame at all.

In this way, the prelude to the hot spring trip was kicked off.

Ps: Tohka's legs in the next chapter,

Chapter 0040 Tohka's legs (one more flowers)

spa!Hot Spring~~ Hot Spring~~ In the private brown car, there was a girl's excited cry.

This is a girl with long hair in the night. The girl's face is extremely delicate, like a fairy falling from the sky. The girl's face is full of excitement and joy, and the pair of purple eyes are particularly energetic, showing full of excitement. The look on her face, just listening to her screaming so excitedly made people excited.

The scene outside is beautiful... um.It was the first time for Yoshino and Yoshina to ride in a car, so they were very excited. Also close to the glass, an excited expression.

Such a cute appearance made Ye Shenyue, a senior lolicon, instantly excited.

It's the first time to get used to the car, so let's say it early, don't just stare at the scenery outside ~~ rubbing Yoshino's head, Yagami said, this time, this time it's finally a little loli When she was not wearing a hat on her head, she touched her head, and it felt really good to touch the smooth and soft azure blue hair of Little Loli.

Ye Shenyue, this lolicon, is a little excited.

Um.Loli blushed a little.

Loli's slightly blushing face turned to face him, her blue eyes were beautiful and clear, her hair was smooth and flowing like a sea of ​​blue, and her delicate hair seemed to be cultivated with cow's milk. At this moment, Ye Shenyue only felt that her heart was beating faster and faster, and she was really attracted by Loli!

snort!An unpleasant hum came from the left.

This is from the red-haired girl with black ribbons tied in double ponytails, and Wuhe sister who is still in commander mode.

Kotori also wants to touch her head?Ye Shenyue immediately reacted, and immediately reached out.

It's just... it's not!I don't want this kind of kid's trick!The arrogant Sister Commander's face was so thin that she avoided it immediately, she didn't have that kind of intention, and she wouldn't be jealous!

Moon...I want to touch my head too...I want to touch my head too!Yatogami Tohka, who had been very excited in front of her, immediately puffed out her cheeks, turned her little head to the back and said loudly to Yagami.

"Uh... it's too far!"

Yagami was really embarrassed, because Reine said that you can see more from the passenger seat, so Tohka sat in the front without hesitation, and the situation became the current situation. There are three rows of seats in the car. , the first row is the driver's seat, the next row is Yoshino and Yoshina, and the last is him and Kotori.

His hands haven't evolved into a long arm monkey, so he still can't touch Tohka's cute head, which is almost two meters away.

The other two people invited by Ye Shenyue acted separately. At the age of 29, the unmarried teacher Xiaozhu has already gone to the hot spring, and Origami said that she will travel by herself. According to the plot, she should go with her team leader.

"Don't~~don't~~people will touch it~~people will also want to~~" Tohka started to be petty and persistent.

"Cough, if you don't mind the trouble, then touch your sister too..."

Commander Wuhe's eyes closed slightly, and she immediately reversed her camp, who had said she would not participate.

One is close by and the other is "far away" two meters away, who touches first?

It stands to reason that the distance is far away, but the distance of the sister is close, and it is difficult to say whether Tohka can touch it!

Sure enough, I have to touch my sister at this time!

However, at this time, Yoshina, who seemed to want to step in without being too troublesome, also turned her head and stretched out her rabbit head, closer to him than Kotori.

"It looks like a lot of fun, Tsuki-kun, Yoshina also wants to touch it!"

Now the choice has suddenly become three!

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