What should he do?

Tohka will definitely be dissatisfied if she chooses Kotori, and she will also be dissatisfied if she chooses Yoshina Kotori.

Is this the Shura Field?

"If you have to touch it, I don't mind..."

At this time, even the chief analysis officer of Murasame Reine, who was driving seriously, also joined in.

All of a sudden, four small faces and four pairs of eyes all fell on him, feeling that no matter who he chooses is the ending of the Shura field.Especially now, Wuhe sister is still angry with him at a critical juncture.

"It's still my sister... Kotori is the cutest..."

Touching her own conscience, Ye Shenyue finally chose Wuhe sister despite all difficulties, "How old are you, who would use the word "beautiful" to describe her! And your strength is too heavy, and your hairstyle has been messed up by you!"

Even so, Sister Wuhe was obviously not in the mood, didn't you see her enjoying expression on her face?

"Nuo... people want to touch... people want to touch them too! I don't touch people for a month!"

Looking at Sister Wuhe's expression of enjoyment as if she was a kitten, Tohka puffed out her cheeks and sighed, her habitual movements that were unique when she was angry also came, she lifted her beautiful thighs and kicked down directly. Rhythm, charm and strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

The moving car suddenly stopped with a sound, and it was stopped forcibly.But the impact of the sudden stop was still very strong. Yagami's body, who was holding on to open the seat belt and touch Tohka's head, rushed forward, pressing on Xiao Luo, who was weak and unwilling to bully in front of her. Li's body.

No regrets for a lifetime lolicon!


There was another cold snort that was clear to the ears, still from his lovely Wuhe sister, Ye Shenyue turned her head and got up embarrassedly, he was a little reluctant to part with it, the little Loli's body is really soft and boneless, it's really good Think about bullying.

It's just that she is still pressing the little loli under her sister's eyelids, and Ye Shenyue has to get up even if she is reluctant to give up.

"Yoshino, are you alright?"

Ye Shenyue touched the little loli's head, buried all the dirty thoughts, and showed the smile of the big brother of sunshine.

"No...it's okay..."

The little loli was still so cute, and got up weakly, but the rabbit puppet in her hand was restless. "Just now, Yue-kun must have had a strange idea when he was holding down Yoshino? What are you thinking? What about training Yoshino? Yoshino has already prepared it for a long time~~ You can do it anytime~~" Yes, your sister!

Ye Shenyue didn't believe anything this rabbit said, Yoshino could only be deceived, how could she insult her in a fair and honest way?

"Well... Yue doesn't care about others at all! If you want to tune in~ to teach something, you can only ask Yoshino! People are angry!"

Tohka looked at Ye Shenyue with all her eyes on Yoshino, feeling uncomfortable for a long time. She puffed out her cheeks, continued to raise her thighs habitually and kicked down.

It's very rhythmic and powerful. It just kicked the solid bottom of the car all at once. What's even more shocking is that the place where Tohka kicked down actually dented down, as if it was a bull from a mountain. The surrounding area is sunken.

Amid the loud noise, both the car and the person sank.

"Cough cough... Tohka... You really..."

After coming out of the huge pit, Ye Shenyue patted the soil on her body with a helpless expression on her face. Tohka's legs were really strong enough. He had seen with his own eyes that before she was sealed, Tohka just kicked with her feet and then kicked out. After killing the Duke, such a domineering way of appearing is really worthy of being a Valkyrie, and now that her power is sealed, her legs are still so strong, it is estimated that she has been kicking for three days and three nights in a row, killing the whole of Japan. Kicks are not a problem.

But speaking, Tohka's legs are really terrible, fortunately, she didn't accidentally kick him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand the kick.

"I'm sorry..."

Looking at the scrapped car and the crowd covered in dust, Tohka finally understood that she was in trouble.The big purple eyes are full of shame and a little bit of sparkle. It seems that if you don't forgive her, she will cry and show you.

"Forget it... It doesn't matter, it's not too far anyway, just walk over there."

Ye Shenyue rubbed Tohka's head. Tohka was a pure child, and a very possessive child. She really didn't commit any major crimes, and she was so pitiful that she couldn't scold her. .

"Tohka is really amazing...to be able to hit it with just one kick... woo woo..."

Yoshina still wanted to continue, but Yoshino also covered her mouth. Yashinyuki looked over and gave Yoshino an approving look. Little Loli blushed again, but this time there was no hat to pull her off and then Cover your face.

It's just that this slightly shy face is really cute, and it makes people want to bully her again.

"Let's walk with Tohka holding hands this time."

Ye Shenyue was afraid that Tohka would be jealous and angry again later, and the whole way would not be enough to kick her.

So I gave her permission first and held the girl's soft fingers.

"Report! Commander, AST discovered! Operation plan obstruction?"

At this moment, Commander Kotori received a message from his subordinates.

"AST has appeared!"

Kotori approached Ye Shenyue's ear and said softly.

"Don't worry about it! Anyway, now they can't detect the fluctuation of the power of the spirits in Yoshino and Tohka. Don't waste resources."

Now that Tohka has kicked down the road, according to the development of the plot, AST and the others just came to travel and were trapped. It's really not a big problem.

Anyway, they are all young girls. It's nothing to soak in the hot springs together, and you can have a feast for the eyes.


Kotori nodded, but touched her chin with one hand. If AST came, then Tobiichi Origami would also come!

How to drive her away?

Still have to stop?

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