Wuhe sister immediately fell into the mode of commander.

ps: Thanks to Kenl2399 Stellar-Dark Nebula, Rogue Xiaoxuan, for the monthly pass, the hard-working gunman for the reminder ticket, and thanks to Ye, Mr. Meng for the flowers and comments.

Chapter 0041 Tohka's Legs

"Report captain, the road ahead suddenly collapsed."

"Report captain, there is a broken bridge on the right!"

"Report to the captain, there is a herd of bulls on the left."

"Report Captain, there is a shopping street behind!"

"All in all, we can't do anything but stay where we are!"

After collecting the investigation information of the team members, Captain Hikata Liaozi finally came to this conclusion.

First, I was criticized and lectured by a bald boss who only lectured.Then, because of the frequent appearance of idiot elves, their thirteen hot springs planned to play and eat and drink casually. Finally, they finally had a consolation meeting and went to Bliss Hot Spring, the largest and most comfortable hot spring, but now, first, take the train Then the road was destroyed and the train had to be abandoned. How could their determination to go to the hot spring be blocked by this?

So I decided to walk without any hesitation, just put on the armor and the speed has been greatly improved, and I am not afraid of various attacks, but why are they still making fun of them like this?Whether it's a broken bridge, a herd of bulls, or a commercial street that suddenly appears, they can't be stopped, they can't be stopped!

"Origami, go check the situation!"

The captain is almost full of anger, but she can only suppress it. She is going to the hot spring, to the hot spring!Every day is continuous work and then on duty, she is about to become an old girl, only the hot spring can save her!


Tobiichi Jun Cao is very active, as long as you find the way, you can reach the hot spring, and then you can be with her boyfriend...

Origami jumped up and looked around, "There is no obstacle in front, and there is no obstacle in the back, there is a road after 100 meters, and the commercial street is only a short [-] meters."

"Very good...then we'll...just...it's really annoying! In the end, let's not let people go to the hot springs!"

Hearing such good news, Captain Captain was still very happy, but before she could finish her voice, four pieces of concrete suddenly flew over from nowhere, wrapping them all like dumplings.

Up, down, left, right, as long as you touch the ground, it's all concrete!Cover them all!It's like trapping them all.

How are you going to take them!

The captain is really angry this time, and the obsession with hot springs in her heart will not be lost to anyone.

"Little guys, take out all the guys, what are these broken dirt, shoot them all for me, and if anyone has bullets left, I'll stuff them all into her chrysanthemum! Hurry up! Give it to me!"

Lifting the heavy cannon, the captain was completely turned upside down.

And the rest of the team members didn't dare to go against it. Everyone could see that the captain who appeared was a little abnormal. God knows if she would really put bullets into the chrysanthemum if it was abnormal.

It's scary without trying to think about it!

All kinds of heavy artillery began to fire frantically.

On the other side, there were several groups of people who had already approached the hot springs.

Ye Shenyue is holding Tohka with her left hand, while Lingyin is holding her right hand. Sister Wuhe walks in front of Yeshenyue without raising her eyebrows, while Little Loli is being held by Lingyin. It's a strange combination. .

"Kotori, you still used your strength to stop those AST members!"

Hearing the noisy voice and looking at the houses that were sinking behind her, cold sweat broke out on Ye Shenyue's forehead.

"You saw it... I really can't help it, I don't want them to make trouble... I'm all for everyone's sake..."

Qin Li's eyes were a little dazed, a cute look that he didn't dare to admit.

"Forget it...then put it like this..."

Ye Shenyue shrugged, everyone was happy anyway, it wasn't him who lost money anyway.


Only at this time, a missile suddenly appeared in the distant heavy artillery area.

"Not good! Everyone hurry up and avoid it!"

Wuhe sister has the commander's momentum to guide, only Tohka is relatively simple. She didn't know how many shells she had when she was attacked by AST. She didn't care about so many shells. Now I want her for just one piece. bow your head?

Tohka is still very brave.

"Idiot! Now you are in a sealed state, what should you do if you are injured?"

Ye Shenyue quickly pulled her away, "Touch!"

The explosion of the missile made a loud noise and at the same time brought a strong aftermath. The huge residual wind seemed to blow away the whole person, and the clothes were smashed by the wind.


Yoshino, who grabbed Reine's arm, couldn't grasp the puppet in his hand, and watched helplessly as Yoshina was blown away by the residual wind.


Yoshino's disappeared again, and the little loli cried again. Although her Yoshina was very unreliable and often said things that made her shy, Yoshina was still her very important friend and could not be separated from her.

As if verifying the power of the ice spirit, he drew a circle with Yoshino as the center, and the entire ten-mile radius turned into glaciers, freezing the house.

At this time, Ye Shenyue's body had a strange feeling.

Sure enough, the power was taken away again.

In the white space around, Ye Shenyue felt that the power that belonged to Yoshino sealed in his body was weakening, as if it had been forcibly taken away.Even if the elf is sealed, he can still get his power back, just like Tohka.And Yoshino was emotionally unstable when Yoshina was gone, so Little Lolita regained her power and was venting.

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