Chapter 0045 My hot spring is the Shura field?

"Yadao God Tohka!"

"Tobiichi Origami!"

The two, who were also wearing only a pure white bath towel, met in the hot spring like this.

Tohka stared at Origami and Origami stared at Tohka.As soon as they met, these two naturally aggressive guys said each other's names word by word.

"Why are you here!"

X2 This is an extremely unpleasant sound, as if something good has been blocked.

"Of course Yue invited me here."

The relaxed and cheerful sound of the X2.It's just that two people who pronounced the same phonetic symbol and the same text at the same time stared at each other.

Tohka was upset because she didn't know that Origami would come, and Origami was also upset when she guessed that Tohka would come.

"It seems that Yue is not with you... Where has Yue gone?"

Origami looked at Reine and the shy Yoshino expressionlessly, but couldn't find the figure of the person she expected.

"Yue said he didn't want to see you so he went somewhere else!"

Tohka held her head high and turned her face sideways in contempt for Origami.

"You are lying."

Origami has no expressions.

"No! I'm telling the truth!"

Tohka continued to hold her head up.

"If you lie, you will be seen through at a glance!"

Origami remained expressionless.

" do you know?"

Where did she show her stuff?It was obvious that she was just imitating Ye Shenyue's expression when she lied to Qin Li, so what was wrong?Looking back at Ling Yin, Ling Yin shrugged helplessly.

"Because you're an idiot! Idiots are the easiest to see through!"

Not in a tone of questioning, but in the affirmative tone of some formal verdict, as if stating the absolute truth.

"'re the fool, your whole family is stupid!"

Tohka got angry and stared at Origami hard.If it wasn't for Ye Shenyue saying that she couldn't use force, she would definitely use the "leg technique" that she had performed continuously today.

"Hahaha... Tohka is really an idiot, I don't know if I was cheated by others... Hahaha... woo woo..."

Yoshina, who had been watching the play, finally couldn't help it and complained loudly.It was just that Yoshino's mouth was covered by Yoshino as usual.

"Okay... You're actually cheating on me! It's too much! Tobiichi Origami!"

Although Yoshina's mouth was covered, she still heard the word "fraud", which means that Origami didn't even know she was a liar, but let her admit that she was a liar!

Tobiichi Origami is so cunning!

"I don't have time to talk to you, I'm looking for Yue!"

Origami turned around and left without even looking at Tohka, but Tohka grabbed her hand as fast as she could and fell to the ground.

"Yue has something to do! Don't disturb Yue!"

Tohka grabbed Origami firmly, and even if there was nothing to do, she couldn't let her go to Yue.

"You think you can stop me? Humph! Even crawling... I'll crawl over!"


Tohka was still a little stunned, and then her body moved, and being moved by someone was actually pulling her while crawling.

Tobiichi Origami's obsession is being envied by Commander Wuhe, a person who is even jealous of Max. , and the speed of the climb is really fast, almost catching up with the average person.


Not only Yoshino this pure loli was stunned, but even Muramame Reine was a little dumbfounded, this, this behavior is really strong~ violent!

Crawling if they can't walk, it's really a shame they figured it out.

"Ling Yin..."

Looking at the two who had already "crawled" out, Yoshino's expression was a bit awkward.

"Well... let's go too... It's too monotonous for two people..."

Reine stood up gracefully and calmly, while holding Yoshino's small hand, she also pulled Yoshino up and slowly landed on the shore.

"Okay! The journey to find Brother Yue begins!"

What this guy likes most about Yoshina is liveliness, and he immediately gets excited...

"Qinli! Don't think you can escape from my palm, come out obediently!"

"Stop and don't move!"

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