A piece of hot air is boiling, and in the hot air, you can't see the scene ahead at all, and you can only vaguely see the silhouette of someone moving.

As soon as Ye Shenyue's voice came out, the figure not far from him seemed to be stunned and was about to be caught.

Could it be that Xiaoqinli surrendered?

Ye Shenyue, a wild goose, swooped on it, only to find that...

Hmm... soft... Then, Kotori's milk volume shouldn't be that high, but her gold content is very low.

"You are... Xiaozhu!"

With a fan in his hand, it swept away the heat in front of him like a palm fan, but revealed Teacher Xiaozhu's cute little face!

How could it be a bead?

"Does Yue-jun want to play the game of instructors and subordinates? As long as Yue-jun orders, people will do anything~~" Teacher Xiaozhu was so excited that she almost didn't say "this is what a good wife wants" .Unexpectedly, according to that person's instructions, I really found Yuejun.

At first, Teacher Xiaozhu stayed at the reserved hot spring No. 2 according to Ye Shenyue's instructions, but she couldn't wait, but at this time, a kind person told her the exact location. In the mood to give it a try, I didn't expect to find Yuejun!

"Anything can be done? But the instructors and students are not good. How about we play the game of teachers and students?"

Looking at the figure of Teacher Xiaozhu, Loli, Ye Shenyue was a little moved. He was the least resistant to Loli.

"Hey Hey hey!"

At this time, the younger sister sauce, who should have poured water on Ye Shenyue's face, came back, and looked at Ye Shenyue, who was already tempted, with uncomfortable red eyes.She has been on the side all the time, suddenly there is no one to say, and she is about to shamelessly play "games" in front of her, which is so disrespectful to her Wuhe sister.

"Yuejun, who is she?"

Ms. Zhu felt the unpleasant gaze from her younger sister.It's just that she is kind and just wants to have a good relationship with each other.

"My sister, Wuhe Qinli."

"Sister? Then you will be a little sister-in-law in the future?"

Teacher Xiaozhu suddenly panicked, but she also became enthusiastic. "First time meeting, I am Gangfeng Zhuhui, Yuejun's class teacher, and also a candidate who has a marriage agreement with him, your future sister-in-law!"

"It's sister-in-law again!"

Sister Wuhe glared at Yeshenyue, to say that sister's heart knot was untied, after all, she was affirmed, knowing that she still has a very important position in Yeshenyue's heart, but... ... Knowing this does not mean that she can accept all the girls in Yashenyue without restraint. My sister will still be a little jealous because of this and that.

For example, now, when I hear the marriage agreement again, and hear the name sister-in-law again, my sister's heart is uncomfortable again, and she pouted and said nothing.

Let's wait for a while as if it's Teacher Xiaozhu who is submitting the application form.

Fortunately, Ye Shenyue helped.Soothe her sister, secretly intimacy.Let her have to show the demeanor that her sister should have.

"Xiaozhu, who brought you here? I remember that I didn't tell you that I was in this hot spring."

She touched her sister's head soothingly and asked her to say "hello" with a small mouth, but Ye Shenyue was really interested in Xiaozhu.

"You said this... She is a very kind girl, she is very beautiful, her long black hair is divided into double ponytails, and she has a delicate face, but I don't know why she used her hair to cover one eye. It looks good too.”

Teacher Xiaozhu recalled hard, recalling the appearance of the girl who showed her the way.

"What? A girl who looks very quiet and kind? She also has long black ponytails and her hair covers her eyes?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly had a bad feeling.

Shouldn't it be...

Tokisaki mad three!

"Ala... Moon-kun, our destiny is really entangled by the sky~ I didn't expect to meet you here, and it was delivered to my door... specially for me... to eat~~" When Ye Shenyue couldn't believe it, it was even more incredible. From the warm water, a girl who wrapped her protruding body in a soft and smooth bath towel walked out.

The girl exudes an elegant and quiet yet mysterious atmosphere.She has long black hair, and her face is as beautiful as delicate porcelain. Only one bright eye is exposed and the other eye is covered by the black hair intentionally or unintentionally. In the gap where the silk moves, you can see the covered eye, the eye of the clock.

This is a beautiful girl, she has a unique name.

"Tokisaki Kuangsan!"

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, watching her move forward step by step, she couldn't help but scream.At this time, there was a loud sound of objects falling into the water from the hot spring.

ps: The third master is on the stage again, scatter flowers.Thank you for your support.

Chapter 0046 My hot spring is the Shura field? (Down)

"You... Who are you? Are you an elf!"

Sister Wuhe looked at this girl with a sweet smile and immediately judged that the other party's visitor was not good.Although the other party is smiling, and a smile is the best medium for communication, at this moment, Kotori is keenly aware that this smile is not right!

And from the other party's body, the familiar feeling as if they were compatriots, just like facing Tohka and Yoshino, Wuhe sister, who is also an elf, immediately frowned.

The elf gave her a strange feeling.

"By the way! Yuejun, it's this girl who showed me the way you are here. Thank you very much just now."

Teacher Xiaozhu, who didn't understand the situation, bowed to Kuangsan and thanked Kuangsan, which caused Kuangsan to chuckle, but Ye Shenyue covered her forehead. As expected, Kuangsan pointed the way, but how did Kuangsan know He's here?

Also, in the original plot, it was impossible for Kurumi to come to the hot spring!Could it be because of the sore muscles of Murderer that he also wanted to relax, but Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a little cold on her back when she thought of this.

"Yue, who is she? Is it a third party who suddenly came out to destroy someone else's family?"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue felt that her foot was being held by someone, it was a very soft little hand, it should be... a girl's hand!

girl's hand?

Looking down, she immediately saw Tohka taking off the towel that Yashinyuki had wrapped around her waist, leaning her body and driving Origami underneath, and the two fell into the water together again.

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