The splashes caught everyone's attention.

Rather than saying that Origami and the others are being noticed, it is better to say that Yagami Yue is being paid attention to at this moment.

"ten spices!"

Ye Shenyue didn't know what expression to use. At this time, standing was not picking up the bath towel that Tohka had torn off, and she had to sit down and use the spring water to cover something.After all, the relationship has not been completely determined, so it is still very inappropriate to disclose all the "secrets" to the world.

Moreover, the most important point at the moment is that there is still an unresolved Kurumi San, and Kotori, who has not yet completed the raid, is present. If Lou continues to be naked, the consequences must be tragic and tragic. He remembers that Kuang San likes to kill those who want to bully. A hooligan of a good girl.

His current naked Lou behavior has become a hooligan in Kurumi's eyes.At this moment, Ye Shenyue really wanted to cover her face.

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

Climbing up from the water, Tohka lowered her head in a pitiful manner. Tears seemed to be brewing in her big purple eyes, making people unable to scold.

My sister's face was completely red. If the last time I was full of images of what Yagami Yue did to Tohka, then the images that were full of shock in my mind now became this moment - Elephant !

My sister suddenly felt that the world was spinning.

"Yue...Yuejun...this...and...let's prepare for the teacher...after all, before marriage..."

Teacher Xiaozhu blushed and half fainted. Fortunately, Kotori held her back, otherwise Tohka and Origami would have fallen into the water with a plop.

"Yeah~~ Little brother really has reached the highest level of wireless sex demons, making Yoshino blush again!"

Reine, who hurriedly chased after Origami and the others, and Yoshino with a rabbit hand puppet also rushed over, but as soon as they came in, they saw the picture of Yagami taking off the bath towel by Tohka, Reine didn't react, but four Itano lowered her head and blushed, while Yoshina in her hand was talking loudly, and she really was an unstoppable master.

"Ala~~ It turns out that Yuejun is so thirsty~~ so eager to become one with others~~~" Kuangsan covered his mouth with a chuckle, and a patch of pink appeared on Bai Nen's cheeks just right. I'm also looking forward to it... I'm looking forward to being able to eat Moon-kun so quickly~~" Tokisaki Kurumi faintly revealed a bloodthirsty smile amid his charming smile. A rogue or something, it really won't be a psychological burden if you eat it.


Xn The same surprise came from the mouths of different girls. Tohka was purely adding to the confusion. As a good child, she didn't understand these words. She just watched Origami and called out first, and she followed suit. Anyway, in Tohka's heart Just can't lose to Origami.

The sudden scream and agitation awakened even Teacher Xiaozhu, who should have fainted. "If you must...have sex before's okay to give the teacher some time to prepare..."

"It's not enough to have Tohka and Reine, are you so hungry and thirsty that even this elf who came out of nowhere has to be shot!"

Sister Wuhe was extremely angry. I wonder if it was Ye Shenyue's illusion. Just at the moment when Sister Wuhe was ashamed and angry, her double ponytails that he had put down seemed to recover in an instant, and her sister took it directly from Ye Shenyue's hands. The black ribbon was re-tied, and it seemed that she also understood that now is not the time to be weak, but to let the strong commander appear again!

"Have Tohka? Tohka, Yato God?"

Origami suddenly grabbed Tohka's arm, "Have you done it with Yue?"

"Done? What do you mean by done?"

Tohka's face is foggy, but people are still very simple.

"It is shameless to throw Yuejun to the ground, sit on top of him, and then rape him!"

Origami grabbed Tohka with a resentful expression, as if the girl in front of her had the same hatred as her.


The xN crowd screamed.It also includes Ye Shenyue, at most it is pushed back, how can a boy say the word rape?

"Forcibly hug? It seems like...but Yue didn't refuse." Tohka's face was a little red, she seemed to have really forcibly hugged Ye Shenyue many times, but it's nothing, right?

"Yetao God Tohka, die!"

Origami definitely misheard Tohka's "strong hug" as "rape", and actually shot at Tohka directly, while Tohka was reflexively dodging, avoiding it but making a splash. Be careful to splash on Kurumi's body.

"It's really lively, Yuejun, these are all your harems~~ It's really lively~~ It's just that the relationship inside doesn't seem to be balanced, don't mind if I join too~~" Kuang Sanyong put the towel on his forehead Wiping the splash on his face, looking at Tohka and Origami who continued to attack me and hide, Kuangsanqiao smiled sweetly, looking eager to try.


Kurumi showed a slightly shy expression like a literary girl.

"This one……"

Third Master, are you going to turn passive into active?

Ye Shenyue wanted to agree, but if she agreed, it would be a lifeless fate.After all, Kurumi only wanted to get close to him and kill him.


xN Whether it is Tohka or Origami, whether it is Kotori or Yoshino all vote against...

It's just that Tohka and Origami don't want anyone else to intervene. Sister Wuhe is jealous, and Teacher Xiaozhu is thinking about when her wedding will be scheduled if one more person is added.So what is the reason for the last Yoshito who said "No"?

Yoshino didn't speak, but lowered her face and didn't seem to lift her face. The "no" just now was said by Yoshina without permission.

"But people are here today to fit in with Moon-kun~~ Couldn't even this small request be allowed?"

Tokisaki Kurumi shook his head slightly, as if... he had suffered a lot of grievances.

"Really so!"

xN Almost all the girls turned their attention to Ye Shenyue. At this time, Kuang San, her expression of loss and grievance didn't seem fake. I can only say... Could it be true? ?

Because of the principle of same-sex attraction, everyone who is a girl immediately stood on Kurumi's side.

"No wonder you have booked so many hot springs, each of which is different. Sure enough, you are doing all kinds of bad things without telling us! What a great interest!"

Kotori's younger sister was the most sober, and she immediately grasped the facts and analyzed it.It's just the conscience of heaven and earth, he Ye Shenyue never thought about breaking up and having sex, he is pure.

"According to the current evidence, sorry for the month, I can only analyze that you have plans for this girl."

Even Lingyin, whom Ye Shenyue relied on the most, actually abandoned him this time.

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