As if the army was defeated like a mountain, Ling Yin turned against the enemy, and everyone else believed it.

"Really...I can't believe it...Yuejun is such a person..."

In the end, even Yoshino had a confident expression on his face, but this time, more scorching gazes fell on Ye Shenyue, and the girls surrounded him.

"Sure enough, it's turned into a Shura field? Little brother, you are really lucky~~" Yoshina in Yoshino's hands carefully looked at the crowd gathered in the hot spring, clapped her hands and gloated.

Good luck your sister!

At this moment, under the hot eyes of the girls, Ye Shenyue's complexion is as bitter as it is, especially the black hair and shoulders outside the 0.4 circle, and the pure white bath towel is tightly attached to the protruding transparent. Shi Ji Kuang San stared at the slender body, Kuang San was still covering his mouth with one hand and seemed to be chuckling.

Kuang San, you really did it on purpose, deliberately intervening ~ come in to talk to stir up the Shura field.A black-bellied and black-hearted girl really can't be provoked!

Can the word fit be used casually?It's easy to be misunderstood!

There is also Tohka, can you not misunderstand, this combination of people is not a combination of the other, but to kill and eat him to become a person!

You are all deceived!

The thought of Kuangsan's passive attack might turn into an active attack made Ye Shenyue's heart feel strange.It would be fine if he was actively chased by a girl, but they wanted to eat him with the belt bones one by one.The most terrible thing is that because of the accidental real body, the other party has no guilt for killing him.Really great depression!

It's just that Kuangsan has appeared. Are those ASTs also coming out?

Could it be that the Shura field will evolve into a big melee?

As far as the current situation of the Shura Field is concerned, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that this trip to the hot spring was really not too cool!

ps: next chapter.Origami proposal, please subscribe for comments!

Chapter 0047 Origami's proposal? (2 more flowers)

"How about we tie this lecher to a log and parade it? Only this kind of excitement can make him feel ashamed!"

In the Shura Field, Sister Wuhe was the first to speak, and as soon as she spoke, she made a decision to parade through the streets to show the crowd. At that time, she would not be ashamed but ashamed!

Ye Shenyue swore that if they caught him, he would definitely run away!

"No, how can I let mortals see my Yue's body in a fair manner!"

No need to worry about Yashenyue, Kotori's sister immediately refuted Origami as soon as she proposed it, and she said it decisively, which moved Yashenyue.

Sure enough, Origami is still caring, but Origami's next sentence made Yashin Yue step into a deep area.

"Just take a picture of the moon and make it into a DVD, and once you find a girl to strike up a conversation, give her a DVD immediately!"

When she said this, Master Origami's face was calm and she didn't think she had come up with a plan that terribly crossed history.

Origami master, what are you going to make a fuss about? Even the most courageous girl will stay away from him forever and ever!

This trick of origami is really clever. It's like being naked in front of a girl. At the beginning, if you don't have a lot of favorability, you will immediately get naked, and the favorability will immediately change to a negative value of 06, so don't say you want the other party. Staying in the Crystal Palace is even more difficult to make the other party "not hate"!

It can be said that this trick of origami is simply killing it!

If they are allowed to practice like this, he will not be able to soak any elves, and the road to the Crystal Palace will be over.There will also be "perverts" and "naked men" for life.

Thinking of such cruel results, Ye Shenyue almost wanted to self-mutilate.

"It doesn't feel good...Yuejun...isn't that perverted..."

Yoshino lowered her head, as if she was saying good things for Ye Shenyue.

Just what does the phrase "not that perverted yet" mean?Sure enough, she was already considered a pervert by Yoshino Little Loli?

"Then it's settled! Tobiichi Origami is very upset with you, but this time you have a good idea... erotic brother, you can't touch the fate of the new beautiful girl again~~ Oh hoo hoo~~ "At this moment, Wuhe's younger sister seems to have grown a small horn belonging to the black top demon on her head, with an excited expression.

"Huh? What about that elf girl?"

It's just that Sister Wuhe wanted to continue to scare Ye Shenyue, but when she counted the number of people, she found that there seemed to be one less, and the missing one was the elf who caused them to besiege Ye Shenyue.

At first, she was asking about the elf, but somehow, it ended up besieging Ye Shenyue!

The plot develops.

Sister Wuhe felt a little weird, she seemed to be used as a gunman.

"I don't know... He was still here just now, did he go back?"

Teacher Xiaozhu replied.

"Two minutes after you surrounded Yue, she disappeared in place and left."

Reine pushed the small glasses and explained.She saw the scene just now.

"Right! That girl... I remember, she was the girl I saw on the date with Yue, it seems... Yue seems to call her Tokisaki Kurumi."

Tohka frowned cutely and said loudly while thinking back hard.


Tobiichi Origami's attention was also highly concentrated, but his attention was on the word "date".Origami-san looked at Tohka and then at Yashinyuki, frowning indiscernibly.And Tokisaki Kurumi's name seems to have an impression, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Tokisaki Kurumi? Huh... with this name, shouldn't that child be..."

At this time, Teacher Xiaozhu had a surprised expression and continued to say, "The principal informed me that a new classmate will be transferred to our class tomorrow, and her name seems to be... Tokisaki Kurumi! Because this is a girl. But with a domineering name like Kuang San, people remember it at once, and I wondered what kind of girl she would be. Is she as domineering as the name says, but I didn't expect it to be such a cute girl... …”

Teacher Xiaozhu also had a sweet smile on her face.He seems to be satisfied with Kurumi's first impression, she is indeed a cute girl.

Just listening to Teacher Xiaozhu's contentment that Kusan is such a lovely girl, Yashenyue twitched the corners of her mouth.

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