He knew exactly where the mad three mad three went crazy.

How can the collapsed sick girl be a crazy word?

"Everyone, let's continue soaking in the hot springs... Anyway, they're all here, aren't they... It was all the inducement of the mad three just now, and we all fell for the mad three... I don't care about her!"

Ye Shenyue pulled Origami's hand closest to him and asked her to sit down too. Origami was a obedient and obedient child he liked very much. Sure enough, Origami sat down and touched his hand quietly.

Origami sat down, and Tohka sat down and let the warm spring water wrap her body.

Then came Lingyin and Yoshino, and finally Wuhe sister also sat down and continued to soak. After all, everyone was enjoying why she had to stand alone?

"You really don't have any other big thoughts?"

It's just Ye Shenyue's last words, "I don't care about Kuang San", and Sister Wuhe doesn't believe that "she is an elf, and you have to kiss her in the end!"

The pressure Kuang San put on her was huge, and it was terrifying for someone who had brought the whole situation under control in just a few words.


Yoshino's face couldn't help blushing. Today alone, she must have been kissed twice.

It's just that at this time, there is no more provocation by Kurumi, and there is no more noise from Yoshina, and the scene seems to be harmonious.

Tohka and Origami were on one side, separating them and preventing the two of them from fighting, and arranging Kotori on Tohka's side also avoided friction between her and Origami. As for the cute Yoshino, who is on either side Yes, such a cute loli is not easy to bully even if it is origami.

Yagami remembers that when Origami fought against Yoshino, she chose to shoot her instead of killing her.

Although using Yoshina to seduce him is part of the reason, but another reason, Yagami thinks, maybe because he confessed to her that he wants to save the elf.

If she kills the elf, she can only pass him by.

Is Origami also afraid of such an ending?

Looking at the expressionless Origami's white face, Ye Shenyue was a little lost...

"It's really a pleasant hot spring...hoss...this shochu is also great!"

All the AST members in the No. 10 hot spring were all relaxed and enjoying themselves, and the leader, Ryoko Hibakata, enjoyed it even more, and asked the proprietress to bring the shochu and taste it carefully while soaking in the hot spring. It was really comfortable.

"But...where did Origami go?"

The captain swept the surrounding team members, but did not see her confidant Tobiichi Origami.

"Going to the toilet? Forget it... Continue drinking the bar... Sure enough, I'm enjoying a life of 830... Huh... Why do you feel your eyelids are a little heavy?"

At this time of enjoyment, compared with shochu, the confidant finally chose shochu, which is really a beautiful enjoyment.

"Captain! Well...it seems I'm getting sleepy...are you dizzy?"

"I'm so sleepy too!"

"The eyelids are so heavy!"

"Me too……"

"team leader……"

More and more team members began to react. The captain finally realized that something was wrong. He was about to get up, but found that he could no longer move. He tried to open his eyes, but found that his eyelids were closed. lost consciousness.

"thanks for treatment."

At the moment when the last remaining leader fainted, a girl appeared beside the hot spring.This is a dreamy girl.

The girl who twisted her skirt with her hands, half-bent her body, and flung her beautiful double ponytail, walked slowly and gracefully step by step. The most eye-catching thing was her eyes. One of her eyes was the eye of the clock. mysterious eyes.

Seeing the fainted Tokisaki Kurumi, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a smile appeared. This trip wasn't just to observe Ye Shenyue, but also to make some extra money.She needs the vitality of others to maintain her own spiritual strength, and the vitality obtained by killing so many scumbags is indeed impressive, but now, these AST members, who are already beyond ordinary people, their vitality is even more vigorous, So if you give her a little bit, it won't be a problem.

The girl called an elf had a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of her mouth.

ps: In the next chapter, the home court of the third master, my name is Tokisaki Kurumi, and I am an elf.

Chapter 0048 My name is Shizaki Kuangsan (one more flowers)

"Damn elves! Elves are bastards!"

After the trip to the hot spring, after recovering with great difficulty, Liaozi Hibuka, who had absorbed the vitality, directly threw a bunch of information about the elves out of the window. Just yesterday, they were all brought down by the elves. It was a humiliation. Great humiliation!

And this morning, I had to be scolded by the bald leader so hard!They are the wounded, okay?Even if there is no trauma, it will be tiring!I don't know how the elf did it, it was so strange that it stunned them all and sucked their energy.

"Report Captain, the Chong Gong Zhenna who was sent to assist us has already come to report."

Even though he was also the victim of Kurumi's absorption of vitality, the team members at this time looked at the angry captain and didn't think that the elf who absorbed their vitality would be scarier than the angry captain now!

"Chong Gong Mana? The girl who killed an elves? Let's go and see... um... Let's play against Origami and see what she can do."

Hibuka turned around and became more relaxed, but he was a little unhappy in his heart.

She asked Origami to fight, but she was actually trying the Takamiya Mana sent from above.They are stationed ASTs, and when they suddenly sent Tsung Miya-san down, aren't they saying something like "You are too weak, or send someone to lead you"?

That's why she wanted Origami to try it out. If the opponent loses, she can get her face back and pat the table and let the bald boss take back Chonggong Zhenna!

It's just that the first game, the second game, the third game... and finally the tenth game, the results did not change.

Chong Gong Zhenna wins!

"As expected of the elite who killed the elves!"

The captain finally gave in. Her confidant, Origami, was already an elite among the elites. She actually lost ten times out of ten. It wasn't that Origami was going backwards, but that the opponent was too strong.

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