Right now, they could only watch as Kurumi walked down from the podium and walked to Hiroto Tonomachi.

Is it to favor this young man!

"No thanks... Yuejun, can you help me with this?"

But at this time, Kuang San turned around and smiled generously towards Ye Shen Yue Luoluo.


The students were stunned and stunned by this title.They have only heard Origami and Tohka call Yagami Yue "Moon", but now this friendly and close address "Moon-kun" shows that the relationship between the two of them is not ordinary?

They already know each other?

"Kangsan, do you know Ye Shenyue?"

He was a little bold and immediately asked, and everyone quieted down and listened. "Yeah... I've met twice, the most recent one was yesterday~ Yue-jun's body is really good~~" Kusan covered his mouth with a chuckle.


l I don't know what to think, most of the faces of both boys and girls are red.

And the boys even cast their gaze towards Ye Shenyue that was so hot that it almost killed people.That is naked ~ naked jealousy and hatred!In this era when it is hard to find a girlfriend, this guy has taken over all the beautiful girls in the class at once, and now even the new transfer students are not spared!

It's so disgusting and so enviable!

"Classmate Kuangsan, out of morality, we want to say that this Yeshenyue is not a good man. He has had affairs with many girls, and he is definitely not a good person who can be entrusted to his life." It didn't say "I'm the best person for you".

"Yeah... It's true that there are a lot of girls. I met them yesterday... Yue-jun is really lucky~~" Kuang San still smiled softly and seemed to be talking about simple things.

"I've all seen it...and..."

And the boys in the class are almost petrified.

It turns out.

Their classmate, Ye Shenyue, really has a lot of "reserves", but Tokisaki Kuangsan didn't show any rejection at all. He was simply the kind of active "goat into the tiger's mouth". What kind of virtue is Ye Shenyue? How can you make people so jealous and envious!

The boys were already red-eyed.

"Another beautiful girl has gone astray."

"Ye Shenyue Jun is really a beast~" "It's disgusting..."

Tucao three girls Yayi, Mai and Meiyi also continued to complain about their duty.

"Everyone calm down, thirsty is still in class now!"

Teacher Xiaozhu quickly added help to Ye Shenyue. The sight of these boys is really terrifying. This is the first time Teacher Xiaozhu has seen so many eyes with jealousy and hatred.Just to protect Ye Shenyue, Teacher Xiaozhu dared to use her teacher status to put pressure on her, and sure enough, everyone's eyes narrowed.

It seems that the status of the teacher is still good. For the first time, Teacher Xiaozhu feels that the dignity of her head teacher has been improved.

"Okay... I'd love to."

Ye Shenyue, who had already been stared at by boys with jealous eyes, stood up and gave Kurumi a god-like manner.The current Kuang San is playing the role of a lady, so in order to match him, he must have eleven strokes.

"It's work."

Kurumi's beautiful eyes flickered, but she sat in the same last row but next to Tohka.He took out the books for class, and moved his eyes to Teacher Xiaozhu, as if he was listening carefully.

"How to do?"

Tohka actually wrote a note abnormally, and passed the note to Origami.


The unusual Origami actually replied to Tohka, who had always been regarded as a "rival in love", and the relationship between the two seemed to improve all of a sudden.

"Okay, get out of class is over, Yuejun, don't forget to take me to visit the campus!"

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Tokisaki-san, who was still sitting in a ladylike manner, immediately stood up gracefully and turned her face to Yagami Yuedao.

Kuangsan, you can't hold back anymore, are you finally going to take the initiative?

Kurumi, who had already met him, seemed to want to eat him even more.

Sure enough, he has been characterized as a character who "kills without guilt"?

He's just playing with his heart and not a rogue, Kuangsan, please, please don't make a decision so quickly, okay?

Ye Shenyue pushed away the chair and stood up, shrugged her shoulders and took two steps, "Of course, it's my honor to be with you."

"That's fine."

Eat him without any pressure.

Kurumi showed a charming smile, but there was a terrifying bloodthirsty color in this smile.


Seeing that the two had walked out side by side, Tohka's face showed an angry expression.


But at this time, Origami patted her on the shoulder, and Tohka turned her head.

"Follow! In order to prevent that guy from hurting Yue, the battle between you and me is temporarily suspended!"

Origami's blue eyes were full of determination.

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