"it is good!"

Tohka held Origami's hand.

The battle of rivals, stop for now.

in truce.Currently tracking.

ps: In the next chapter, my mad three are not allowed to kill!Ask for support and subscribe.

Chapter 0050 My mad three are not allowed to kill (on)

AST headquarters.

"It's this elf. According to the results of the energy measuring instrument, this girl is the elf. But the elf came to the school so blatantly and became one of the students. It's ironic, but I don't know if it's the hateful one from yesterday. the spirit!"

Looking at the recorded video, Captain Hikata Ryoko had a depressed expression on his face. Isn't the elves making fun of their AST's incompetence by so blatantly mixing into the crowd?

When I think of the sudden fainting yesterday and the sluggishness of the body after waking up, it must be a good thing done by the elves!

The 27-year-old, unmarried captain can't help clenching his teeth, looking at the image of Tokisaki Kurumi with hatred.


The petite girl with beautiful blue hair standing beside the captain looked a little puzzled.Did they get attacked yesterday?

"Uh...it's nothing..."

How could she say that because they came to the hot spring all the vigilance was reduced to the lowest level, so there was a scandal of accidentally attacking the whole staff?

Too embarrassing! The captain hurriedly said haha, "But now with the help of Mana who killed the elf, this elf should no longer be the one to talk about."

Although it's not good to be arrogant, it's true, they didn't even kill a single spirit if they caught it.And the petite girl in front of her, but the elite of the elite, has a record enough to be respected.

"It's not a great achievement, but I hope you don't confuse this elf with other elves. She can use space shock at will, and she has personally killed more than [-] elves that are called the most evil."

Mana shook her head. This elf is indeed different from the others. No elf will appear in front of her like this one after she has been killed countless times.It was also because the other party was guilty of heinous crimes that she no longer felt any guilt when she killed her.

But the captain thought that the blue-haired petite girl was being modest, and now all they need to do is wait for the elf to go after the elf when she is alone.

That's the job of the AST.Kill the spirits that bring disaster to people.What's more, it is still called the most evil spirit...

Come to Zen High School.

Ye Shenyue is walking side by side with Kuang San, carrying out the task of "taking her to the campus".

"Stupid brother... You don't really want to save her, do you!"

Sister Wuhe skipped class again and went to the airship to monitor Ye Shenyue.

It's just that Kotori's tone this time seems to contain a lot of dissatisfaction with Kurumi.

It is said that the more times you meet, the more people will become acquainted.But those words didn't apply to Kotori and Tohka and Master Origami who were following behind.

The more you see rivals, the more annoying they are!

Especially Commander Wuhe, who was led by Kuang San even in commander mode, this kind of frustration is really unpleasant.

Moreover, in my sister's sixth sense, this Tokisaki Kusan, as an elf, actually took the initiative to appear in the crowd, and also introduced his identity needlessly, is this arrogant or unscrupulous?

As an elf with enormous power, he did not run away when he saw Ye Shenyue, but took the initiative to approach.

Is she suddenly mentally disabled or has something to do with it?

I always feel that her motives are impure!It's different from the Tohka and Yoshino I've come across.

Well, in the end, Sister Wuhe admitted that she just felt that this Tokisaki Kusan would take her brother away!

Yesterday, just yesterday, she was keenly aware that as soon as this guy named Tokisaki Kurumi appeared, the lecherous brother immediately turned his eyes and attention to her.

It's really unpleasant, obviously I was looking at her before.

"Well... as long as it is an elves, I will save it, although this one is not very easy to deal with."

Ye Shenyue always felt that today's commander seemed to have eaten gunpowder and complained a lot about Kuang San.

"And Kotori, your idea is to solve the problem of the elves' space shock by peaceful means? Every elves will not give up?"

It is indeed impossible to give up, every elf is a beautiful girl, giving up one is a big loss.

"Well... this... but you are not allowed to be attacked!"

Sitting on the captain's seat, wearing a military uniform, Commander Wuhe bit a lollipop that looked like a treasure, and was a little speechless when asked by Ye Shenyue, Yu Gong said that she had to save the elves anyway, after all She also got this opportunity at the beginning, there is no reason not to give Kusan a chance.


This time, it was Ye Shenyue who was speechless. This sister-chan is not cute. If he suddenly said nonsense, he would be attacked so easily?

It's just an insult to him, like being molested by someone who is irresponsible.

"Where does Yuejun want to take me first? Is it the roof, the girls' changing room, or the girls' bathroom?"

Kurumi was very ladylike and walked with her two little hands in front of her belly, like a weak woman.Slightly tilted his face, looking at Ye Shenyue's profile, Kuang San said softly, his tone was flat and charming, as if a fox wanted to hook someone.

The dark red eyes that were exposed seemed to be looking forward to it.


Definitely an alternative look!

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