Sister Wuhe forced herself to believe this idea, even though she was [-]% sure that it was someone's nature.

"Want to know? Want to see?"

Kurumi's expression recovered a little, "If it's Yue-kun, it doesn't matter if you want to see it... It's better to see this kind of thing with your own eyes."

Kurumi walked up the stairs without any hesitation. They should be going down the stairs at this time, but she was walking up.Just like the posture of a conservative girl going up the stairs, hold down the short skirt at the back with one hand to prevent the boys standing below from seeing the seductive scenery at the bottom of the skirt.

This is not the same as what was promised. What about the steps to take the initiative to show?

Such conservative behavior made Ye Shenyue depressed for a while, could it be that Kuang San was deceiving him?

Knowing the result clearly, I couldn't help but want to keep watching, to see the "true face of Lushan Mountain".

Chapter 0051 My mad three are not allowed to kill (below)

"Yue, you want to save Tokisaki Kurumi, right? She is the most evil elf who has killed more than [-] humans. Even though she is such a elf, you still want to save her? Will you..."

Watching Kurumi's figure go further and further away, Origami withdrew the gaze that fell on Kurumi and asked Yagami.

"There are no absolute good people and absolute bad people in the world. Kuang San killed more than [-] people with her own hands, but have you ever thought about why she killed these people? Should these people be killed? If you are an elf, Will you resist in the days when you are constantly being hunted down?"

Ye Shenyue took out Origami and wrapped his arms around his arm, and pressed Origami's smooth and delicate forehead with her palm, "I don't want to kill anyone, but now that I'm cornered, I can only go down this road. In your eyes, elves are heretics that bring disaster. If you can't control them, destroy them. This is the idea of ​​AST where you are now. But have you ever thought about it, you only need to treat elves with a peaceful heart. Simple and even pure spirits will treat you peacefully."

"This is... impossible..."

Origami still shook his head.She was taught that elves are things that bring disaster to humans and must be destroyed.

And Tokisaki Kurumi, who has been proven to kill more than [-] humans with his own hands, is simply an unforgivable sin!

It was unbelievable to think that she would calm down and think that she would not kill again.

"It's possible! It's possible! Did you forget Tohka?"

"Night Sword God..."

Origami murmured.

"Yue, what are you talking about with this guy? This guy just chases and kills him. He hates it..."

Touka muttered loudly, "But... I hope you can save Tokisaki Kurumi. Although she looks very unlikable... but you said she killed so many people, I think... If Kurumi Tokisaki will be me in the future without you saving me. I don't know what I'll be like when I'm constantly being hunted down."

"If you can't save yourself and watch others continue to fall, so, Yue, you should also save Kusan... I already have you, but she has nothing, not even anyone who wants to rely on it."

Tohka clenched Yagami's hand.

"Well, even if you don't say it, I will work hard. After all, I have officially said what I want to save her. Although I don't have much integrity, I still want to make a promise!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, and grabbed Tohka's fingers tightly, interlocking them with hers. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he and Tohka had a heart-to-heart connection.It's an amazing feeling.

Tohka is a good boy.


Origami didn't speak or nod, just then her phone vibrated.

"Now that the traces of the elven Kuangsan have been found, Chonggong Zhenna has already rushed over."

Biting her lip, Origami still told Yagami about the support 06 message from the captain.

She also acquiesced to Ye Shenyue's behavior of saving the elves, although the method of saving the elves made people very uncomfortable.

"Then start the first step of salvation now!"

Ye Shenyue seemed to have seen the blood dripping around Kuang San in front of her eyes.The bloodthirsty Kuang San, he really wanted to meet...

"Want to save me? What a joke!"

Kuang Sanben, who was drifting away, thought of continuing to move forward, but suddenly turned around and walked towards the fork in the road.

And just as she came over, three people jumped out and surrounded her.The previous one, the latter one, and another one outside, surrounded her, the only way to go without anyone blocking her was the dark path.

These people were hiding there before.And now giving up this road is obviously forcing the girl to go inside. Once they walk into this dead end, they can do whatever they want.

"Yo...Little sister, just got home from school...Are you interested in making friends?"

Three delinquent youths, who had dyed their hair yellow-colored, sprang from the dark alley, all with cigarette butts and smiling faces, but they were secretly threatening.

They deliberately looked for such a hidden place to intercept the lonely girl. This time, they were very lucky, and she was still a very quiet and beautiful girl.

You can have a good time.

The corner of the mouth of the young man who was standing in the back to block Kurumi had already brought a lewd smile.

"Okay...but it's too bright here, it's not good to disturb others..."

Kuang San covered his mouth with one hand and chuckled lightly, with no disgusted look on his face, because this kind of rubbish couldn't even affect her mood, in her eyes, it was just the time she sent obediently, that is, her vitality.

"Looking at you being such a lady, I didn't expect you to be so sensible... This time I really earned..."

The scumbags who followed Kuang San into the alley were lewd, laughing, lewd~ laughing, but soon they couldn't laugh, turning into panic and fear from the inside out.

How could they have imagined that this white and tender lamb would become a hunter with a shotgun to kill them just a second later?

Who's making up who's idea!

"Bang bang bang" a gunshot harvested the time she needed to capture.

"My life is like this. In the midst of constant killing and being killed, how can there be a way out? Moon-kun, you are really talking big."

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