Putting down the muzzle of the gun in his hand, stepping on the fresh blood on the ground, he had already changed into a spiritual outfit-sanfan's Kurumi seemed to be laughing at himself and talking to Ye Shenyue in the distance.

"It seems to be a step too late, but it's only a few seconds. Tokisaki Kusan, you have killed three more people. It seems that the number of people you kill with your own hands has to increase again. It's a sin."

At this moment, a petite figure walked into the dark path, the afterglow of the setting sun fell on her body, and the long shadow was facing Kuang San.

"It is indeed improved, and your speed is also very fast..."

Seeing Tatsumiya Mana, who had changed into equipment in an instant, who had killed her countless times, Tokisaki Kurumi didn't feel flustered at all.

After the killing comes the killing.

The road has already been set.

"As usual, Tokisaki Kurumi, accept the sanctions!"

Mana moved her fingers, sending out a sharp, unavoidable light that immediately pierced the abdomen of Kurumi, who did not resist, even if it was ineffective, and bright red blood immediately gushed out and dyed the beautiful spiritual outfit.

"As expected, it's really that... every time... every time it's like this..."

Kurumi showed a frantic smile, she was killed after the killing, and this was her destiny written from the beginning.


Mana didn't say a word, but walked towards Kurumi with the lightsaber, holding the lightsaber with both hands, pointing towards Kurumi's neck.

This is the final blow, killing Kurumi.


It's just that Zhenna's forward steps stopped because someone hugged her from behind, and it was better to say that she was holding her back.

"Tobiichi Origami! What are you doing?"

Looking at the AST member who suddenly appeared and grabbed her arm, Shin suddenly recognized her identity, Tobiichi Origami, the girl who admitted to being her brother's lover during the battle in the morning.

How could she stop her?

"I'm helping Yue, and I won't stop Yue from doing whatever she wants."

Origami's blue eyes were full of determination.


It was really suspicious.

Just turning his head and seeing the boy who was walking towards Kuangsan step by step, the blue-haired girl's eyes widened, and she still shouted out the words she couldn't say for a long time.

"Oni sauce!"

She couldn't help but be surprised, she was still vomiting blood, and Kurumi, who was bleeding from her abdomen, also opened her eyes.

Because this young man is none other than Ye Shenyue who said he wanted to save her.

"Since they said they wanted to save you, wouldn't it be too bad to not be able to come to your side when you are in danger? Kurumi, don't worry, I won't let Mana kill you."

Looking at Kurumi, who was drenched in blood, it would be a lie to say that she was not touched. The girl in front of her was just an ordinary girl at first.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is the most evil elf, but in fact her heart is so kind.

"Although this is the first time to do this, it's very humiliating, but Yue-kun, can you take back what you said? Saving me or something... It's just a joke."

While vomiting blood, Kurumi gave a miserable smile.The previous sentence was weird, it seemed to imply something, but at this time, Ye Shenyue's attention was all on Kusan's injured body, "It can't be a joke... It's true , don't change, don't move, I'll treat you, although the injury is serious, it can still be treated."

Ye Shenyue hugged Kusan who was lying in a pool of blood.Kuang San's blood had already flowed into his hands, and his hands were covered in blood, Kuang San's blood.

"But I don't believe that you can't save me! Umm..."

With a deafening "bump" sound, more blood flowed out of Kurumi's heart.

This is the sound of gunshots, belonging to Kurumi, or the gun she fired herself.

"This... is impossible..."

At this moment, whether it was Origami or Tohka, or even Takamiya Mana who had killed Kuangsan countless times, they all showed incredible expressions.

Tokisaki Kurumi, actually committed suicide.

She shot her own heart with her own gun.

She actually committed suicide!

The elf actually committed suicide!

It's just an anecdote, it's like a joke, but they can't help but believe it, because the truth happened right in front of their eyes.

"I'm dead...all dead...you can't save me...saving me or something...just a joke...just a joke..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Kurumi's consciousness was blurred, her eyes were wide open, even at the last moment she wanted to see the other person's frightened expressions or other expressions.


"Do you think that I can't save you?"

Ye Shenyue let go of Kurumi and stood up, without any color on her face.

"Yue... This is Kurumi's own choice... You don't want to..."

Tohka held Ye Shenyue's hand full of Kuang San's blood, comforting Ye Shenyue, Kuang San's behavior she never thought about, it was too crazy and bloody.To actually seek her own death in order not to admit that Ye Shenyue would save her!

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