"Tohka...don't be deceived...I didn't say that!"

Ye Shenyue patted Tohka on the head.There is no trick to Tohka's nerves.

"No, that's what I said... Yatoshen Tohka, you are so shameless and shameless! I don't like you anymore... I don't like you at all, please don't bother me on purpose!"

Even more hurtful words were said in Ye Shenyue's voice, and all the tears Tohka held back came out.

Ye Shenyue looked at Origami who deliberately used his voice to scare Tohka, Origami immediately turned her eyes away, as if she was not the one who said those words, but Mana opened her mouth slightly, obviously because of Origami The master's self-directed and self-acted behavior was stunned.

This... is this also possible?

"Tohka! It was Origami who lied to you just now. I have never said anything like that, and I will never say anything that hates you. I like you the most."

Sweat dripped from Ye Shenyue's forehead, and he fully understood, whether it was Zhen's abnormal attack on Tohka or Origami's "deceiving Tohka" behavior as always, it turned out to be Origami. Master's self-directed and self-acted!

Yes, Mana joined AST, and the first thing she came into contact with was origami. It is normal to be instilled by origami.

That's why there is such a scene of anger and rage.

"Tobiichi Origami... You really did it!"

The word "favorite" immediately bought Tohka, and Tohka's still tear-stained eyes widened, staring at Origami tightly.

It was this guy who played her like a fool in front of Ye Shenyue again!


It's just that the offensive of her tears and staring is not at all offensive to Origami. How can she be able to pierce the thick skin of Master Origami?

So the scene turned into a picture of Tohka staring at Origami, Origami's face was flat, and then really innocent and stunned.Only the background is the ground covered with blood.

"Okay, let's go back home and talk about anything. I'll be waiting for you at home. You have a lot of things to confess!"

As if to break the silence, the serious words of Commander Wuhe with a serious look came from Ye Shenyue's earplugs.

It's just the complaints in it that Ye Shenyue can't help but secretly complain. Could it be that the younger sister-chan came up with this seemingly feasible plan because she couldn't join their topic here.

However, in this bloody scene, there is really not much mood to chat, especially as the sun slowly fades away, the place is getting darker and darker, and the fresh blood exudes a fishy smell, which is a bit scary.

Just go home.

ps: Thank you, I don't care, Xiaoyaoyou, qqll7426's flowers and comments.

Chapter 0053

"Is this the elder brother's home? It looks very big."

The innocence on Zhen's face who came to Ye Shenyue's house was very different from the indifference and indifference when she confronted Kurumi just now.

"Is this Yue's house?"

Origami took off her shoes first, and stroking the porch with both hands made her heart sweat profusely, why was she so excited?Isn't it a home?He has no less than 3 or more.Of course, this can't be said, it will be hit by a hatchet. Although the world is no longer this world, there are still dangerous elves.

"Come in quickly."

Tohka spoke like a mistress, she had already walked in, and immediately made Tobiichi Origami frown.

"Yue, let's go in together."

On the other hand, Origami hugged Ye Shenyue directly from the back and used all her strength to throw Yagami on the ground.

"This...it's not this way to go in...Origami, let me go first..."

He couldn't do the Origami model of the hot spring with Tohka crawling into it.Although the feeling of being hugged by a girl is very good, I should laugh in my dreams, but now that I have arrived home, the slightly jealous sister sauce has returned. If she sees it, my sister sauce will be jealous again.

"Yeah... Tobiichi Origami, hurry up and let go of Yue! I'm here to hold you too!"

Tohka immediately helped, pulling Origami hard, but Origami grabbed Ye Shenyue firmly, no matter how much Tohka pulled, she couldn't pull it apart.It's like playing a game.


Now Chong Gong Zhenna really didn't know who to help, she finally understood that it was too unreliable to just listen to Tobiichi Origami.

"O...Oni sauce..."

Wuhe sister stood in front of Ye Shenyue, looked down at Ye Shenyue who was thrown by Origami and said loudly.

At the same time, he also made a move that Ye Shenyue didn't know what expression to use.

Wuhe Qinli removed the white ribbon tied on his head, and immediately replaced it with a black ribbon. He was literally slapping his face naked, as if to say, "I thought it would be better to use the sister model. But your actions are unbearable without commander mode." Sure enough, seeing this picture is already the limit of sister mode?

Sister Wuhe, who is in sister mode, can't complain, so she switched to the commander mode of poisonous tongue.

Sure enough, sister sauce in commander mode began to complain.

"Sexy Oni-chan, you are really hopeless! As soon as you get home, you start to have sex!"

"It's really exciting. Could it be that Yuejun is already thirsty to the level of 3P?"

Yoshino found a pure white hat from somewhere, and hid her little head in the white hat. She hid her face, but the rabbit puppet in her hand screamed cheerfully, whether it was loud or in words. The meaning is far beyond the sister sauce of the commander mode.

Well, now it's not just my sister-chan, but Yoshino, too, no, but also Yoshina, the blunt rabbit.

Ye Shenyue stood up, and at the same time led Origami and Tohka to stand up.

"Mana, introduce to Kotori."

Ye Shenyue decided to let the misfortune go unresolved, and let Mana attract the attention of Kotori and Yoshino first, while he touched Origami's and Tohka's heads respectively, and let them go like a child.

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