"Well... I got to know my elder brother... I am my elder brother's own younger sister, a blood-related younger sister, and you are the younger sister of this family. When we first met, my elder brother will take care of you."

Chong Gong Zhenna stretched out his hand to Wuhe Qinli.

It's very polite, but there is a message in the tone between the lines, she is the younger sister, and she is also a biological sister, with blood.

When she mentioned the word "blood relationship", she even emphasized it. Her meaning couldn't be more obvious. Wuhe Qinli was just a god sister, not a kisser without her.

"Huh? I don't remember brother lust and another sister. Are you really fake? You don't look very similar."

Commander Wuhe frowned, but he deliberately said with a thorn.

"That's because my brother left me because of some things. Although my memory is very confusing, I can still recognize my elder brother."

"Can't remember? You lost your memory?"

Sister Wuhe stared at Mana.

"Well, but the past two or three years can still be remembered clearly, not to mention this... I have evidence that I am my brother's sister!"

Zhenna nodded, but picked up the topic.


Is that the collar?

Ye Shenyue was taken aback.

"Well... you see, this is a photo of my brother and me. My brother is exactly the same as the current one, so I can't admit that I'm wrong!"

Chonggong Zhenna really opened the collar and showed the photos inside to everyone.


Looking at the photo, Ye Shenyue suddenly gasped. There were indeed two people in that photo, a man and a woman.The boy standing beside Xiao Zhenna was indeed him, but what surprised him was that his appearance was the same as he is now, not Xiao Zhengtai's image.

This shows what?

He appeared in front of Mana very early in his current form.

At that time, Zhenna was still so young, he couldn't be her brother, he could only be... um... could only be his father?

Having had the experience of a proud daughter, he opened his eyes again, and now he has brought him a daughter again?

This daughter seemed to be much more docile than Aria.She shouldn't complain to him that she's just a [-]-year-old loli.


Sister Wuhe pouted in dismay. The evidence was solid, and she couldn't deny it. As for the age of the people in the photo, she was not in her consideration. The commander at the moment was already shrouded in the huge information of the sister that suddenly appeared.

"But there are also sayings that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Although you are a real sister, I have been taking care of Ernie-chan all these years, so I am more close."

"No no no... There is nothing in the world that is deeper than the blood on the ground. The blood relationship between me and my elder brother is incomparable, so it is still a biological sister. A biological sister is the best!"

Mana opened her eyes slightly and tried her best.

"No, no, no... There is one thing about my own sister that is definitely not as good as my god sister!"


"God sister can get married, but a real sister can never marry a brother through legal recognition!"

Wuhe sister patted the table and said loudly, as if announcing an important program.

"Knot... get married!"

Tohka raised her head, Origami looked over, Yoshino turned around, and everyone was staring at Wuhe Kotori, who said such terrifying words.

"Uh... this... that... Ye Shenyue, tell me!"

Sister Wuhe's face turned red all of a sudden, but everyone's eyes were really hot. Sister Wuhe blushed and finally had to turn to a certain party for help.

"Cough cough...Mana, where do you live now? If you're alone, come here together. Anyway, I'm your brother and should take care of you."

What can Ye Shenyue do?Under the scorching gazes of the girls, he chose to change the subject.Mana lays down the gun again.

"Origami, you mean..."

As soon as Ye Shenyue finished speaking, Origami stood in front of him, looking like he had something to say.

"Yue, I also live alone... so I can..."


X2 Wuhe sister and Tohka immediately refuted the idea of ​​shooting Origami and moving in together.Origami looked at them in dissatisfaction.

Origami is just a small episode, and now everyone's eyes are on Mana.

"That... I do live alone now, but I can't... I can't give the address..."

Mana lowered her head.

"Is it a hidden place?"

Wuhe sister has recovered and started to fight against Mana.She saw the scene of Mana's transformation from the monitor in the captain's room and confirmed that Mana was a member of the AST.

"Also... it's not that it's unspeakable... it's just that it's a full-time place to provide board and lodging... that..."

Really hesitant.After all, her DEM agency requires her not to report the information.In her impression, DEM is the benefactor who saved her, so this is also a repayment.

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