"Okay, don't be embarrassed about Zhenna. Zhenna also has privacy. It's not a good behavior to spy on other people's privacy."

Ye Shenyue patted her sister (daughter?) on the shoulder and stood beside Mana.


And the man who seemed to be rescued immediately hugged Ye Shenyue's neck, but she was a head shorter than Ye Shenyue, and she somehow stood on tiptoe and actually touched Ye Shenyue's neck, petite. His body was directly attached to it.

"Let go... let go..."

Origami and Wuhe sister-chan grabbed Mana's body with both hands and pulled Mana apart.

"Even a real sister can't deprive a girlfriend of her power, that's what a girlfriend can do."

Tobiichi Origami said loudly.

"This is the power of a goddamn sister!"

This is the sign of Wuhe sister's brows and eyes blushing.

What the two said was decisive, as if there was a legal basis. "Really?" The real girl who was pulled away showed a puzzled expression. "Really can't be more true." Sister Wuhe and Origami, who didn't blush again, nodded.

"Oh... so it is... so it is..."

The innocent little sister felt embarrassed while rubbing her head, but her expression suddenly changed in the next second, "You guys really think I'm Tohka Yatosama... If you are such an idiot, you won't be able to hear it! That's the power of your own sister. That's right!"

"You are all liars! Brothers and adults, tell them that their own sisters can surpass their godsisters and girlfriends because of their blood relationship!"

Mana turned her head to look at Ye Shenyue, "As for girlfriends and god-sisters, my elder brother should choose his own sister in the end. A real sister is the best!"

"No! It's obviously the best sister!"

Commander Wuhe's fiery eyes instantly became hot.

"Girlfriend is the best. Girlfriend can provide various services for Yue, this way, that way, and even that way. My sister can't compare!"

In this regard, Cao Yuanyi has never been afraid of anyone!Not to lose to anyone.


"Is it better to be my sister or my sister? Or is it the best girlfriend?"

Ye Shenyue was surrounded, Origami was standing on the left, Mana was standing in the middle, and Kotori was pushed to the right. The three girls, three pairs of scorching and eager eyes, stared at Ye Shenyue eagerly.

"Yuejun has fallen into the Shura field again... I'm glad..."

The puppet in Yoshino's hand, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the battle, complained again.

"What is the Shura Field?"

Tohka on the side asked inexplicably.

"The Shura Field is something that can't come out as long as Yue-kun walks in, and this thing is brewed by Yue-kun himself. It's delicious! Especially the forbidden fruit formed by the god sister and the real sister is very delicious."

The black-bellied Yoshina explained, and kept leading in the direction of eating.

"Wow... it sounds delicious... Yue, I want to eat it too!"

"Tohka, don't do it anymore

Chapter 0054 Three Trials? (One more request for flowers)

My favorite is Yoshina!

The one who controls the most is Yoshina!

Ye Shenyue's cry that seemed to come from her heart finally turned into a loud cry, not only he could hear it, but even strangers standing outside the door now could hear it!

At this second, he confessed, a hot and enthusiastic confession, but the object of his confession was Yoshino... the rabbit puppet in his hand.



X3 Kitaichi Origami, Wuhe Qinli, Chong Gongzhen didn't know what to say.

"Brother, are you sure...you didn't make the wrong choice?"

"Is it stupid because my brain was kicked?"


They just want to be their own sister, godsister, and girlfriend. How can another unbelievable option appear when they choose?

Choose Yoshina...they actually lost to a hand puppet!

This unscientific!

The mouth of the rabbit puppet is wide open.That's it, confessed?

"Congratulations, Yoshina, Yue said he likes you the most... Actually, I like you very much too!"

Only the naturally stunned Tohka was full of excitement.


Even the shyest Yoshino blushed, covering her mouth with one hand, looking surprised. "It's so... so bold to confess...

"So this is Yue-kun's true thoughts... I'm sorry Yoshino, you can't back down in the face of true love, but Yue-kun, once we get married Yoshino can also come over as a dowry, I know your heart is in turmoil. on..."

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