Yoshina was so excited that she actually pulled Yoshino to stand up, then rushed over and grabbed Yagami's clothes, the rabbit's mouth opened and closed and said loudly.

Yoshino blushed and lowered her head.

"What's the matter!"

Sister Wuhe covered her forehead, even in commander mode, she was unable to complain.

"Leave these things aside for now, Ye Shenyue, what else do you have to say, and how many things are you hiding from us? That knife has an unauthorized date with Kusan, all of which have already been made up for reasons!"

Wuhe sister-chan looked at Ye Shenyue who was taking the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help biting her lip.

"Well, the reason for the date, it's really unreasonable to invite someone else instead of a girlfriend, there must be a reason!"

Origami stared at Yeshenyue with her azure blue eyes, and she was about to stare at him. It doesn't matter if you date Kuangsan, the important thing is that you haven't dated her before!

It seems that he still owes Origami a date, but if he proposes it now, it will become a multi-party date, and he doesn't want to deal with so many girls at the same time.

"It's about a date with a loli! What does Yoshina call a loli? What does Yue mean when she says she wants to date Kurumi who has turned into a loli?"

Tohka asked as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Sure enough, it's a lolicon, but you said that Tokisaki Kurumi still has a loli state? What Yoshino and I saw on the monitor of the airship was the form of a girl... Could it still be transformed? Moon-kun, your interest has increased again!"

"Sure enough, you're hiding it from us... Ye Shenyue, have you figured out what to say!"

The commander of the Five Rivers Commander mode broke out, slapping the table and shouting loudly.

It was like a dream, not only Wuhe sister, but in such a dazzling kung fu Ye Shenyue found that he was surrounded by all the girls.

He sits in the middle, the front, back, left and right are Mana, the real sister (? Origami, the girlfriend (? Wuhe sister, the godsister, and finally Yoshino and Tohka at the bottom.

A total of five pairs of eyes stared at him.

Is this a tribunal or what?What kind of bridge is this!

"Do you have the right to remain silent, while all your words will be displayed in the most visible place in the house, if it is a lie...you know...hehe..."

At this time, Yoshina, who is least afraid of chaos in the world, came to preside over.

What a horrible guy!

Ye Shenyue was sweating in her heart, seeing Origami putting the "marriage agreement" in the most obvious place in her apartment was already embarrassing enough, how would they want to go even further this time?

"First question first, when will you date me!"

The tone that was supposed to be asking for questions was abruptly said by her in a positive tone, her blue eyes stared at him with a serious attitude.Just this question...


Ye Shenyue opened her mouth but still didn't answer.

If it was a three-chamber tribunal, it shouldn't be such a question. Once he answers such a question and is listed at home, Sister Wuhe and Tohka will definitely be upset.

This is outrage!

"The first question is invalid! Now it is announced that Tobiichi Origami has no right to speak, we are democratic, please raise your hand if you agree!"

The commander has the commander's style at a critical juncture, and Wuhe Qinli raised his hand and everyone agreed.Even if Origami wanted to resist, there was nothing he could do.


Origami turned around displeased, but this small dissatisfaction could only be ignored.

"It's my turn to ask the question, how can you make an agreement with Kuangsan so rashly? What if you are attacked! Do you really want to give yourself to her as required? She killed [-] with her own hands. More than people! What the hell are you thinking!"

All the girls' eyes moved over, and this was what they wanted to know.

"Big brother, it's too dangerous for you to face Tokisaki Kurumi alone. Sure enough, even if it's a date, take me there, it will be safer."

Mana added, acting like a good sister worried about her brother.

It made Wuhe Qinli's god sister feel unhappy. She was obviously the younger sister, okay? She was supposed to say something, but she was preempted by her own sister who didn't know where she came from.

"As long as you don't take the initiative to be killed by her, it doesn't matter."

It really doesn't matter, the power of recovery that belongs to her has been given to him, and he can be resurrected even if he hangs up.

"If you all go, then I'll go too... Yue, let's go eat Chinese food this time. It is said that it looks gorgeous at half price..."

Seeing that Mana and Sister Wuhe seemed to be joining tomorrow's date with each other's words, Tohka raised her little hand and asked to join in.

"Since that's the case, then Yoshino should go too. Yue-kun said that he likes Yoshina the most. If Yoshina doesn't go on a date, it would be completely unreasonable!"

"If that's the case, let's go on a date tomorrow!"

In the end, even Tobiichi Origami, who was "democratically" condemned, joined in.

Vaguely, no, this is going in the direction of more dating!

"No! No! You can't come here! You can only date Kurumi tomorrow... Well, of course you have to date Yoshino."

If it really becomes a multi-party date, let alone attacking Crazy Three, he won't even have the mental energy to deal with these girls, and too many girls will cause headaches!

"Why! Why and Yoshino!"

"Could it be because you're a lolicon!"

xN "Uh...that's not the case..."

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