Although there are so many reasons, there are still Tohka and Origami at the scene, so don't talk about lolicon, because they are not loli.It will inevitably be uncomfortable to listen to, this is the experience he has summed up in many Shura fields.

"Think about how difficult it is to conquer Kuangsan? How can a elf who killed more than [-] people by himself be called the most evil elf? She is very difficult, so I asked her to use Luo Li's form appeared, and attacked her in Loli's form."

"Really, you've killed Kuangsan many times, but the next day she appeared in a completely undamaged body, as if nothing had happened."

"Um...but my elder brother, how did you know about this?"

Mana's big, cute eyes widened in shock, which was a fact but incomprehensible.

Why... Kurumi couldn't kill him no matter how hard he killed.

"Uh... This is a secret, men always have privacy... This is the information I obtained through a special channel, in fact, you killed Kuang San and not Kuang San, they are all Kuang San but they are different The mad three on the time axis, in seconds, there is one mad [-] every second, which is literally countless mad [-]s. No matter how you kill them, you can't kill them! Seriously, how many mad [-]s have you killed? "


"Hey... what a waste..."

Ye Shenyue really wanted to cover her face, every mad three was so loving, but Zhenna killed a whole 721 of them!

"You will not be allowed to kill Kuangsan in the future, because this time I will capture her and let her stop killing people."

If you absorb time, you can just eat the City of Time. Anyway, it's all about gaining time. It's disgusting to splatter blood from killing people.

"If she doesn't continue to kill, then it's okay to release water for the sake of the elder brother."

Mana nodded, "Just how can you be sure that Big Brother will be able to defeat Kuangsan? What tricks do you have?"



The girls were stunned.

"I don't have much confidence if it's a broken three, so I ask it to be a three in a loli state. I said that the clone of the three is actually her on a different time axis, so the three in a loli state are crazy. It's easier to cheat when it's simpler..."

"I heard it, it turns out that it is easier to deceive... Yoshino, that's how we were deceived into the pirate ship!"

Yoshina continued to interject, "Being a loli is really stressful..."

If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!

Ye Shenyue secretly glared at Yoshina, this rabbit can't be cute!He doesn't like her!Although he thought that Yoshino would be the best deceiver at first.

"Tohka is not a loli, but it is so easy to be attacked because..."

Sister Wuhe nodded thoughtfully, and Yoshina nodded too, and everyone would understand some things.

"Understood, Yato God is a fool, it's better to lie."

Nodding as if she had discovered the truth, Origami added, revealing the contents of her thoughts to the public, which angered Tohka and her.

"Yue...really...because I'm..."

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and the crystal tears were rolling in her eyes. Tohka had already got out of the chair and hugged Ye Shenyue's thigh, with a "it's all my fault" expression.

"Uh... it's not... Tohka is just pure, like a blank sheet of paper..."

Ye Shenyue touched Tohka's head as if she was touching a kitten's head.


Foodie=simple=naturally stupid=Idiot looked at Yagami who was comforting Tohka, and all the members complained.

"So... dating Yoshino means... If it's a single date, the success rate will be higher, so why would Yoshino join in? Tsuki-kun really wants to be a pair of boats..."

The scene was silent for a while because of Yagami's coaxing child-like words before Yoshina broke the silence and raised another important question.

"Yoshina is right, why do you want to call Yoshino? If you let Kurumi know that you are dating another girl, her favorability will definitely decrease, and even kissing will be useless!"

Chapter 0055 Mr. Night

Yoshino hasn't come yet?

Yagami had already put on the gentle T-SHIrt that Reine helped him prepare for the date, but Yoshino was one of the heroines on the date, but she still didn't show up.


Finally, the door of the captain's room opened, and a pure white rabbit hand puppet was exposed, followed by the cute little loli's body.

Wearing a pure white sun hat, wearing a light blue dress with blue hair, and cute little white sandals on her feet, she looks like a cute and pure loli, "Yoshino is really the cutest!"

Yoshino herself is the best loli, and she looks even more cute against the fit of the clothes.

Needless to say, it's easy to be kidnapped when you go outside, even the current Yagami has the urge to kidnap the little loli immediately.

"I chose this for her, it's great... Yue, I have something to talk to you about after your date, a very serious and serious matter!"

Lingyin walked to Ye Shenyue's side and whispered to Ye Shenyue, who seemed to be stunned when she looked at Loli, and seemed to be quite secretive.


What else does Lingyin want to talk to him about?

"Well, but now you belong to Yoshino's time!"

Reine nodded but didn't answer the question, but pushed Ye Shenyue directly, standing right in front of Yoshino.

" are beautiful today..."

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