Ye Shenyue was stunned to find that he had become shy today, was it because of the presence of the best loli?


It's just that Yoshino is even worse than him.With her head down, her delicate little face flushed red.

"Uh... Yoshino... I have a suggestion... In the future, you don't need to call me Yue-kun or Yue, how about calling me Mr. Ye? This is a privilege only for Yoshino..."

Ye Shenyue squatted and looked at Yoshinafen~ The tender little face was quite meaningful.

"Ye...Mr. Ye...?"

Yoshino tilted her little head and tried to call her.

"Well...that's the name, I'll call it that after I remember it, Yoshino is really a good boy!"

Ye Shenyue caressed the little loli's head with ecstasy.

"Ye...Mr. Ye..."

Yoshino, whose head was rubbed, was also very happy, and this was her unique name.

"Yoshino is such a good boy!"

Ye Shenyue continued to touch Yoshino's head, and Yoshino continued to call "Mr. Ye" in a harmonious scene.


"You seem to have forgotten... There is another me at the scene!"

At this moment, a terrifying voice came out of Yoshino's hand, and Yoshino, who turned his bunny ears, expressed his existence, "Tsuki-kun is really good-natured, as far as I know, the title of Mr. What does a wife mean by her husband, Yue-kun is really planning to marry Yoshino? Yoshino, congratulations!"

"Knot... get married!"

Yoshino's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Yuejun is really a senior lolicon who finally chose Yoshino, which is really gratifying, but the other girls are not easy to deal with, Yuejun is ready to be dismembered... uh... "

"Cough cough... It's almost time, Yoshino, let's go to the teleporter, use the teleporter to the date city!"

Little Loli's face was already blushing, and she looked like she didn't dare to continue talking no matter what, it's really not good to continue teasing... At the same time, Ye Shenyue immediately bet on Yoshina who still wanted to continue to provoke, and now he There is always a feeling of panic, as if being stared at by Sister Wuhe's burning eyes.

Sweat all over the back.

Sure enough, it's time to go for a walk!Ye Shenyue immediately changed the subject.


Yoshino nodded.

In the next room, a group of people are watching the video, and the monitoring location is next door.

"See it!"


"Yishinyue, this lecher, really has a bad idea of ​​Yoshino, Yatoshen Tohka, Tobiichi Origami Origami!"

With his shiny military boots kicking, Commander Wuhe stood up and shouted loudly.


x2 Tohka and folded 4.6 paper wear the standard military salute of military uniform.

"You follow the small-scale destruction of Yagami's attack on Yoshino on the spot! Really, let's protect it secretly to prevent Kuangsan from attacking Yagami! Although he said that, he has no value, but he can still use it reluctantly. And Lingyin and I stick to the base camp and continue to monitor!"

In this way, the date of the three seems to have suddenly become a multi-person.

And it seems that these participants are still angry.I really don't know if they're helping or destroying.

ps: In the next chapter, the loli in the left hand and the loli in the right hand, please comment!Thank you for the monthly pass of the voice in the snow.

Chapter 0056 Left hand loli right hand loli

"The target has reached the date, and Kurumi Tokisaki has not yet appeared."

"No... Tokisaki Kurumi is here... Huh... She is holding a little girl by her side... Is it her daughter? It looks so cute."

Tohka, who was learning origami and observing with binoculars, saw a girl in a black lace dress in her sight, but in her hand was holding a little girl about the same height as Yoshino. The girl was black with double ponytails and black. Her bangs cover her left eye, and her appearance is very similar to that of a girl, as if it was carved out of a mold.

It's just that she's petite and she doesn't have a girly girl. The lady of Kurumi is a little immature, but she is a cute little loli.

"I hope my daughter will be more like Yue in the future, so as to reflect that Yue is her father."

He picked up the camera and took a picture at Madam Kuangsan, nodded and continued.

"Daughter? If I have a daughter, it must be cuter than Kusan's!"

Tohka also came, and the lens of the telescope all fell on Kurumi, who was one size smaller.

"Cut... If it were my daughter, I would definitely kill you and Kurumi Tokisaki! It's a piece of cake to defeat a fool's daughter."

Origami pouted in disdain.


Tohka was originally a child who was simple and easy to deceive but also irritated. He was immediately angered by Origami, and now he put down the telescope and stared directly at Origami, glaring.


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