Origami's expressionless face seemed as if she was not the one who was talking to Tohka just now.

It made Tohka even more angry.

"Hey hey hey... What are you guys doing in the nest, I really can't stand it. Now that the target has been contacted, you continue to monitor and monitor!"

Commander Wuhe, who was sitting in the captain's room, covered his forehead with a speechless expression. He thought that Tobiichi Origami and Tohka would have such a little effect, but they were arguing.

Really, the daughter or something obviously hers will kill everything in seconds.

As long as it's a double ponytail, she heard that someone likes a loli with a double ponytail.

The apprenticeships on this side are unfavorable, while the Ye Shenyue people on the other side.

"She...she is..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the cute Kuang San who was blinking red eyes at his shrunk one size.This black-haired loli looks a lot like Kusan, if he hadn't known that Kusan was very conservative, he would have really thought that this loli was not Kusan but her daughter.

"She is also me, according to what you said about me in the Lolita era, um... when I was about eleven years old, you can call her Xiao Kuang San, alright, I have already delivered it, don't forget you Promise of."

Kuang San patted Xiao Kuang San on the shoulder, and smiled lightly with one hand, his red eyes seemed to be filled with waves.

"You're an elf too..."

Under Da Kuang San's instruction, Xiao Kuang San took the initiative to walk in front of Yoshino, and stared at Yoshino who was faintly scared with her crimson eyes.


Yoshino looked at Yagami for help, and she didn't nod until Yagami nodded. After being sealed by Yagami, Lingyin and Kotori told her not to reveal her elf identity, otherwise it would cause trouble. troublesome.That's why he looked at Ye Shenyue only after being asked by Xiao Kuang San.

"Sure enough...then we are the same kind, and I am also an elves..."

Xiao Kuang San stretched out a small white hand towards Si Yoshino.


Yoshino also stretched out his hand, but in the next second, Yoshino slapped his hand again and again in fright.

"I just need an elf's share of time, so I'll use you! I don't mind if I eat you~~" Elf Xiaokuangsan licked his lips and said with a smile, saying it so easily, as if he said it Just trivial things in general.

"Mr. Night..."

Yoshino pulled out her little hand and immediately hid behind Ye Shenyue, Xiao Kuang San said this with a smile, but it made her feel shaky and scared.This eating is to swallow her completely!

"How could Yoshino be cruelly eaten so cute?"

If you want to eat, I will eat it!

Ye Shenyue touched the doll-like head of Yoshino and comforted, "Little Kuangsan, I hope you take back what you just said."

"In other words, Yuejun, are you ready for me to eat it?"

Xiao Kuangsan smiled.There seemed to be bloodthirsty and excitement in this smile.

It was as if he was ready to eat Ye Shenyue.

"This little crazy three... there is a problem!"

Looking at the shrunk Kusan, Ye Shenyue felt weird, like facing the real Kuangsan, this is not her true character.Even if Kuangsan is scary and mature in this loli form, but she was a few years ago, when she should have been more innocent and deceitful, why do you think this little Kuangsan is the girl Kuangsan herself?Although she is also crazy.

The mind seems to have changed!Obviously Kuangsan is right next to him.

"As long as you can attack me, Xiao Kuang will do everything you can!"

Ye Shenyue's expression was still and authentic.

"Ara... Today is really a good place for couples to meet. I saw a lot of couples... Hey... Aren't those two big horny demons Yashinyuki and transfer student Shizaki Kurumi?"

Since being shown love in class by Origami and Tohka, Yagami Yue has been given the title of "Two Pedestrians" by the girls, but at the invitation of Tokisaki Kurumi, the title has been upgraded again to "" The word "sex demon" in the "big sex demon" district can no longer reflect his evil, and eventually became the "big sex demon" that has spread far and wide.

"What are they doing here? Is it a date? Huh...no, those two little girls are...they are..."

"The little girl standing in front of Tokisaki-san looks just like her... Isn't she the daughter of Tokisaki-san?" "You really seem to say that, is there another blue-haired super cute The little sister is also their daughter, the daughter of the Yeshenyue Da Luna!"

"So they're on a family date!"

"Sure enough, he is a big lecher. Seeing that he has two children at such a young age, how old did he start committing crimes? That's a crime!"

"I didn't expect that Tokizaki-san and Dasekiyaya Shenyue already have that kind of relationship... Really... even have children!"

"It's disgusting."

The Tucao trio immediately hid behind the telephone pole and looked at Ye Shenyue in front of them, and they were whispering for a while.

"Those people's 907 conversations are so annoying... Tobiichi Origami, Yatoshen Tohka is now on an urgent mission, arrest the %%%% trio to prevent them from sabotaging the plan, this time Yashenyue can only succeed and not fail. !"

Where did Tokisaki Kusan and Yashin Yue have a husband and wife relationship?Where are the children?Please open your eyes and take a good look!

Commander Wuhe supported his chin with one hand and looked at the sneaky trio behind Ye Shenyue and immediately ordered...

"Then I'll go first, I'm looking forward to... I can eat you completely earlier~~" The girl Kusan smiled at Ye Shenyue, and stepped on the ground, and the originally bright ground suddenly became A dark black shadow appeared, and Kurumi's figure slowly descended from bottom to top as if it was immersed in silt and fell into blackness.

Eventually the traces disappeared.

"Kan...disappeared...Tokisaki Kurumi-san disappeared! Was it kidnapped suddenly? Or was... woo woo woo..."

The three Tucao girls hiding behind the telephone pole opened their eyes wide, and %% said in a panic, only the next sentence but couldn't say anything, because someone had blocked their mouths.

"Tobiichi... Yasushi God... classmate... why..."

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