"In order to make Yue quickly attack Kuang III!"


The trio whose mouths were gagged and tied into dumplings looked horrified.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue had Yoshino on the left and Xiao Kuangsan on the right.

One by one, he grabbed their hands directly, "Then start our date now!"

Chapter 0057 Dating (2 more flowers)

The point of a date is not just the presence of the main characters, but also the location of the date.

Only when the location is selected can the atmosphere be good, and when the atmosphere is warm, of course, you can do whatever you want.

"Hey... Now where are you going to take them? Ordinary dates may not touch Kurumi. But since they're children, it's better to take them to the playground or something, just because Yoshino hasn't been there."

Seeing that Origami and the others had already signaled to complete the mission, Commander Wuhe turned on his earphones and asked Ye Shenyue. As the commander, she didn't even know the location of the date. It was too embarrassing, so where should she put her commander's face!

"Playground? This is okay, but before that I have to take them to a necessary place."

"A necessary place?"

Hearing that Ye Shenyue seemed to be very serious, Commander Wuhe also became nervous.

It's just that Ye Shenyue didn't reply to her sister-chan, but pulled Yoshino and Kurumi to move on.

"If you're just shopping, you won't be able to get through it, oh my, so where do you want to go next?"

Xiao Kuangsan was grabbed by Ye Shenyue and didn't say anything, but at this moment he held Ye Shenyue's clothes.Unlike Yoshino, who was still a little scared of her by his side.

"Go where you like!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the lovely Loli and said with a smile, she didn't care about Wuhe sister-chan who was angry because he didn't respond.

"I like?"

Xiao Kuangsan raised his face, faintly about to reveal the eyes of the clock hidden under the bangs.

"Well, Yoshino will like it too. Here it is."

Yagami didn't forget Yoshino, what he wanted to do was not only to capture Kuangsan, but also to capture Yoshino, a superb loli.

"A lot of cute puppies and kittens~~" Xiao Kuang took a closer look, the mature and serious expression he made disappeared immediately, his mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled.This is a child's innocent smile, not a girl's crazy three charming, charming or bloodthirsty smile.

And this smile just fell into Ye Shenyue's eyes.

Sure enough, even though Kuang San had trained this loli, he still couldn't change the 11-year-old little Kuang San's true heart.

Does he really want to date a little loli?Is it really just lolicon burning?

No wonder!

Tokisaki Kurumi is a particularly difficult elf to attack. This elf can commit suicide at will, and let himself take a lunch. Such an elf cannot be attacked by ordinary strategies.

So, if it is not her who is now dark and blackened from time to time, but her past, who is not completely dark in her heart, then this Lolita [-] is much better to attack than the black mad three.

Moreover, Kurumi's clones are all hers on different timelines, and the bento has no connection with Kurumi at the last moment, but it is strange that their thoughts can be connected.

That is to say, as long as he gets the favor of the current loli crazy three, he can get the favor of whether it is the main body crazy three or the doppelganger crazy three.

It's like killing two birds with one stone!

"So cute... stop licking, Yoshina is so itchy... ah ha ha..."

Yoshina crouched down, while the kitten licked Yoshina's bunny ears across the cage, and Yoshina kept barking.

"Four... Yoshina..."

The blue-haired loli was having a good time watching her hand puppet, and the pure white kitten in the cage seemed to move, but she didn't seem to have enough courage.

"It's okay, just stretch out your hand and touch it, it won't bite you..."

Ye Shenyue opened the cage, grabbed Yoshino's little hand and encouraged her.


Yoshino's small face showed a little excitement.

"Well... let's touch it together, don't be afraid..."


Loli nodded, and let Ye Shenyue take her little hand and touch it, and the tension disappeared.

Yoshino has done it here!

Ye Shenyue asked Little Loli to play with cats, but he turned to Xiao Kuangsan who was already playing with cats.

"It seems that Xiao Kuang San is very attractive... So Kuang San, you... Really a very kind person!"

Ye Shenyue touched the head of the pure white kitten that Kuang San was already holding in her arms and spoke to Little Kuang San.


Xiao Kuangsan raised his head.

"Well, animals are very sensitive creatures, they can tell which ones are good to them and which ones are not, and for bad guys they refuse to be held by them and refuse to be touched by them, but you see, This kitten likes you very much, it has already admitted that you are a kind person and will be kind to it, so it will directly let you hold it without any hesitation and without any refusal."

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