As for him, because Feiju is a cat, he will have the same kind of breath that cats are familiar with. Of course, cats will not reject him.

"You are wrong about this, Yuejun. In fact, I want to put it in a collar. Imprisoning it is not within the scope of kindness!"

Little Kuangsan shook his head, he let go of the kitten and opened the cage to put it back in again.

"Boss, I bought this kitten!"

However, Ye Shenyue held her hand and waved to the boss, and at the same time asked the boss to take out a collar and chain.

"Meow~~" Ye Shenyue opened the collar and put it on the kitten's neck.The cat raised its big eyes to look at Ye Shenyue, and the cute little body rubbed against him hard.

"It's good to see that now it's me who imprisoned her instead of you, Xiao Kuangsan, this kitten is for you."

Ye Shenyue handed the rope that tied the kitten to Xiao Kuang San.

"Give it to me?"

Kurumi showed a cute expression.

"You are the most suitable person for it. No one likes it more than you. Even if it is imprisoned like this, it will not leave you. It is willing to be imprisoned by you."

Yagami stroking and stroking the kitten wagging its tail. "How about giving it a name?"


"Well, this is the kitten I gave you, and you name it. It likes you to name it too, right?"

"Meow~~" The little white cat is very gentle and cute, constantly wagging its little tail, saying that the boy who understands the human nature of cats gives it a very familiar feeling, just like the feeling of being with its compatriots.

"I'll come up with the name of the song? Well... let's think about it, why don't I call it Xiaosan~~ Xiaosan~~" Her name is Kuangsan, so she can also call the cat that belongs to her a related name San, indeed It's not bad, it's just this little three...

"This name doesn't sound good?"

Even Xiao Kuang San could see that Ye Shenyue's expression was not very normal, so Xiao Kuang San showed an inquiring expression.

"Uh...that sounds good..."

Nice is nice, it's just the meaning of this mistress, Kuangsan, do you really understand?

The girl mad three taught you other things, some things, but still didn't tell you!

Seeing such an innocent and childlike Kuang San, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that she was guilty.

"That's good...Little San...Little San..."

The little white cat rubbed against Xiao Kuangsan's hand with his body, and looked very happy, and liked this unusual name in Ye Shenyue's eyes...

are you out?What did they do in there for so long!

Origami and Tohka, who were hiding outside, continued to monitor, but there were so many shelves in the room that it was difficult to see what the people inside were doing.

"Come out! Such a cute kitten...I don't know if I can eat it..."

Just as Origami was about to break in directly, Tohka's eyes lit up and said immediately.The former sentence belongs to the category of normal girls, the latter sentence, ignore it.

Origami immediately picked up the binoculars and looked over, "I was actually given a gift!"

Yuan Yi Jun Cao looked at the little white cat that Xiao Kuang San was holding in his arms and bit his lip.

" did they get there?"

"Lingerie shop!"

Origami stared at the words that seemed to be biting out of his mouth, "It was put together, and now Saki Kurumi and Yoshino are listed as dangerous targets, the elves really shouldn't be underestimated!"


Tohka did not understand.

"Yishinyue, you are really a lecher! How can you bring Yoshino and Kurumi to a place like this! At least you have to bring someone older!"

Sister Wuhe was already complaining in her headphones.She really could not have imagined that such an impactful "underwear date" would actually unfold between loli.

Anyone who meets this dating requirement is a teenage girl, right? It's so shameless for you to bring a little loli!And brought two!

Sister Wuhe felt a strange gaze shot from someone else.

"Didn't I say I'm going to an amusement park? What if I don't have a swimsuit to play in the water? I brought them here to prepare, not to see their bodies!"

Ye Shenyue dealt with Wuhe sister righteously, but the next sentence, under the question of "Which swimsuit do you like", immediately pointed to the adult-oriented Heisi.

"I'm sorry that my current body can't wear this kind of temptation~ Seductive Lei Si..."

Xiao Kuangsan bowed his head a little embarrassedly, "But since Yuejun said so, then buy it, and when the main body appears, dress the main body in a girl state."

"Little Kuangsan is the best..."

Ye Shenyue touched Xiao Kuang San's head, "Now Xiao Kuang San is also suitable for wearing black, so let's choose this one, it matches Yoshino's light blue one!"

What a lovely mad three, Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart for a long time.

"Those swimsuits seem pretty..."

Tohka and Tobuichi Origami, who had changed from long-range surveillance to close-range surveillance, approached. In the corner, Toka marveled at the dazzling array of underwear in various patterns.

"These swimsuits are specially designed weapons for the earth to fight against elves. It can be traced that the elves will explode as soon as they wear them, but non-elves will have no problem wearing them. In a word, this is unique to elves. Sexual rejection, a swimsuit that will be ashes as soon as the elf wears it!"

"So you can't wear it, only we humans can wear it!"

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