"No... no way... it's so scary..."

Tohka's lovely big eyes widened, looking at the rows of beautiful swimsuits as if seeing steel knives.Too dangerous.

"What a lie!"

Sister Wuhe, who was under surveillance by x2, and Origami Tobiichi, who was deceiving, sighed inwardly.

Tohka = natural stupidity = idiot this theorem has become the truth.

Under Tohka's fear, Origami calmly left her the task of "surveillance on the spot", while she went to choose a swimsuit herself.




Yoshino and Kurumi both changed their swimsuits according to his liking. Yashinyuki waited outside for a minute, and in front of him was a figure that passed three times, until the figure appeared in his place again. When he was in front of him, Ye Shenyue couldn't take it anymore, and directly grabbed the person who was going to continue to dangle in front of him.

Chapter 0058

"It's not easy to wear with one hand!"

Yoshino who was in the changing room said so, and Ye Shenyue's heart also floated.

Yoshino, this is... do you want to call him in to help?

Is it half worn or half worn now?

"Koto, I'm just happy to help!"

Ye Shenyue took off the earplugs from her ears as she spoke, and didn't care what Sister Wuhe would complain about, now he just wanted to hurry in and take a peek... Oh no, to "help" "Pop! "

The changing room is not the kind of door, but a piece of canvas is directly hung to cover it, maybe it is a place where no boys will come. This is a place for girls. Even if a boy enters by mistake, he will see the underwear sold here and more. Girls, they only blushed and slowly exited, so the dressing room was also made very simple, and Ye Shenyue just scooped it out and saw the panorama inside.

It's just that this panorama is completely different from what he imagined in his heart. At this time, Yoshino should have been half worn, and most of the time he is still struggling, but the reality is that Yoshino is sitting on a small chair. The rabbit hand puppet is on the left glove, and the body is wearing a light blue swimsuit.

She...she...she's dressed!

Why are you dressed!

Didn't you say you wanted him to help?

This unscientific!

"Um... Yoshino, you didn't say... It's not that you can't wear one handed well... Now what..."

The canvas has been put down, and Yagami has already entered, but just looking at Yoshino in a swimsuit in front of her, Yagami feels deceived.

Sure enough, the little Yoshino didn't say anything, and the Yoshina in her hand called out, "Yue-kun really is a big pervert... Are you imagining Yoshino's appearance without clothes? Just try it lightly. It came out... tsk tsk tsk really..."

The hand puppet Yoshina's voice is very loud, while Yoshino, who is a little loli, lowered her head and said "I'm sorry" in a low voice. .

It's just that Yoshino, who was simple, obediently apologized.

"Yuejun is a satyr! A satyr, a satyr, a satyr..."

Yoshino continued to shout, and there was a trend of more and more voices, Ye Shenyue quickly covered its mouth, and now Xiao Kuang San has not succeeded in attacking, if the favorability drops again, then he wants to attack all the madmen Isn't San's plan stillborn?

And Yoshina was wrong about one thing, she was completely framing him, that is...

"I've seen Yoshino with no clothes on, okay! Where's the need to imagine... um..."

Ye Shenyue yelled out angrily because of Yoshina's framed accusation, but after she finished speaking, looking at Yoshino's cute cheeks that immediately blushed, Ye Shenyue immediately realized that she seemed to be... saying the wrong thing.

"So that's the case... As expected, Yue-jun has long been attracted to Yoshino... It's really heart-wrenching, Yue-jun's confession to others must be false, in fact, what you want to say is Yoshino... It must be like this, as long as you confess to others, you will naturally be able to get Yoshino to work in the end, what a villain who plays with people's feelings! Quickly pay for people's fragile hearts... woo woo... everyone has been hurt by you... woohoo..."

Yoshina stretched out her two small claws and grabbed the hem of Ye Shenyue's clothes, looking heartbroken.

You can do romance dramas.

Ye Shenyue complained to this rabbit in her heart, but of course he couldn't be responsible for Yoshina, but now he had to deal with it first.

If you reason with it, it will turn into a crooked reason, and if you are reasonable, you will become unreasonable, not to mention that he is unreasonable.

That impressive confession itself was to escape the triangle Shura field of my sister, my god sister, and my girlfriend, and the rest really didn't matter.

Since it was unreasonable and unreasonable, Ye Shenyue chose the easiest method.

That was holding Yoshina's hands.

Yoshina's rabbit head raised up, as if she didn't understand.


Yagami grabbed the little rabbit hand puppet directly along the rabbit's hands, and left Yoshino's small hand.

"Ye...Mr. Ye..."

If the hand puppet was taken away or blown away, Yoshino would definitely cry loudly, but the person who took her Yoshina now is not someone else but Yagami.

The person she trusts, the person she told her to be her hero.

Yoshino is very important, so is hero. When the two of them collided, she didn't know who to help.

"I have something to tell you, two people alone, I will return Yoshina to you later."

Ye Shenyue put Yoshina aside, touched the little loli's head and said gently.

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