"It's okay...just collapsed all of a sudden...just take a rest."

"By the way... Really, there is one more thing you have to promise me!"

It's cool, but Ye Shenyue has one more thing on her mind.

"As long as it's what my father says, I'll agree."

Zhenna was the most obedient, and she said it without any hesitation, which made Ye Shenyue very relieved. This daughter is much more obedient than a certain arrogant daughter.

"That's... don't leak our relationship so quickly, you still treat me as your brother, especially in front of Qin Li."

If Sister Wuhe knew that he not only had a wife but also a daughter, I'm afraid he wouldn't even want to see Kotori in her sister's model.

Not only Kotori, other girls haven't gotten started yet, and he suddenly became an uncle-level, so it's even more difficult to get started.

"Then I still call you big brother? Big brother!"

Mana, who was transformed from daughter to sister-chan, put her arms around Yagami's neck.

ps: Thank you for your support, the next chapter is Ye Shenyue's bento?

Chapter 0066 Is the night god moon getting a bento? (for collection)

"Little San~~Be nice..."

Ye Shenyue took off the rope for the little white cat given to Xiao Kuang San, and there was only a collar left. Even the little cat who took off the collar would not run around. It is very good, because Ye Shenyue is very good. I have already told it that this time I will take it to find its owner, Kurumi Tokisaki.

Yes, I just went to find Tokisaki Kuangsan, the date has passed, and Xiao Kuangsan has disappeared, so the next thing is not a showdown or something?

It would be great if Kuangsan could summon Little Kuangsan again.

"Are you sure you really want to pretend to be a kitten like this? It will suffocate it... let's breathe."

Sister Wuhe on the side was biting at the lollipop, watching Ye Shenyue's clumsy act of "pretending to be a cat", and finally locked up her schoolbag and shouted quickly.

"It's alright, you forgot who I am? Magician! A space bag has been set up in the schoolbag, and enough oxygen has been filled in for Xiaosan to breathe."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, Wuhe sister-chan is questioning him, it's really shameful, doesn't he know that cats can't live without fish... um, no, can't they live without oxygen?

Of course, I prepared it in advance, but magic is really easy to use. No wonder Ariel-chan does everything with her hands and uses magic. Magic is so convenient.

"Speaking of magic, what's wrong with you today? You look weak. Could it be that you played with Tohka too late last night... Sure enough, I should have slept with Tohka tonight."

Sister Wuhe frowned, with a certain tone.

"Where did you think of it! I really can't tell, this is still my pure and innocent sister... She was poisoned... tsk tsk tsk..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't help twitching her lips, her god sister was really broken, completely broken.To think that "everything is dead" is really the true character of Sister Wuhe.

She should have come to attack at night last night too.

"Who... who is not pure! It's not all the scourge of you, the big lecher!"

Commander Wuhe blushed all of a sudden, but arrogantly became angry.

"It's so lively early in the morning."

Murasame Reine, who was also sleepy enough, walked out of the room, yawning and summarizing the daily farce...

"Yue, are you really going to have a showdown with Tokisaki Kurumi today? I feel like she's a very dangerous person, but I can't help."

Tohka, who pulled the chair directly over and sat beside Ye Shenyue, looked disappointed.

"Tohka is the best, but this time I want to solve it myself, you can do it if you have the will."

Ye Shenyue touched Tohka's head, and sure enough, the person who relies on him the most in this world is Tohka Yatoshen.The former Valkyrie is now a natural stay.


It's just that Tohka still had a puffy face, her big purple eyes like jewels were open.

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue was a little surprised. Could it be that Tohka wanted to do something terrifying?Was it tricked by origami or was it tricked by origami?

"Don't let Shizaki Kuangsan take all the souls away!"

Tohka snorted and finally shouted as if she was going out of her way, and the sound was so loud that it shook Ye Shenyue's periosteum.

"Tohka...how could you say such things!"

If it were Wuhe's sister who said that, Yashenyue wouldn't be surprised at all, but now it is Yatogami Tohka who said this to him, the girl who writes Tohka and reads as an idiot.Has she understood such a profound word as "Hook Soul"?

"It really does work, doesn't it? That guy Origami is right... Just saying that will definitely shock Yue..."

Tohka touched her chin with one hand, with an expression of "achieved the expected result", an old pedantic analysis.

"Hmph, you really are an idiot."

The beautiful genius who was sitting on the side~ The girl Tobiichi Origami was quite speechless when she saw the self-directed and self-acted performance of Yatoshen, and told her not to betray her, but she betrayed her anyway.

"Who are you calling an idiot!"

Regarding the word idiot, especially the idiot that came from Tobiichi Origami's mouth, Tohka-san is quite sensitive. He has been deceived more times, and his ability to conditionally launch has also increased.

It only took Tohka a second to recognize that it was a special address for her.

"Who should be who."

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