Origami turned her head and said something that made Toka even more angry.

These two guys...

Ye Shenyue didn't even know what to do with them. She said that their relationship was not good, but when he was dating Xiao Kuang San, they were quite harmonious. If they were in a good relationship, they would not be. There is a scene where a quarrel immediately occurs after a word that doesn't fit right now.

"Ala... everyone is here, Yuejun, you are still as lively as ever here."

At this moment, a sweet and charming tone came from the door of the classroom.It was the voice of a girl named Tokisaki Kurumi.

People come before they come.

As soon as the voice fell, a girl with two ponytails dressed as a lady was wearing different white socks than Origami's favorite, but a sexy and sensual color... A beautiful girl in black stockings of xy appeared in front of everyone.

Black hair tied in two bundles, white porcelain skin.From between the fore hair that swayed while walking, he could see the left eye with a pattern like the dial of a clock.

This eye-catching girl is Kurumi, Tokisaki Kurumi, and Girls' Generation's Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Tokisaki Kuangsan!"

Tohka and Origami, who were still arguing, immediately became serious. This is not peace, but a temporary suspended sentence, ready to jointly defend against foreign enemies!

"Student Wuhe is definitely a beast!"

"Super big beasts and beasts, they have daughters and they come to provoke the beautiful Tohka, the sex demons are no longer enough to satisfy your evaluation."

"It's disgusting."

Seeing the appearance of Kuangsan, of course, there is no need to complain about the three-way female Yayi, Mai and Meiyi.On their date yesterday, they witnessed a "family group date" as soon as they saw Kurumi's appearance, they immediately thought of it and launched a spit attack.

"Kusan, you forgot something with me."

Ignoring the Tucao trio, Ye Shenyue watched Kuang Sanji sit down as a lady, and then handed over her schoolbag.


Kurumi's red eyes flashed outside, a little surprised.It's just that Ye Shenyue handed it over, she still stretched out her small white hand to take it.

"Is it food?"

By Tohka.

"Is it a token of love?"

By Tobiichi Origami.

Ye Shenyue didn't answer because Kurumi had already opened his schoolbag and told everyone the answer with facts.

"You brought it... Little San, how was your day yesterday?"

Kuang San stretched out his slender and fair index finger and pointed at the little white cat's fluffy head.

"Meow~~Meow~" The kitten named "Little San" by Kuang San sticks out her tongue and licks Kuang San, obviously it recognizes her owner at once, although the owner seems to have grown up all of a sudden , but the taste on the owner has not changed, this must be its owner.

Sure enough, she could really get the memory of her clone.

Seeing Kuang San stroking the little white cat and recognizing it, Ye Shenyue was relieved now, he still had to worry that the mechanism of Kuang San's clone was different from what he imagined, and now he was relieved.

In other words, as long as you conquer one mad [-], you can harvest a group of mad [-].The current Kuangsan also has the memories of Xiao Kuangsan.

"It's a kitten!"

Looking at the kitten that Kurumi was playing with, not only Tohka and the others were surprised, but even the three complaining.

"It is forbidden to bring pets to school!"

The Tucao trio reported to Teacher Xiaozhu, who arrived late.

"Pet? You read it wrong, why didn't I see it? Let's go to class soon."

It's just that Teacher Xiaozhu took the pointer and walked around in a full circle, not seeing anything strange.

And the last teacher Xiaozhu landed in front of the meowing little white cat, just shook it and turned away and said loudly.

Can't see or turn a blind eye or is it intentional to cover up?


The trio was stunned for now. They seemed to have forgotten a little bit. It seems that Teacher Xiaozhu was attacked by the bird and the beast Ye Shenyue a long time ago.

"It's really a beast."

Finally, the helpless beauty made a conclusion...

The cool breeze in the afternoon swept across the ears, and the little hands as white as porcelain dolls gently folded the bun that had been ruffled by the wind, and the lady's movements had a unique charm.

"Then... by asking me out alone, is Yuejun preparing to dedicate himself completely to me?"

Kurumi leaned on the railing with one hand and laughed softly, the red eyes that were exposed outside flickered.

"If you really want to think so... This time I'm here to put an end to our date yesterday."

Ye Shenyue also leaned against the guardrail, and leaned her body to look at Kurumi dressed as a lady. The thin breeze blew from left to right, blowing the scenery of the bottom of the girl's skirt, and Kurumi subconsciously held down the skirt with her hand. It's just that the beauty of that moment was captured by Ye Shenyue.

It is said that underwear shows the true temperament, but this time Kurumi is not pantyhose but hollowed-out lace full of interest.

Is she really a boring person?

His expression remained as still as the old monk sitting still, as if the person who had just peeked at the scenery was not him.

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