"Period? I think Xiao Kuangsan has completed her mission... In the end, Yue-jun lost his mind? You must have been attacked... Sure enough, you came to dedicate yourself..."

Kuang San smiled, propped up the railing with one hand, and moved his footsteps twice to turn around. When he faced Ye Shenyue again, he had turned into an elf Kuang San wearing a spiritual outfit—three times.

At this time, Kuang San, the bangs that covered her left eye had disappeared, and her black hair was tied into two bundles.Her skin was as white as pearls, and her neck exposed at the mouth of the jungle was as slender as if it would snap with a little force.The exposed left eye is the eye of the golden clock, and the hour and minute hands are pointing to the word nine o'clock.

This is Kuang San, Kuang San's normal form.

Kurumi, who had already dressed up as an elf, got close to Yeshenyue, and didn't mind physical contact at all. Kurumi's long, white fingers landed on Yeshenyue's face, and then slowly slid down, and finally touched Yeshen. Moon's lips.

"Your lips... I really want it... This magical ability..."

Crazy three toes touched the ground, and in an instant, a huge enchantment spread out from the toes, covering the entire campus at once.

"The city of eating time, as long as those who fall within the range of my enchantment, their time will become mine."

As if explaining her moves to Yashenyue, Kuangsan pushed away Yashenyue's body, and instantly five or six hands emerged from the ground to grab Yeshenyue's legs, hands, and neck.

"What do you want!"

Could it be that Kuangsan was forced into a hurry, why did she launch the offensive?

The trapped Yagami didn't rush out of the trap but continued to try to persuade Kurumi.

"Of course I want to eat you... Don't worry, it won't hurt, I won't kill you... I just need your strength... I think Yuejun will be happy to hand it over... After all, you are all for Xiao Kuangsan is so worried, how about it, take the initiative to hand over your power as you said, your complex abilities make people really love it and hate it~~" Kuangsan revealed

Chapter 0067 Who will give him the last knife? (One more request for subscription)

"I was almost deceived by you... I'm still too immature at this stage... Hey... How could..."

The blood-stained hand was pulled out from the heart, and Tokisaki Kurumi, who thought he had hit his "past" self, was stunned.

This is Tokisaki Kurumi's hand. To be precise, it is another Tokisaki Kurumi who appeared on the rooftop. Now Tokisaki Kurumi is stunned at this moment, she just wants to kill the confused herself. , I really want to kill myself instead of... not to kill Yashin Yue.

At first she aimed at the Tokisaki Kurumi who stretched out her palm, but when the attack arrived, it turned into Yagami's body.

What the hell is going on here!

Kurumi was stunned.

"Monarch Moon!"

The other Kuangsan, who was pulled away by Ye Shenyue, knelt down, hugged Ye Shenyue's body Kuang San's body, and grabbed Ye Shenyue's body tightly with both hands. Can't say anything else.

She didn't expect the sudden appearance of the main body, but what she couldn't even imagine was that Ye Shenyue would push her away and use his body to block the main body's blow.

As clones, they have long been ready to receive lunch at any time, and they have no regrets or resentment, because they are Kuangsan, and there is nothing to complain about dying for themselves.

But now, someone died for them.

Kurumi, who was wearing a black and red dress, hugged Ye Shenyue's body like this, not moving.

And Ye Shenyue's consciousness is slowly diminishing.

"Kingzi did this to him, and now Kuangsan is the same, should he be treated like this?"

Ye Shenyue, who spat out a mouthful of blood, put on a wry smile on the corner of her mouth. As expected, it still ended like this. No matter what, he couldn't escape the fate of being killed by blackening, but now this is much better than a hatchet attack.

It was bloody just thinking about it.

As she was dying, Ye Shenyue could still complain like this.

"Why do you want to……"

Kurumi, who was pulled away by her, hugged Ye Shenyue's slumped body.

"It's not like I said, I can die for you, I like yours... Kuang San!"

While talking, Yashenyue spurted blood, her heart was pierced through her face and the blood couldn't circulate freely.

"Obviously... Obviously I'm just a clone..."

"Whether it's the 06 clone or the main body, no matter which one is Kuang San, I will save... Goodbye, Little Kuang San."

Ye Shenyue's blood-stained palm slammed down weakly after just touching Kurumi's face.

There seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his body didn't move, Ye Shenyue didn't move.

Kurumi, who had blood on his face, didn't move.


The main body Kuang San didn't move, and the clone Kuang San didn't move either, but Mana, who was previously held by Ye Shenyue, moved.She rushed directly in front of Ye Shenyue and shouted loudly. She felt that Ye Shenyue's vitality was continuously draining, and more and more blood flowed from her chest.

This is a sign of dying.


She didn't know where the strength came from her paralyzed body, but she rushed out, running faster than a normal person, and Tohka rushed directly in front of Ye Shenyue.

And Origami followed closely, not losing the speed to Tohka at all, but rushed in front of Yagami in an instant.

"It's over... it's over... it's over..."

Looking at Ye Shenyue with her eyes closed, she is the most sensitive elf to life force and time. Seeing Ye Shenyue's life force draining so fast, Kurumi showed a terrifying expression.

The expression didn't know whether he was horrified and overwhelmed by the sudden arrival or regretful and troubled for what he had done.

Kurumi is a little broken, but it's not just her who is broken.

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