Because of her voice and the blood dripping from her slender and tender right hand, she immediately attracted more than three pairs of eyes.

At the scene, there were Chong Gong, Tohka Yato, and Tobiichi Origami.

One elf and two ASTs against the elite of the elf army.

"Tokisaki Kurumi, it's you... The guy who killed his elder brother, the relatives he found with great difficulty, the truth that he knew with great difficulty..."

Mana stood up.As soon as he stretched out his hand, he immediately took out an extremely sharp lightsaber.

On the other hand, Origami took out the high-tech weapon and equipment chip from his pocket and stuck it directly on his forehead. At this moment, he was fully armed. This is a temporary emergency equipment. At that time, the load on the body suddenly increased and it was unbearable, and the weapons and equipment were not as good as regular weapons.But none of this is a problem, compared to inner anger.

Tohka walked over tremblingly and looked at Yeshenyue, whose blood was almost draining, her purple eyes were already dyed deep black when she raised them.

This is the color of despair.

The moment she raised her eyes, she took back all the power of the elf that was supposed to be sealed in Ye Shenyue's body, and put on a purple suit for elves, the elf spirit outfit - Juban.

"Tobiichi Origami, although I really don't want to join forces with you, but at this moment we have a common enemy!"

As always, he slammed to the ground, and the hard and hard ground slammed open to reveal the mysterious and powerful killer.She kicked the throne away with one kick, pulled out her long sword, and the Valkyrie was full of momentum.

"Indeed...this can't spare her!"

Origami also drew out his lightsaber and confronted Kurumi.

All three of the three swords were aimed at Kurumi of the main body.At this moment, the three formed a minor league.

"You want revenge? So come on..."

Kuang San was indeed broken, and he actually wanted a one-on-three.He raised his pistol and shot himself in the forehead.

The countless arms that appeared on the spot suddenly all emerged from the black ground, turning into Kurumi in black and red.

This is her in different tenses on the timeline.

Numerous Kurumi surrounded the three girls.All he could see was the figure of Kurumi wearing a spiritual outfit and holding a pistol.

"One pair of three? Now there are three pairs of countless!"

The same words were spoken word by word from all the Kuangsan mouths. The speed of speech was either 0.001 seconds faster or 0 seconds slower. The combination made people dizzy.

A war between elves and AST, elves and elves is about to break out.

"That's not right... Now it's not countless pairs of threes, but countless pairs of top fours!"

At this time, the sky, which was originally nothing, suddenly seemed to be cracked by burning, and a dazzling, scorching sound with infinite rays of light came from the sky.

She floated in the air, and even the clouds burned red, but her appearance alone dyed the sky red.

This is a petite girl, standing in the air with flames wrapped around her body.

Half of the sleeves are made of flickering flames, white kimono.A hot belt that wraps around the body like a feather coat of a goddess.There are also two pure white horns sticking out from the side of the head.

"That's... Kotori? The Spirit of Fire?"

Origami's eyes suddenly flashed, and the memory from five years ago seemed to reappear in front of her eyes again.

Ruined her childhood.

"Koto... Yue let Tokisaki Kurumi kill him! She killed Yue!"

Incarnation of the Valkyrie Goddess Yatoshen Tohka should have only despair and resentment in her eyes, but now she saw that familiar figure in the sky and this familiar voice, and Tohka's will prevailed again.

"Hurry up and think of a way to save him... that's okay..."

In Tohka's eyes, apart from Reine, compared to Tobiichi Origami, who would only lie to her, only Wuhe-san was more reliable.

The expression on Kotori's face right now is not extreme anger, maybe... maybe there is still hope.

It's not so much that he wants revenge to kill Tokisaki Kurumi directly.However, what Tohka wanted to do at the moment was... to save Yagami Yue.

Ye Shenyue came back to life, more than anything else.

She wanted the person who brought her into this happiness, who had a lot of food every day to open her eyes again, hoping to get his touch again, she really just wanted this.Just that is enough.


However, when everyone gave up hope, Kotori nodded and fell directly from the sky, surrounded by a series of mad three, and landed next to Ye Shenyue.

"I have the ability to ignite a flame from the wound when I suffer fatal injuries, and to regenerate and resurrect in the end. As long as this ability is transferred to him, he can also have the ability to resurrect, and he can be resurrected at that time."

The flames on the Fire Spirit's body were still burning, and the burning heat was fiery and exuberant.

"Really? You didn't lie to us?"

This time, not only Tohka stopped, but Origami and Mana also stopped. Although revenge is important, the more important thing is to make Yagami come back to life.

This is the point.

As a result, the three immediately abandoned Kuang San and concentrated on Ye Shenyue's side.

"He originally had my power. So it doesn't matter how he was divided, but the problem now is that I have taken back 90% of my power, and now the part of Oni-chan's body that can be resurrected is insufficient, although Not completely dead, but almost dying."

The beautiful feather clothes fell to the ground, and Kotori took Ye Shenyue from the avatar Kurumi.

Raised his face.

"What do you want to do, Kotori?"

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