"It's really ridiculous to give back the power. I just wanted to get back the power to fight Kuang San, but I didn't expect to have to give it back before I started to use it."

While laughing at herself, Kotori held Ye Shenyue's face and kissed it.

It's not uncommon for everyone to kiss and kiss the elf and Ye Shenyue, and everyone present also knows that Ye Shenyue can gain the power of the elf by kissing.

Kotori kissed him also to send power into his body.

Everyone held their breath.

Neither the main body mad three nor the cloned mad three controlled by the main body did not move or speak.

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed.

Kotori let go of Ye Shenyue, and her petal-thin lips also left Ye Shenyue's mouth.

"Okay... okay?"

Tohka asked anxiously, after hearing that Ye Shenyue was still saved, she had long since lost the form of a desperate Valkyrie and returned to the state of ordinary Tohka, and asked anxiously.

"Or not!"

Wuhe sister raised her hand and wanted to pat Ye Shenyue a few times, "This bastard's training last night has been fruitful, he can really control the kiss and not absorb the power of the elves, and now he belongs to the state of kissing and not absorbing power! There's no way to get back to him!"

"Then... how about that?"

Tohka's purple eyes immediately changed to a color of despair.Mana and Origami focus on Kurumi again.

"I think...there's another way."

Only at this time, the avatar Kuang San, who should have been stunned, suddenly made a sound.

"There is another way to save Yuejun."


Chapter 0068 Goodbye Gaia (2 more flowers +)

"You come?"

"No, no! How can you let the murderer come here!"

Really, they all rejected it.

"This is the last way to save Yuejun. If you can't do it, he will really die!"

"Death... Maybe it's better to let Ernie-chan die naturally... This way, I can be resurrected with natural teeth."


Kurumi didn't know what kind of expression to use anymore, and the whole person almost became Spartan.

Indeed, after discussing for a long time, they just wanted to decide who would kill Ye Shenyue. If they let him die naturally, wouldn't it mean that no one would have to do this?

Then resurrect him!

"Lingyin, please analyze how long it will take for Ye Shenyue to die if he just ignores Ye Shenyue like this?"

Wuhe sister resumed the mode of commander again and asked seriously and seriously.


Reine held out her finger.


"Three days? It's a bit long...but it's not impossible to wait..."

Kotori nodded and said to herself.

"Not three days..."

But Reine shook her head and denied it.

"Could it be three months? It's a bit long..."

Commander Wuhe also showed a tangled expression on his face.

"Not three months either."

"Huh? Could it be three years? It's too long..."

The younger sister's expression became very tangled.The flames on his body burned even more vigorously.

"Not three years, but three hundred years!"

"Three hundred years? Who else will be alive then! Sure enough, he has to be killed! Kill him now!"

The piano is also a little broken.The uncontrollable temperament that had been changed by the restoration of the true body of the fire spirit all erupted.

"Qinli's expression is terrifying..."

Tohka, who was staying beside Wuhe sister, was stunned by Wuhe sister's instantly reddened expression.

"Okay! That's it... kill him!"

Sister Wuhe, who was closest to Ye Shenyue, raised Bai Ruyu's small hand, and there was a small drop of flame on her index finger, but this was just a weak, no longer faint flame that suddenly burned violently, and it only took a second to instantly grow from childhood. The fire was transformed into a flame that could completely devour a person.

This violent flame patted Ye Shenyue's body without any hesitation. The ultra-high temperature made it impossible to suspect that this flame would completely devour Ye Shenyue's body.

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