Ye Shenyue stood up without any wounds on her body.



Mana, Origami, and Tohka finally recovered after X3 was hit by Kotori's "cannon", and looked at Yashinyuki who had stood up in surprise.

"Stand up? Well, kill it quickly!"

It's just that the one floating in the air has completely lost control, and the younger sister sauce has turned black, and aimed the cannon of "Burning and Destroying Ghosts" at Yashenyue.


The target of the shelling was Ye Shenyue.

Sister Wuhe is completely broken.


Kuang San's clone stood in front of Ye Shenyue, and the rows were densely packed.

As long as they are hit, these clones with less than 100 combat power are definitely dead, although they have been receiving lunches, it is a common thing to die.

But Ye Shenyue can't bear it, these are all mad threes, he can die for one avatar mad three, and he can live for these infinite mad three.

It's not just him who wants to live, these mad three also live!

Ye Shenyue raised her hands, and quickly constructed a magical barrier from his hands, covering everyone except Kotori.


It seemed that the bombardment that destroyed everything had landed heavily on Ye Shenyue's barrier, the huge barrier swayed but still stood strong.

In this way, the shelling was actually blocked!

"Good... so strong!"

Tohka and the others, who could no longer stand up, were astonished when the artillery bombardment that could knock the elves in pieces was blocked. As the victims of the artillery bombardment, they knew the horror of Kotori, who was out of control.

"Blocked? Then another blow!"

Eyes filled with bloodthirsty color, the fire elf raised the cannon again.

"Is it under the control of power?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, then disappeared in place and reappeared in mid-air, and then appeared directly in front of Kotori.

"It's so fast!"

Kurumi's eyes of the clock moved, but she couldn't see how Yagami was moving. Before she blinked, Yagami had already changed to a height similar to but completely different from Origami and the other AST members. The technological armor flew directly to Kotori.


Kotori still wanted to continue attacking, but Yashin Yueyi appeared on her back in a second and hugged Kotori's sister.

"Let go of me... shelling..."

Kotori's collapse continues.

"no solution anymore……"

Chapter 0070 The reappearance of Jingzi sauce (2 more for collection)


Watching Ye Shenyue slowly fall in the air, the white and blue armor on her body disappeared, and the fainted Kotori was hugged by him, Kotori fainted and her strength disappeared. , but the feather clothes like a goddess still remain on Qin Li's body.

If the power of the elves is completely taken away, the clothes that they have transformed with the power of the elves will also disappear completely, but he has already made Yoshino and Tohka naked twice, how could he let his sister-chan be naked too ?

Although there were no suspicious male creatures at the scene, maybe it was out of selfishness that Yashenyue had a lot of intentions for Qinli's spiritual outfit - Wufan, so it's still useful to wear it now.

Handing Kotori to Lingyin, who was ready to take over, Ye Shenyue looked at Kurumi.

Although there are countless Kuang San on this rooftop, Ye Shenyue still saw the main body Kuang San at a glance.

"Then... the next stage is our stage... Yue-kun, have you decided who you want to play? Or do you want to play by yourself?"

Kurumi snapped his fingers and the countless clones immediately backed away to make way for Yagami.Let Ye Shenyue and the main body directly face each other.




The three people who were bombarded by Kotori several times with artillery bombardment were really powerless.

Tohka and the others who were lying on the ground stood up strong, but they still fell, and Ye Shenyue hurried over to support her.

"You've done a great job."

Ye Shenyue touched Tohka's head, with a gentle expression on her face, but she was constantly complaining in her heart.If you are defeated, you are defeated, or because the nest is almost completely destroyed.

What the hell is going on here!


Ye Shenyue found that the ability of Guangdu obtained in the catgirl world is very useful, whether it is to improve combat power, repair broken objects or even treat injuries, it is like the essential oil.

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