A faint warm golden brilliance spread from the hands to the entire rooftop. Whether it was the injured Tohka and the others, or the uninjured Kurumi, everyone felt the warmth.

It was like being back in the safest arms of a mother.

Tohka, Origami and Mana's wounds recovered quickly, not only the wounds but also the damaged armor was regenerating, in just over a minute, several people were completely new.

Not only did they benefit, Kurumi himself was the same, she felt that her time had been supplemented, and the value was almost comparable to the thousand people she killed.

That is to say, as long as Ye Shenyue is so bright, she will give her the time of a thousand people.

"Yuejun, I really want you more and more..."

Whether it was the clock eye on the left or the red eyes flashed by Kurumi leaning against the railing, it was all desire.

"I want you too..."

Infinite madness three, infinite first time, of course, infinite blackening must be ruled out.Kurumi San, who is blackened and collapsed, only needs one.Just like Kotori, the blackening is so terrible that even Mana, Origami and Tohka can't compare to her.

"Okay, if you can win against me, you can do whatever you want... But the same, if I win your power, I will take it back again!"

"Emperor Keke!"

Kuang San shouted, and behind her immediately appeared a huge and mysterious dial of a clock that was almost identical to her left eye. It was a golden dial.

But unlike the left eye, this dial is particularly large, and the golden brilliance gives a mysterious and scary feeling.

"Yue, stand back and I'll deal with Kurumi Tokisaki!"

Seeing Kurumi summoning her "angel" Tohka, she clenched her hands tightly and protected Ye Shenyue with a serious face.

"I'll deal with Tokisaki Kurumi!"

Tobiichi Origami was not discouraged and stood up herself.His face was expressionless, but it gave people a feeling of coercion.

Origami is serious and scary.

"If you want to deal with my elder brother, then pass me first."

Mana, the petite among the three, also stood up. Even though she was petite, she was undoubtedly the strongest in terms of attack level.

Of course, the premise was that Tohka was not blackened.

"You are not her opponent. I have prepared the best opponent for Kurumi."

In response to Origami's initiative, Ye Shenyue shook her head slightly and said to Kurumi.

This time it wasn't the time for Origami and the others to appear. Even if they did, they would have to die.

After all, people have time to suspend this most harmful ability, and Kotori, the only one who can deal with Kurumi, also fainted because of the blackening.

Therefore, at this time, a person who can restrain Kuang San is needed.

And this person needs to be summoned, just to test the summoning skills knocked out from Gaia.

"Best opponent?"

Kuang San slightly raised his eyebrows.Are there other people here?Is there anyone else who could be an opponent?

"Well, Kurumi, do you still remember what I told you about someone who is very similar to you?"

"You mean Kyoko?"

The main body shares the memory and thoughts of the clone, so Kurumi fully understands it.

"Well, I think Jingzi is the most suitable opponent for you."

……If you ask for flowers, the same will be disguised, the same will be blackened, and the same will be engaged in literature and art.

"Then... let me meet her, I can't wait to get your power."

Kurumi laughed softly and said terrible things.


Ye Shenyue nodded, looking for the summoning skill given by Gaia in her memory. The magic power fluctuations of her body suddenly carved a blood-red hexagram magic circle on the ground.

The blood-colored brilliance of the magic circle made people unable to open their eyes.

"Magic circle?"

Kurumi's pupils contracted slightly.

And Ye Shenyue, who was located directly behind the magic battle, sighed slightly.

Sorry Yuu.It was only when the summoning magic circle was activated that Yagami Yue realized that this summoning could only be used once, which meant that only Kyoko-chan could be summoned.

After all, it was said that she was going to be summoned.

And after he got the summoning skill, what he thought was that he could summon more girls, such as his Yuchan, Yukuliwood. In this era of loli popular, his superiority may be able to defeat the cowardly loli. Li Yoshino, who defeated the blackened loli Xiaokuangsan.

But this time I can only summon one!

Can't summon cute Loli Yu.

And just when he sighed, the magic circle was all completed, and suddenly it burst into a more dazzling brilliance.

"Although I am cute and charming, I will invite death!"

"Come on, Kyoko-chan!"

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