"So that's the case... Then I'll have to taste it... Yue, hurry up and make it for me!"

It's just that Yoshina's exclusive explanation made Tohka listen to her, and Tohka looked at Ye Shenyue with excitement, and her eyes were eager and eager, and she almost drooled.

Fortunately, Jingzijiang has removed the juice now, otherwise Ye Shenyue would have to spit it out in one mouthful, this Tohxiang really can say anything!

"This...it's completely impossible to do now..."

If she really wants to have a taboo relationship with Tohka, she has to wait for her daughter to be born.

Thinking like this, Ye Shenyue's eyes involuntarily turned to the forbidden fruit that existed in reality.

A petite, cute body, simple and deceitful yet obedient, and most importantly, connected by the ties of blood.

"Brother? What's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

A puzzled and embarrassed expression appeared on Chonggong Zhenna's face, and her hands were constantly rubbing her body, as if she was looking for a mirror to see where she got the food.


Ye Shenyue shook her head secretly, those who have no blood relationship have not yet completed the strategy, so let's put those with blood relationship first.

"By the way...I have one thing to tell you...I have to leave here from tomorrow, and now I am not familiar with the use of the newly restored Kekedi, who will kill me if I am not careful. So I have to find some test items to experiment with."

At this moment, Kuang San joined the conversation as if she was a blockbuster, but instead of answering, she left everyone speechless.

Kuang San... Kuang San actually took the initiative to leave?


Except for Ye Shenyue, who knew in advance, everyone was surprised. With the advantage of infinite avatars, Kuang San actually quit voluntarily. This is really...

"Is what you said true?"

by Tobiichi Origami and Gogawa Kotori.

Origami and Kotori, who were supposed to be in a heated duel, all stood in front of the main body Kurumi, and the two stared at Kurumi, as if to determine whether the other was lying from the other's big eyes.

"Of course it's true...Although the time is short, but thanks to your care..."

Kurumi twisted her skirt and smiled faintly, this time the smile was not bloodthirsty.

She was originally a beautiful girl, so she looked so cute when she smiled like that.

"I hope everyone will be so lively when we meet next time...then...bye bye!"

With a light snap of his fingers, Kurumi's body slowly entered the shadow, and quickly disappeared.

Suddenly but decisively.

"It really went away like this..."

Kuang San came and went quickly, and he left so suddenly, making people feel overwhelmed.


Origami and Kotori breathed a sigh of relief, because Kurumi was putting too much pressure on them.

If it's a mad [-], that's fine. Compared with a single mad [-], they are still more confident, but if the other party suddenly summons a whole row of mad [-], the impact of this eyeball and vision is them. can never be compared.

It's just that Origami and the others just exhaled, and the moment they opened their eyes, they saw it again, and saw Kurumi.

Like a fake crazy three.

She... didn't she leave?

"Hey...Why are you back again? Didn't you say you're going to leave!"

In the blink of an eye, Shizaki Kurumi reappeared and immediately hugged Yashenyue's neck and left a deep kiss on Yashenyue's forehead.

Tokisaki Kurumi really thought they weren't there!

Without any advance notice, Origami and Kotori seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection and aimed the bamboo sword in their hands for a duel at Kurumi who was holding Yagami Yue.

"I'm really leaving... But I forgot to give Yue-kun a goodbye gift..."

"Actually, people have strong tastes... More than two at a time is okay~~" Kuang San's white and tender hands slid directly into Ye Shenyue's clothes, and just as she spoke, several Kuang San appeared around her. .

"Hey... Tokisaki Kurumi, you are too disrespectful!"

"A man without integrity!"

Kotori and Origami took turns shouting angrily.

"The most unscrupulous are you guys... go back and continue the duel!"

A group of mad three answered in unison, perfect connection, each mad [-] said three words, but it made people not feel that it was said from the mouth of different mad three.

"Tokisaki Kuangsan!"


The 580X2 chaos continues to unfold.

And the duel between Kotori and Origami seems to be turning in a more unscrupulous direction.

DEM agency.

"I received news from Shina Chonggong. She reported something very strange. In Laichan High School, she saw a girl with a similarity of 99% to pRIncess who appeared in Tiangong City and then disappeared strangely, but the girl's body was monitored. It doesn't belong to the power of the elf, but my intuition tells me that the girl with 99% similarity is probably the pRIncess who disappeared."

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