An expressionless and beautiful girl took a book and flipped through a few pages and said to the man on the side, as if the subordinate was reporting to the superior.

Is she a secretary?

"Oh... It seems that the situation has become interesting. Ellen will ask you to confirm this time. If it is true, it must be very interesting. The power of pRIncess can be hidden. The power of pRIncess is really amazing. ."

The handsome looking uncle in his thirties touched his chin with one hand with an expression of interest.

"Sure enough, sending Zhenna to the useless AST to collect information is still very useful."

Ike Westcott continued with a smile, "Then what about the news of Nightmare (another name for Kuangsan)? Really, should she continue to be wiped out? If possible, what I want more is her power, her power.

Chapter 0078 Reappearance of the mad three

early morning.

Ye Shenyue's house.

Breakfast time.

There are N people sitting on a round table.

First, Ye Shenyue, who was yawning, and then Wuhe sister, who looked angrily like a certain Wei Baozi.Then sitting on the left is Tohka with a happy face, long night hair draped over her shoulders, and bright purple eyes, staring at the rich food on the table as if staring at the prey.

Ye Shenyue had no doubt that as long as she gave her a word "open meal", she would immediately jump up and eat.

Temptation Tohka only needs food.

Somehow, Yagami always had the feeling that one day she took Tohka for a walk, and then threw her favorite pineapple bun in the air, she would just rush out without hesitation and jump up to chase after her. bread.

And sitting next to Tohka is a cute little blue-haired loli playing with Yoshina.

Sitting on the right is Murasame Reine playing with the scarred doll bear.

Ye Shenyue had an illusion, as if Reine and Yoshito were the same character.Otherwise, why would you carry the doll with you, and then... play with the doll when you have free time?

It's just that Yoshino's hand puppet is alive and has an independent personality, while Reine's doll is motionless and has no signs of life.

Not fun at all.

If it's not fun, why play it!

Ye Shenyue couldn't spit out this rant. Generally speaking, the breakfast at Yeshenyue's house was arranged by the wife-like Murasame Lingyin, but today was different.

The person who was busy in the kitchen today changed one.

"What's wrong? Didn't fall asleep last night? Or was it because I was attacked too much last night, so I couldn't sleep until morning!"

It should have been in the form of a question, but Commander Wuhe changed it into an exclamatory tone without any hesitation.At the same time, he quickly changed the pure white ribbon on his head to black, changing from sister mode to commander mode in an instant.

"It must have been very comfortable last night..."

Commander Wuhe said a little bit broken.Since the melee when Kurumi left yesterday, the Wuhe sister has been broken frequently.

"It's really comfortable~~Student Bu's technique has always been very good~~" The girl in the kitchen finally walked out with a smile, and the blond girl squatting with a steaming poached egg put the dishes on the table. The girl on the table said with a shy smile that was just right.


Commander Wuhe turned his head.

Yes, Kuang San was gone, but Jingzi-chan, who claimed to be the most primitive girlfriend of Yashenyue, stayed, and stayed at Yashenyue's house.

This is what makes Wuhe sister and Wuhe commander the most depressing thing is that the danger level of this Jingzi is far less than Tokisaki Kurumi.

Tokisaki Kurumi has the advantage of being an infinite clone, and this Jingzi-chan has the advantage of an unknown past with Ouni-chan.

Now she can still cook, so the Wuhe sister who will only go to the family restaurant with Ye Shenyue to eat the children's menu is really Alexander.

"I didn't expect that after a mad three, Yuejun still lives in the Shura field..."

The rabbit complained, but Ye Shenyue covered it with one hand.

As expected, the rabbit had to be taken away from Yoshino's hands.

He hasn't had the fate of being scolded by a rabbit.

In classrooms.

"Today is another hearty day. We will roll the call first and then go to class."

Still the same lovely pink and tender Loli Xiaozhu stood on the podium, picked up the roster and began to roll the call, "Yishinyue...

"Tokisaki-san... Tokisaki-san... Didn't Tokisaki-san come today?"

Miss Xiaozhu, who had read her name one by one, was surprised that she didn't see Kurumi San when she read the name of Kuangsan. As a good teacher, although she is only a teacher of Lolita, she is still very responsible for the new teacher. Kuang Sanjiang, who came over, is still very caring.

"Teacher, Tokisaki Kurumi won't be here today, nor tomorrow, she's ready..."

At this moment, classmate Tobiichi Origami stood up and "kindly" told Koju Tokisaki Kurumi's dropout news, which was said by Kurumi in front of everyone.She's just relaying it now.

The troublesome Tokisaki Kurumi finally left Yue's side.

Classmate Origami breathed a sigh of relief, and her girlfriend's identity stood still again.

While thinking about the Master Origami glanced at Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue felt a chill in her heart. This was the stare at him, how did Origami try to push him back?

"To~~" Just at this moment, a nice lady's voice came from outside the corridor.

Opening the door, a girl wearing a blue-purple school uniform with double ponytails walked in. The long bangs on her left face covered her entire left eye, while the exposed red right eye was very gentle.

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