Anyway, she is a gentle lady.

It's just that this lady is wearing black silk pantyhose different from Tohka and the others, and her body is more sexy.

This is Tokisaki Crazy Three, Literature Crazy Three!

"I'm late today... Kurumi-san, hurry up and take a seat."

Teacher Xiaozhu breathed a sigh of relief and let Kuangsan return to her seat. "Tobiichi-san, what did you say Tokizaki-san was going to prepare?"

"Tokisaki Kurumi...what are didn't say yesterday..."

It's just that Origami's eyes widened at this moment, watching Kurumi gracefully pull the chair away and sit on it.

"What I said is that I'm leaving, but it's the main body that is leaving, not us. I have to stay and maintain good progress with Yuejun. After all, Yuejun is our hope~~" Kusan tapped Hongyan with one hand. The warm lips smiled lightly, and there was no embarrassment on his face, no unnatural expression of lying.

"Yeah, Moon-kun~~" Kuangsan smiled.

"I'm the crazy three on your left yesterday~~" "cough, cough..."

Ye Shenyue almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and Kuang San's sudden appearance also shocked him for a long time, and the words that seemed to be misunderstood also shocked him for a long time.

Please don't say things like "I was the crazy three on your left yesterday" so casually, it will make people misunderstand and misunderstand again!

"Student Ye Shenyue is indeed such a person."


"It's disgusting!"

The Tucao trio continued to complain tirelessly.

"Tokisaki Kuangsan!"

After x2 Kurumi sat on the chair, Tohka and Origami stopped her at the same time.

Kuangsan had a ladylike smile on his face, but Tohka and Origami-kun had a depressed look on their faces.

This guy... This guy has already left, and he left after kissing Ye Shenyue like a rogue, but... he actually came back!

They felt like they were being tricked.

"From today onwards, I will continue to ask the two of you for advice."

"But I won't let you go, Yue-Jun."

"By the way, although I am a clone now, the power on my body will also cause fluctuations in the monitoring equipment, so I hope that Yuejun and me can go to the rooftop to seal the remaining power to a safe value later."

"I'm looking forward to kissing again... I've never kissed Kurumi before, so it's still a chu-kiss... I'll ask you when the time comes~~" Smiling like a lady, Kurumi said to let Ye Ye Shenyue's heart skipped a beat.

Although the first time in Infinite is very beautiful, but I can't say it in this situation, the line of sight of Origami and Tohka has become very abnormal, right?

Kuang San is simply adding fire to the Shura field!

Ye Shenyue really wanted to cover her forehead.

Sure enough, he was still played by Kuang San.

ps: New transfer students in the next chapter, please subscribe, ask for flowers, and ask for recommendation.

Chapter 0079 The new transfer student

"It's really enviable, jealous and hateful!"

X all the boys in the class.

Almost all the boys except Hiroshi Hiroshi, who is good oil, are boiling. They really can't understand why the beautiful girl always goes to the "big sex demon" Yashenyue to kiss or something. Why doesn't this kind of luck fall on them!

The boys' resentment reached its peak.

At this moment, on the left of Yagami Yue is Tobiichi Origami, who is ranked third in the "most wanted to date" on campus, and on the right is Yatoshen Tohka, a natural and beautiful girl, and now diagonally behind is the new quiet one among the boys. The popular and beautiful girl Tokisaki Kurumi-san.

Why, there are beautiful girls around him!

How unfair this is!

The male classmates who were surrounded by male compatriots were filled with righteous indignation.

"Today we have a new classmate... Come in..."

At this time, the 29-year-old, unmarried teacher Lori Xiaozhu said with a smile, and invited the classmates who were standing at the door of the classroom.

"New classmate?"

"Could it be a boy? Could it be a handsome guy?"

byGirls with nympho intentions.

"Better come with a beautiful girl! Supplement our scarce beautiful girl resources!"

by most of the angry boys.

The scarcity of resources for beautiful girls refers to the scarcity of resources for beautiful girls with no owners. In their class, they are the class with the most beautiful girls, but these three famous beautiful girls are all swept up by a certain Roshan horny demon. , the boys can only give up secretly.

So at this time, if there is a new beautiful girl, if there is...then...then...

The boy was boiling again.

"Please come in... Kyoko-chan..."

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