"Originally, the school trip of Tsukikun School was planned to go to Okinawa, but the hotel in Okinawa that had been contacted for some reason suddenly collapsed, but according to the investigation, it was not due to aging, but man-made."

Turning to the next page, Lingyin continued to add, "At this time, a small company proposed to sponsor a school trip, and this small company is the DEM company, that black-hearted company, so this school trip is full of conspiracies. , and even the location is the beautiful island that they have decided."

"In short, this time our Ratatosk organization has to go too and crush the black-hearted conspiracy of the DEM agency."

Commander Wuhe patted the table and said seriously.

"It's just that I have to report to the headquarters of the organization. I can't follow. You have to listen to Lingyin, and you can't... provoke people other than elves!"

The commander pointed at Yagami's nose.He spoke with incomparably serious seriousness, as if he had said so much in the end that he was doing a lot of foreshadowing to elicit this sentence...

Can't be bothered!

It's just that the elf in this flower's heart seems to be recognized.

It's not that the ratio of normal humans to elves around Yashenyue is about 5:1, and elves can no longer stop him.

It really couldn't stop him.

Since Kurumi also joined, he himself felt that he was developing in the direction of no lower limit.

"...O...Oni-chan...you pervert!"

The unbearable Commander Wuhe finally broke out in the third second after being stunned for the first second.

Because of the reason that Kotori was pointing at him, the fingers that were like green and white jade were very close to his face, and Ye Shenyue actually licked it.

Kotori Wuhe quickly developed from the commander mode to the sister mode with no lower limit.

"Sure enough, she blushed... Kotori is really cute..."

During this period of time, I really left my sister sauce in the cold, and Commander Wuhe rarely showed such a cute and angry expression.

No matter in terms of age, height or stature, sister Wuhe is a pure-bred loli, and Ye Shenyue, a senior lolicon, likes to tease loli the most. My sister always wants to be in front of him. He raised his head and deliberately put on a commander's pattern, but the shy and shy expression of the cute little sister sauce became less and less.

"What? Metamorphosis? Yuejun has evolved to this stage? It should be wrong according to the process..."

Yoshina, who was still complaining and training Tohka, heard the news and shouted.

It's just that Yagami's complaints almost made Yagami unable to complain. What will he evolve into in Yoshina's heart? Is it a terrible underwear control?Gay control?

"Pervert? What is pervert? It looks delicious... Yue, hurry up and show me!"

Tohka, who was still packing for her school trip, looked interested and excited.

"Perverts can't be eaten... Don't lean over when others are calling perverts!"

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead and spread to Tohka.

"Ye...Mr. Ye...is a pervert?"

Yoshino, who was a good loli, showed a look of surprise, and then said words that made people desperate.

"Isn't Mr. Ye the Great Demon King of Roshan that Yoshina said?"

Yoshina, what the hell did you bunny teach Yoshina!

Ye Shenyue is really worried about letting Yoshino be stocked to Yoshina, and she always feels that this talented loli will be taught badly.

She couldn't be left alone with Yoshina on this school trip.

"Huh? It feels so lively, did we miss something?"

At this moment, Kuang San and Kyoko-chan, who were out shopping, pushed the door and walked in with expressions of interest.

Jingzi is completely the black household that Yeshenyue just summoned, and there is no household necessities at home, and the current avatar Kuangsan seems to have been sent to Yeshenyue by the main body Kuangsan, so he also moved to the place where he and Yeshenyue's family figured out. In the elves' exclusive residence, I happened to go to the supermarket with Kyoko to buy the items needed for the school trip.

Jingzi and Kurumi, these two people who are rivals when they meet, are so close now that it is really a bit extraordinary.

There is a saying, though, that people like to be around similar people.

Kurumi and Jingzi have a lot in common, blackening, collapsing, and cheating.

There really isn't much difference apart from appearance.

"Welcome back, all is well."

Ye Shenyue stepped forward to take down the large and small bags in their hands and put them away, secretly deciding how to deal with the rabbits.

ps: Next, enter the plot of the eight dance sisters.It doesn't matter whether you have read the novel or not, the author tries his best to make it understandable to everyone.

Chapter 0081 Allen Capture Plan (one more for collection)

The day of the school trip.

"It's amazing... This is an airplane... It can actually fly..."

"Like a bird..."

Tohka, who was already on the plane, exclaimed like a child.Others may also be flying for the first time, but the excitement is far less than Tohka.

She tried her best to look out the window, because sitting in the seat near the corridor, Tohka wanted to see the outside scene and had to look to the inside window next to Origami.

"Don't be noisy, I didn't see everyone's eyes moving over? And don't keep leaning over, I'm not interested in Lily!"

Origami snapped Tohka back to its original position without any hesitation.

"It's not because of Tobiichi Origami, you big liar!"

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