Tohka immediately puffed out her cheeks and said angrily, "It's all because of you, it's all because you lied to me and let me give you the position next to Yue!"

What Tohka was talking about was the arrangement of the plane's location. Originally, Teacher Xiaozhu let the classmates choose their friends to sit with, but Tohka was originally attached to Yashenyue and naturally wanted to sit with Yashenyue. At that time, Origami used her third-rate deception to make Tohka sit next to her, and she didn't know that she was cheated until Tohka got on the plane.

Now Origami is still so righteous, Tohka is even more angry.

"That's you stupid!"

With no room for blows, Master Touichi told the truth.

"Origami... Forget it, Tohka is so excited... That's a cute 06 performance..."

Ye Shenyue didn't know why his hands were stretched so long through Origami, so he touched Tohka's head and calmed Tohka, who was mumbling with a small mouth.

Others are looking at Tohka, but they show a kind expression, because Tohka is so cute, she can't get angry at all.

However, Tohka and Origami are still very incompatible.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but look forward, and in front of them sat Kurumi and Kyoko-chan.The two of them were in perfect harmony, and they were still chatting lightly.

"Oh... so you killed classmate Bu once?"

"It's really fun to know that he has that magical undead ability... If you really want to do it again, see how his resurrection is structured..."

"So you think so too..."

Such conversations made Yagami withdrew her praise to Kurumi and Kyoko immediately.Although it is normal for them to say some terrible things as masters of blackening, but can you not always talk about killing him!

It hurts every time I get killed.

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that she was hurt.There are people who always want to kill him.

At this moment, Origami suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Let's go to the toilet!"

With a serious expression, Origami-san said so.

"'s not suitable right now..."

How many minutes has this plane started?

"Yesterday you kissed Kuangsan, right!"

However, Tobiichi Origami-san suddenly raised a question of concern at this moment.Origami-san stared at him with azure blue dull eyes.

It's like catching a current criminal.

"Kiss her, right?"

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue whispered, "That's to reduce the power of the clone Kuang San to a minimum, to a level that cannot be detected by instruments."

"Sure enough!"

Origami continued to hold Yagami's hand.

"Let's go to the toilet."

What does kissing have to do with going to the toilet?

Ye Shenyue was surprised at first, but Origami's white and tender little hand moved beside Ye Shenyue's belt, and now Ye Shenyue understood.

Origami actually thought...

Ahem, origami is really bold.


At this moment, Ye Shenyue felt a dazzling flash of light, which was the sound of pressing the shutters in succession.

His eyesight is very good, and he can open his eyes almost at the moment of flashing. At a glance, he sees a black coat with a gray hat and a huge camera in his hand, taking pictures.

This is a very beautiful girl, a European and American girl with long blond hair and snow-white skin.

"Please sit down, both of you, and let me take another picture."

While deflecting the camera in her hand, the blond girl pressed the shutter again to take pictures of Tohka and Yagami.

"who are you?"

Origami asked angrily.Because her girlfriend's super sixth sense told her that the photographer who suddenly appeared was aiming for Yashin Yue.

Because this photographer came over from the cabin and passed a lot of people, but he shot the night of the gods alone, which is really abnormal.

Moreover, this photographer is not a big guy but a beautiful girl.

"Sorry. I'm Alan Mathers, the accompanying photographer dispatched from Mishima. For three days from today, I'll be recording everyone's travels. ——I'm sorry for taking pictures without permission. If it hurts your mood, please let me apologize for it."

Allen bowed slightly and made a respectful look.

"Of course you can understand something, but Miss Allen, can we shake hands?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the blond girl in front of her, and the corner of her mouth curled up and reached out her hand.


Allen first stared at Ye Shenyue for a while before nodding in agreement, and at the same time stretched out his palm.

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