Ellen's hands are very tender without the calluses of photographers who constantly wiggle the camera and related equipment.

This is a fake cameraman.

"If I can, I want to take a photo with Miss Allen. I don't know if it's okay? I thought the photographers were all those uncles with beards, but I didn't expect that this time it was such a beautiful lady."

Ye Shenyue held Ellen's hand and passed on the faint magic power, and there was also the brilliance of golden magic power that was hard to see with the naked eye.


As usual, Allen was silent for a while and then handed the camera to Tobiichi Origami, who had already stood up.

It's just that Ye Shenyue released a slight magic power, and she didn't seem to find anything.


Origami pressed the shutter and returned the camera.It's just that Ye Shenyue doesn't seem to be enough.

"Kangsan, there is a cameraman here, why not let her take a picture for us too?"

Ye Shenyue waved to Kuangsan who was sitting in front, interrupting her and Jingzi-chan's conversation about how to kill him.

"Cameraman? It seems very interesting."

Kuang San Shi Shi Ran stood up, and then slowly walked over.

Beautiful and slender double ponytails, a long black dress with lace, Tokisaki Kurumi in a lady's dress came over.


The surprise on Ellen's face flashed and then calmed down.

This dream demon is not a real dream demon, it should be the powerless Tokisaki Kurumi that was killed by Shina Tsokiya...

"What happened to that woman just now?"

x3 In addition to the simple Tohka did not ask, Origami, Kurumi and Kyoko-chan asked at the same time.

"As you can see, they are photographers, and they sponsored this school trip, but they can't just sponsored things for nothing, so I came here to take pictures."

Ye Shenyue spread her hands.


x3 affirmed without any hesitation.

"What do you think Tohka?"

Ye Shenyue turned to Tohka, who was bewildered.

"That...that's a photographer...it's just that she gave me a very scary feeling, as if it was the condensed horror of encountering AST!"

However, Tohka's answer was not stupid.


Origami, a member of AST, remained silent.

"Okay... I said. Actually, that Ellen is a magician. You should have noticed it, Kyoko-chan. Even though she hides it well, she still has magic fluctuations on her body."

Staring at Ye Shenyue with scorching eyes, she could only say surrender.

"Well, she is very powerful and gives people a terrifying feeling. Even if I face it alone, I have no absolute certainty. After all, I don't have the confidence to let her lose her resistance completely when I release the gas that belongs to Megalo."

Magicians are the most fantastic and no one knows when they start and when they leave again.

Kusan's space ability is very strong, but her physical fitness is rotten. This is the sadness of relying on the powerful functions of time, so she was infected by the breath of Megalo released by Jingzi. 070 But this Ellen, her physical fitness is no worse than Origami, who specializes in training.

Therefore, against her alone, Jingzi has no certainty of winning.

"She's a formidable opponent!"

Jingzi gave Allen an appraisal without hesitation.

"Then Yuejun has already figured out how to deal with her."

As the powerless Kurumi said softly, there seemed to be a mysterious color in the red eyes that were not covered by the black bangs.

"Deal with? Yue, is that person a bad guy?"

Who said Tohka was an idiot?She is also very clever sometimes, for example, she has found important information only from the word "deal" in Kuang San's words.

"It is indeed a villain...but not a complete villain. She belongs to the black-hearted company DEM, is the secretary of CEO Isaac Wescott, and is also the strongest magician in DEM. She is called the first A magician, they are the founders who want to hunt down the elves, and Ike Westcott, the president, is even more delusional to bite the power of the elves. Now they want to get the power of Tohka, so they sent Allen to come Check to see if Tohka is pRIncess. Once it's confirmed, it's time to catch Tohka."

"Catch... catch me!"

Tohka suddenly became nervous. After all, anyone who heard that they had become the target of killing would be surprised and scared.

Especially Tohka, who has no power now.Not even the ability to protect themselves.

"Well, but it doesn't matter, their plan has been seen through by Kotori, so next we just need to plan and arrest Allen."

"Huh... arrest Alan?"

Kyoko and Kurumi widened their eyes.

They've heard of tit-for-tat, but haven't heard of anti-arrest.

"That's it... first we have to act like we don't know what to do and then..."

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