Ye Shenyue asked Jingzi and the others to come over and start planning.

pd: Thank you for the evaluation of the end of nothingness, sdodudu888, 13229539.

Chapter 0082 You are stupid (two more subscriptions)

"I feel a little nervous..."

Tohka tightly grasped Ye Shenyue's arm, not daring to let go easily.They had already disembarked from the plane, and according to the original plan, Yagami was walking alone with Tohka, while Kyoko and the others were free to play.

There is also time for free time during the school trip, as long as you return to the hotel you have booked in the evening.

Although the two were walking side by side, the target being targeted now was Yatogami Tohka, who tightly hugged Yagami's arm.

"How about going where?"

Ye Shenyue pointed to the bakery.

If you want to abduct Tohka, the most suitable and 100% successful one is nothing but food.

"It smells so good... let's go... let's go!"

As expected, Tohka was attracted by the scent that floated towards.Immediately dragged Ye Shenyue and ran over quickly.

Yes, it was indeed dragged, and Tohka suddenly became active.Can't wait to rush into the bakery right away.

[-] meters above the island.On the spaceship belonging to the DEM company.

"Those two are the targets, please be sure to monitor them carefully!"

The captain on the ship looked at the photo and then the clear voice of a girl appeared in the communication channel.

There was a slight hint of command in this tone.

"Understood. But there are members of the AST next to the target, shouldn't I... avoid it."

The captain was a middle-aged man with a black mustache on his chin.

And the AST member he was referring to was Tobiichi Origami-san.

"It doesn't matter, she shouldn't know anything. When you send troops to attack, pay more attention to her. If you make trouble, reinforcements will hinder her. Also, don't take it lightly."

Ellen's tone was a little harsher.

Now this airship was built with great effort by DEM. This time, they have set up such a large network from sponsoring a school trip to the present. The overall arrangement is to capture pRIncess, and there can be no losses.


Allen was less than half the age of the captain and belonged to the daughter's generation, but he was ordered by the daughter's generation, but the captain could only hold back secretly.

"You can expand the random domain!"

The captain ordered to go.


And at this moment, Allen wanted to say something, but the signal was suddenly cut off. Could it be because of the strong wind?

Alan walked out of his room in the department store with a bad feeling.

[-] meters above the island.A spaceship belonging to Ratatosk.

"Report, according to the traces of the DEM company's airship, it should be the expansion of the random domain now."

In the captain's room, the team members issued a report.

"Very good, we will continue to monitor, and when the time is right, we will destroy it in one fell swoop!"

The analyst, Reine Murasame, ordered it.

Originally, Kotori went to the headquarters to report, and the position of commander should be handed over to the deputy commander Kannazuki Kyopei to represent him, but after being rejected by all the staff, Reine temporarily handled it.


The team members were very excited. Yes, they heard it right. It was annihilation, the airship of the DEM club.

DEM and their Ratatosk organization are morally opposite and are equivalent to enemies, so destroying each other is the most loving.

It is said that the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole is behind, and the DEM community cast a net to capture Tohka and them, and they are standing behind the scenes to capture the DEM community.

As for how their space airship has no attack power to destroy the other party, they are not worried about it...

on the ground.

after an hour.bakery.

"I'm so full..."

Satisfied and satisfied, Tohka finally walked out of the bakery, but this time it wasn't holding or hugging Yagami's hand, because her two hands were trying so hard to hold a person who was about half the size of her. Large yellow to brown bread.

The bread is so big that I don't even know how to eat it.

Just two steps out of the bakery, Tohka brought the large bread to her mouth, opened her small mouth, and took a bite again.

Ye Shenyue can only express helplessness in this regard.Didn't you notice that everyone else's eyes were all focused?

Just suddenly, Tohka put down the bread and seemed to see something incredible, "Yue... Look, something has fallen!"

Holding the Tohka he was biting, he shouted loudly.Ye Shenyue looked up and really saw something rapidly descending from the sky.

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