The thing that fell from the sky was fast and smashed a big hole on the huge island.

Ye Shenyue dragged Tohka and ran to the place where the others fled quickly because of horror.

The scene of falling from the sky and making a big pit is not uncommon. Even Tohka herself has tested it several times, so she was dragged by Yagami Yue and ran over there, Tohka asked.

"Could it be that the elves also appeared!"

"Well... it's not specific enough to have a look to find out how many elves appeared."

Ye Shenyue nodded. According to this momentum, the eight dance sisters, who should be in charge of the wind's ability, appeared, but I don't know how many fell now.

Maybe only one of the two.


Allen, who was hiding in the corner, lowered the brim of his hat but did not follow.

After all, her goal now is Yatoshen Tohka, and she also grabs Yagami Yue who will be surrounded by elves.As for the sudden appearance of the elf, she was not in her expectations.

After being silent for a while, Allen gave up the plan to carry out the arrest now. After all, the combat troops to be sent by the airship have not yet been sent, and the arrangement is not comprehensive.

On the other side, Ye Shenyue and Tohka quickly rushed to the place where the loud noise was made. At the same time, in the gradually dissipating smoke and dust, they saw the person walking out of the pit with their wide eyes and staring at each other as if they were angry. Two girls.

At this moment, the two girls stared at each other.

"Actually... it's all Xi Xian's fault, as long as you honestly admit defeat."

This is a girl who looks very competitive with her bright long hair up.

The corners of her lovely lips rose slightly, and a fearless smile appeared on her beautiful face.Moreover, the exquisite curve drawn from the neck to the collarbone, contrary to her exaggerated actions, is filled with a dreamy charm that evokes a desire for protection.

"No, it's obviously Ye Kuya who refuses to admit defeat, obviously he was attacked by me and couldn't hold back and fell down."

This is a girl with exactly the same appearance as Yakuya.

It's just that their dresses are different. Xi Xian has long hair tied into three braids and always listless eyes.On the contrary, her limbs, so tightly that one can't help but stare at them, are full of sensual charm.

"Huh... it's not like that, obviously you couldn't stand it first and fell."

Yagu, who is a little bit poor, denies it.

"Rebuttal, I fell 0.1 seconds later than you!"

Yuzuru, who has an excellent body and the power to seduce men, also rejected it.

"This... No, you said the opposite, Yu Xian should be more frank!"

"No. It should be Yakiya who wants to be honest."

" see, it's because of Xi Xian's dishonesty. Someone came to watch."

"Shake his head. As long as Yekuya admits defeat, he can leave. Being watched is all Yekuya's fault."

The two girls continued to argue, and at this time, Tohka had been watching with Ye Shenyue for a long time, and finally interjected, a sentence that was fatal.

"Are you stupid? You look so stupid."

Tohka tilted her head slightly and said so.And there seemed to be a sense of confirmation in his tone.

The expression is pure and the words are pure, this is the word from the most sincere heart.

ps: The second is for collection.In addition... everyone who voted for the monthly vote at the end of the month, they all voted anyway, hoping to vote at the beginning of the month next time--

Chapter 0083 Successfully abducted the eight dance sisters (one more subscription)

"It feels... like being told that by a guy who's already an idiot. It's very uncomfortable."

"Angry. There is unstoppable anger in my heart when this girl said that."

The Hachimai sisters expressed a strong protest when Tohka, who was still holding a half-human-sized oversized loaf of bread, interjected in the crowd.

The meaning inside and outside the words completely believed that Tohka was the idiot, and it was definitely not them who were called idiots.

" bastards!"

No matter how stupid Tohka was, she could hear the dissatisfaction of the two girls, and was called stupid again.

Tohka looked at Ye Shenyue with pitiful eyes like an abandoned puppy, and asked Ye Shenyue to speak for her.

"That... In fact, Tohka is also an idiot."

"Uh... uuu... even the moon bullied me!"

Tohka, who was originally full of Yagami's will to speak for her, immediately showed an even more pitiful expression.

"Just kidding... Tohka is actually a natural, cute kind."

Ye Shenyue touched Tohka's face, and Tohka immediately burst into laughter, looking at Ye Shenyue with a sad look, it's really not easy for Tohka to be so easy to deceive and so easy to coax.

"The words of two... two idiots are incomprehensible."

Yekuya tilted his head slightly in such affirmation.

"Agreed. Those two are idiots indeed."

Without any objection, Hachimori also agreed.

Then two girls with the same appearance began to watch strongly.

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