The one on the left and the other on the right seemed to be watching Yagami Yue and Tohka holding a bread that was almost half the size of a human being.


It would be fine if it was Tohka, but being treated as an idiot by these two almost idiot girls is unbearable!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue suddenly understood why Sera would care so much about Haruna saying that she had weird breasts.

First of all, Haruna's poor breast milk volume almost doesn't count, and the dissatisfaction in her heart has increased exponentially when a loli who has no milk volume advantage is called a strange breast.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue and Sera resonated.

"You are elves, right?"

Ye Shenyue held it and wanted to fight Tohka, who was an idiot. Talking to an idiot could not follow the thinking of an idiot, otherwise they would bring their IQ to the same level and then be defeated by their experience.

"Yeah. The concubines are elves called Bawu, but how did you know that? Could they be the enemies of the concubines?"

Even though they are two meters apart, the two Bawu can still nod at the same time, and they still speak in unison.

"Sure enough, they're elves... But why don't we save these two elves? They're so abhorrent, they call them stupid! They're as annoying as Tobiichi Origami!"

Tohka was still immersed in the pain of being called a fool by a fool.

"Tohka, you are a kind elf, right? How can you be selfish because of this dissatisfaction?"

Ye Shenyue spoke uprightly and brightly. This was speaking to the Eight Dance sisters, but in private, she was communicating with Tohka in a low voice, "As long as you deceive them first, there will be times when you say they are stupid."

"Oh... It turns out that this is still possible... Then... Yue, let's save them!"

Tohka nodded immediately.

No manners whatsoever.

"Indeed, you are sisters named Bawu, and you were originally the same elf, but they became two for some unknown reason when they suddenly came, but you think that only one person can inherit Bawu. Name, so the battle started, as long as you win, you can succeed to become the real Eight Dances, but it is still a draw."

Ye Shenyue coughed a few times, making Sisters Eight Mai shift their attention from Tohka's body to him.

"Scary... When did this guy investigate us!"

"Surprise. This guy really knows a lot."

The eight dance sisters showed a horrified expression. If they didn't feel Ye Shenyue's murderous aura, they would have directly attacked this person who knew so much.

"The two of you can't decide the winner, but we can help you decide, how about it? Would you like to join us? Let the winner be decided immediately?"

Trying to show a natural expression and hide the expression of abduction, Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand to show her kindness.

The eight dance sisters are looking at each other at this moment, and they are communicating with eyes and words.

"Inquiry. Want to listen to this guy?"

Although Yu Xian looked sleepy with her eyes half closed, she was surprisingly lively.

"Huh...Yakuya isn't sure either, but we've tried so many times and still no results, why don't you try it."

Taking a deep breath, Yakuya replied in a big sister's style.

"Very well, then let's go together!"

But now you have to dispose of your clothes.

Ye Shenyue pulled Tohka forward and showed a smile from the heart. This smile really came from the heart. Tohka is very good at kidnapping, and these two wind spirits are even better at kidnapping. To kidnap other people, Tohka still needs food. bait, and the abduction of the eight dance sisters only needs to be based on "follow me and I can be your referee" is enough.

Hotel at the same time.

Tobiichi Origami, who put her luggage in the room, suddenly sneezed.

"what happened?"

Kyoko-chan, who became an ally, asked with a little concern.

"It should be a source of resentment!"

Kurumi suggested a possible situation as if he was chasing after the dark history of memory.

"No. It should be Yue who missed me."

Without any pretense, without any hesitation, without any signs of being stared at and blushing, Origami-san said boldly.


x2 Tokisaki Kurumi and Kyoko, the girl in the original magical costume, said they couldn't speak.

What should they say?What can they say?

Ps: It was agreed that the third watch yesterday will be added today.

Chapter 0084


The expensive and close-to-nature hotel is full of students. Whether it is in the corridor or in the courtyard, there are giggling students. Of course, it also includes, like Mr. Zhu, who is constantly maintaining the rule that "you can't run fast in the corridor". hard-working teacher.

"Yuejun, these two are... new transfer students?"

Teacher Xiaozhu was standing in the corridor, looking at Tohka, Ye Shenyue was walking in front, and behind her were two girls with the same appearance wearing white cloaks, asking with a surprised expression on their faces.

Generally speaking, teachers who see age-appropriate faces behind their students will guess if they are relatives or friends of the students, and will never think in the direction of new transfer students. However, this cannot be underestimated. Teacher Zhu's thinking will become like this, because Teacher Xiaozhu will become a transfer student every time she sees a girl next to Yashenyue. Under such habitual thinking, the teacher will think that the eight dance sisters are transfer students and it is not enough. Weird.

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