Tohka looked excited, while Yoshino nodded shyly.

"You still call me Miku? Tohka, Yoshino, you can actually call me my sister...sir~" Miku frowned, she remembered that she had hypnotized the two girls with her voice, Why can't they change their name for her?

"Yes, my elder sister."

x2Tohka and Yoshino called out at the same time as if they had remembered something.

"That's right... Then let's start our game~~" Miku nodded in satisfaction.

However, at this moment Tohka and Yoshino glanced at each other, and then Tohka violently attacked Miku, who was powerless, from behind, Yoshino quickly found Yagami from his pocket The muzzle that Yue gave her.

"You...what do you want to do!"

The sudden change made Meijiu stunned, what the hell was going on?

"Of course I'm here to catch you!"

Tohka seemed very happy that she was able to complete the task assigned by Yue so smoothly, and she finally helped him last month.

"But... don't you have my voice? Let me go... let me go..."

Miku continued to use her proud voice that could confuse people, but the effect was not good at all.

At this time, Tohka took out two earplugs from her ears.

"Ear... earplugs?"

Miku's eyes widened, "You liars, big liars!"

She suddenly understood that these guys put on earplugs because they knew there was something wrong with her voice, that's why she had the feeling that the two girls would be half a beat when they answered.

However, she didn't even know that the voice that Tohka and Yoshino heard now was not her original voice, but was translated by the blackened Kyoko-chan with Kyoko's voice.

All in all, the current Yu Xiao Miku was deceived and then caught.

This is a fait accompli.

"Who called you an idiot!"

Tohka tossed Ye Shi's long hair with a proud look on her face.

"It feels even worse."

It's like being called a fool by a fool.

Miku was extremely dissatisfied, but at this time she was muzzled by Yoshino, and her voice was not released at all, and the seductive voice that belonged to the power of the spirit could not be made.

"Look... Miku's capture was successful, Kotori finally believes it this time!"

Yagami asked Reine to use the airship's teleportation device to bring Tohka back.However, at this time, a familiar voice came from his mind.

"Hurry up... hurry up and let go of the elder sister... how... how can you deal with the elder sister like this!"

This is the voice of Commander Wuhe, and the sister-chan is shouting loudly through the loudspeaker that can be connected to Tohka's earphones, and is ordering Tohka.

A frantic look.

"Hmm... Kotori is actually under control! Tohka, ignore Kotori, Kotori is under control. Continue to hold Miku, keep your posture and let Reine bring you back."

Ye Shenyue quickly brought Commander Wuhe under control.Could his sister do a little more?Was captured by the other party just by the sound of the bug?

Chapter 0094 Close the door and release Jingzi (two more subscriptions)


The performance of the airship made with the most advanced technology was very good, and in the blink of an eye, Tohka and the others were all teleported from the small bungalow under a thousand meters.

Ohh Ohh ohh……"

The girl with azure blue waist-length hair wanted to ask out loud, "Who the hell are you?" "Let go of me quickly" but now her thin lips were muzzled by Yoshino. , can only make a whining sound.

It would be fine if she just didn't allow her to speak, but this muzzle prevented her from even uttering the voice that had the power to seduce people. Such a voice could not confuse others and could not make her escape at all.

Sure enough, these guys were conspiring, and they even discovered the effect of her voice.How long have you been observing her secretly?

Miku-sama suddenly felt that it was very difficult for him to escape.It always feels that it is not the worst situation, it seems that there is a bigger net woven waiting for her to jump!

This feeling is really terrible!The feeling of being calculated!

"Hurry up and let go of my elder sister! What is this now? Let me go! Let go!"

However, just when Miku was about to despair, a familiar name suddenly came to her ears.This was the voice of a girl, the tender voice of a girl she liked.


This is the name she lets the girls she likes call her, and these girls who are controlled only use this name to call her.

The name is all too familiar.

Could it be that……

Miku was taken out by Tohka and Yoshino, went straight into the captain's room, and saw the twin-tailed girl who was constantly shouting at her elder sister.

There is no color in the girl's eyes, this is the state she has controlled.Constantly struggling and showing a very excited look.

It's just that the girl was grabbed tightly by a girl at the moment, unable to move.


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