Meijiu's heart was terrified, what she hated most was men, there are men here!

Miku subconsciously wanted to hug her body, as if she was about to be violated by a sex demon.It's just that at this time, she was firmly tied with twine by a pair of beautiful twin sisters who suddenly rushed over.

Greater fear came to my heart, could it be that... Could it be that these two girls deliberately wanted to hold her down and let her be violated by the most hated man?

It is terrible!

Miku-sama's heart was full of fear.Fear of men.

"That's right... I didn't wait in vain. I finally tied it up. It's more artistic than the last time. Yakiya really has artistic talent."

Yaguya Yaguya, who likes to be competitive and competitive, said cheerfully, tying the knot of the hemp rope.

"Agreed. The eight dance sisters are the best at all times."

With half-closed eyes, Yuzuru nodded and said that he did the same thing as Yakuya, tying the twine.The movements are very quick, as if practice made perfect after a long time of training.

The eight dance sisters also participated in the plan to capture Miku, but both sisters only participated in the bundled episode.

Sure enough, the S~M attribute is at fault?

"You... how can you treat my elder sister like this, let her go... let go!"

Sister Wuhe, whose mind was controlled, continued to be cute.The struggle in Ye Shenyue's hands was still fierce, if it wasn't for Ye Shenyue's firm hold on her legs, it was impossible to tell if Sister Wuhe would have resorted to some kind of painful move.Such as making people half paralyzed or something.

"Is Kotori crazy? Did she fall ill and didn't take her medicine on time?"

Tohka showed a surprised expression. After all, Kotori was not normal whether she was being restrained by Yagami Yue or screaming like crazy.

In her impression, Kotori has always been the peaceful character of her younger sister.Not like the current runaway and madness.

"Although my elder sister's safety is very important now, it makes me feel very, very uncomfortable when you say that! I feel like I'm being treated as an idiot!"

At this time, Ye Shenyue didn't treat Kotori like she muzzled Mijiu, so even though Sister Wuhe lost her personal freedom, she still had freedom of speech.


Tohka, who had been performing well, was a little sullen, but she was once again called an idiot!

"Mana, restrain Kotori!"

Ye Shenyue didn't hesitate to switch to Mana to restrain Kotori who was being controlled, while he himself walked towards Miku who was shivering as he walked up and down.

"Crazy Three!"

Ye Shenyue called another girl's name, and in Miku's eyes, she immediately walked in from the outside, a girl wearing a long black dress with lace embroidered.

The girl has beautiful bangs, and the bangs on the left eye are so long that they cover the left eye, but this does not destroy the beauty of the girl, but adds an elegant and generous temperament to her.

At this time, the girl was holding a notebook and a pen in her hands.

"I can't let your voice come out right now, so if you want to communicate, just use a pen and paper for now."

Kurumi chuckled and handed the pen and paper to Miku Lily, who was tied up and couldn't break free.

The current Yuxiao Miku is bound correctly, but her hands are tied to the front, and there is a small space for both hands to move, but this space can't untie the tightly tied hips, but But just fine for writing.

And the size of the space for the event is exactly the length of the book that Kurumi brought.

It can be said that the person who can create this binding method is already against the sky.

"Everyone... put on earplugs, I have to get Kotori back to normal first."

Seeing Miku holding the pen obediently and agreeing to communicate like this even though she was dissatisfied, Yagami suddenly shouted loudly.

"Let Kotori return to normal? Didn't Kotori take the wrong medicine to become what he is now?"

Tohka used a natural dumb question to make Mana almost unable to hold back Commander Wuhe, who was struggling violently because of the words "take the wrong medicine".


Ye Shenyue did not explain this.

but actual action.

"Don't...don't come here! Man!"

Miku quickly wrote it in the notebook, and at the same time wanted to move backward to escape from here.

"But you can't's all your fault!"

Yagami took off the muzzle Yoshino had put on to prevent Miku from making a seductive voice.

"So you have to pay it back!"

Ye Shenyue's speed was so fast that she didn't give Miku, who had less than 5 combat power, a chance to react except for her voice. She looked directly at the thin lips that looked like mint and kissed them.

" bastard...forcer...pervert...too...too disgusting..."

Miku, who had regained her voice, did not use her voice to confuse others to let her escape, but instead cursed wildly.

If she could move freely now, Miku-sama would definitely wipe her mouth with her sleeve.

As a lily, and the purest lily, she actually did something that all lilies couldn't bear - being kissed by a mere man!

After scolding and scolding Miku-sama, I felt a little tired from scolding.


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