However, what was even more unacceptable to Miku-sama was that at the moment when she was tired of scolding, this abominable man put the muzzle on her again forcefully!

Take off her muzzle just to kiss her?

It's really hateful!

It's just that she was muzzled again, no matter how hard she shouted, the sound couldn't make a word, and it didn't work at all.

"Hey... what happened to me just now?"

At this time, Commander Wuhe didn't struggle anymore, with a surprised expression.

"That's because you were controlled by Miku's voice just now, but now it's alright. By temporarily sealing the power, her power is invalidated."

Ye Shenyue shrugged, feeling helpless towards this younger sister, Miku's voice can only work on those who are weaker, but has no effect on those who are firm and strong.But his younger sister is a character who can kill Tohka, Origami and Mana with one shot. How... how did she get Miku's trick so easily?

Do you mean she is strong or weak?

"It turned out to be a trick... But isn't it really because of taking the wrong medicine?"

Tohka, who is naturally dumb, still maintains her natural dumbness, but the interjection this time is too powerful!It makes people very doubtful whether Tohka is a natural or a naturally stupid black belly!

"Eat... take the wrong medicine... Tohka, it looks like I will give you a good wash. My brain... Wash and wash well..."

"Stop arguing!"

Even though she is a normal sister Wuhe now, the simple classmate Shina Chonggiya still dare not let go of Commander Wuhe, otherwise, with the current impulsive temperament of the commander, she might be desperate with Tohka... She doesn't want to be cheated by Kotori It was hit by the shelling of the "Catch Rotten Ghosts".

It can be said that the battle on the rooftop made the invincible Mana-chan a little palpitated.

"How did it recover?"

Miku-sama, who was muzzled again, showed a stunned expression.The scene in front of her that unlocked her magic power seemed to reduce her rage for something that was absolutely forbidden to be kissed by a man.

"My kiss has the ability to take away your strength, but a kiss cannot completely take away your strength. If you want to leave safely, just kiss me sincerely, I promise not to take away your voice ."

The voice is Miku's life. The root of Miku's life. Facing Miku's mentality of anger, hatred and murder, it is really difficult to say things that completely take away the opponent's power.

Raiders and training, etc., can only be done slowly.In the same way, taking away the power of the opponent has to be done step by step.

Feeling that the power she gained from the first kiss just now disappeared from her body again, Yagami Yue smiled faintly.

"In other words, I ask you to fall in love with me! Kiss me willingly so that you can leave!"

After a pause, Shenyue continued, "You may not want to now, but you will beg me to save you in a while!"

"Don't ask for help from a disgusting man!"

Miku wrote with anger and resentment without any hesitation, with a firm expression. "Absolutely... never be kissed by a man like you!"

Letting her take the initiative to kiss a man is absolutely forbidden, it must not be allowed to happen!

"It's really stubborn... I hope you can keep such an expression later..."

Ye Shenyue walked over and reached out and touched Meijiu's face, and Meijiu reacted as if she had been touched by a terrifying erotic uncle, and immediately wanted to step back, but now she was still bound and could only be honestly held by Ye Shen. Moon touched.

"Clap clap clap!"

This Miku is really tough, but how many rounds can her tough 2.7 hold up against Kyoko-chan?Ye Shenyue clapped her hands but told everyone to go out one by one, while he himself was the last one who seemed to have something to say.

what happened?

Miku-sama, who was tied to the ground and couldn't move, was a little surprised. Why did they all leave?Did you think of a way to torture her?

"Start now... close the door and release Jingzi!

Chapter 0095


And in an instant, when Jingzi shouted "The interrogation starts from hanging up and fight", the lights in the entire room instantly went out, as if it was cooperating with this Jingzi, it was completely extinguished, and it was all black. exactly black, but red!

what is that?

However, in the darkness, Miku could only see two scary red dots.The two red dots were the only source of light in this terrible darkness.

Miku looked at the two red dots as if holding a savior, but the more serious she became, the more fearful she became.

That is... that seems to be the eyes of this Kyoko-chan!

Those are bloodthirsty and terrifying eyes!

"Clap clap clap!"

Strange noises appeared in this small, completely dark space.

It's like a whip whipping incessantly.


Miku struggled desperately, but she was still lifted up by someone with a rope, and then she felt her body hanging in the air, and finally her feet were hanging in the air, and then the height was still rising, and finally she was completely in the air.

She 06, Yu Xiao Meijiu was actually hanged!

Miku struggled hard, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape the tightly wrapped rope, which was too tight.

Not only struggling, she also wanted to cry out for help, even though she subconsciously understood that shouting was useless, but it was instinct, but she was muzzled and could only make a whimpering sound.

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