Still want to get rid of him and go back alone to do such a dangerous thing?

Although it shows that Bai Kuangsan doesn't want to harm him, because Kuangsan backtracked for such a long time is the first time, and he doesn't know where he came back. there.

So she couldn't guarantee Ye Shenyue's safety at all.

So Kurumi let go.

But just as she was about to let go, Ye Shenyue pulled her harder, not only holding her hand but also hugging her body.

Ye Shenyue's sudden holding and hug made Kuang San unable to react, but now that the backtracking has started, it is useless to go back. In a burst of white light, the silhouettes of Ye Shenyue and Kuang San gradually disappeared.

Back to the city of Tiangong thirty years ago.

ps: The first elf in the next chapter, the last chapter of the dating volume.Ask for support, ask for subscription.In addition, the hss that Duan Qiong Duwu said didn't use soy sauce is my fault, I forgot about this stuff. Hss is something like a plug-in. For example, it can cleverly avoid various Shura fields.

Chapter 0098 First Elf

Thirty years ago.

At this time, Tiangong City seemed a bit backward, both in terms of equipment and floors.

This was thirty years ago!


After turning around to get a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, Kurumi shouted excitedly.

Her time rewind was completely successful. In the past, she only used time rewind to restore her body when she was injured, but now she uses terrifying moves like space jumping. She was still a little worried that she would fail, but now she is very successful.

Maybe he was there.

Kurumi stood beside Ye Shenyue.

"Where is the first elf? She hasn't appeared yet... Will we come early?"

"Even if it's early, it doesn't matter, just treat it as a reward for elopement... We can go shopping..."

"You still mentioned elopement..."

Ye Shenyue pinched Kuang San's little face, the atmosphere is very relaxed now, and Kuang San will be joking.

"Of course I eloped..."

Kurumi smiled, but before she could finish her voice, a huge pit suddenly appeared in front of her and Ye Shenyue. A lot of dust.

Could it be the first elf!

Kuang San's heartbeat was fast.The first elf really appeared?Eyes focused on the pit.


"Hello, I am the first elf."

Amidst the huge smoke and dust, the figure that fell straight down from the sky stood up immediately with both hands clasping his knees, and then spoke loudly as if he were playing a game.Also pretended to put on a great poss.

"First Elf!"

Kuang San is very sensitive to the word "first elf", and now the corner of his mouth is not a funny and interesting smile, but a bloodthirsty and excited smile.

She finally went back to the first elf who she was looking for 30 years ago. Now that the first elf appeared, she has achieved one third of her goal.

Going back 30 years ago is one third, finding the first spirit is one third, and destroying the first spirit is the last third.

"Although I'm sorry, but the first elf, do you know how much suffering the elves that will appear in the future have suffered because of your appearance? In order to prevent the elves from reappearing in this world and being hunted down, I'm sorry, I want to Kill you, so that the elves can't continue to appear!"

In this way, the tragic fate of the elves was avoided.

"Oh...that's come and kill me...otherwise I'll create a lot of elves~~" "Humph!" in the pit

"Emperor Keke!"

Kurumi was a little more serious, and a huge golden dial flashed behind her.

"and many more!"

However, Ye Shenyue suddenly stopped Kuang San, preventing Kuang San from pointing a gun at the girl in the pit.


There was a strong puzzlement in Kurumi's eyes, and Ye Shenyue also understood her goal and even came back with her, how could she stop her at such a critical time?

" were deceived."


Kurumi's cute little face was full of surprise.

"This so-called first elf is a fake!"

Ye Shenyue spoke so loudly that even the girl in the pit could hear it.

"Gaia, you idiot, where did you hide the first elf! Why did you appear here!"

While shouting Ye Shenyue, she rushed up and grabbed the girl who was playing tricks in the pit, just like grabbing a disobedient little girl.

"A man and a woman can't be kissed, so can an uncle and a loli!"

The captured Loli was struggling, and she struggled to come out.

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