"I'm not an uncle, and you're not a loli, okay, at most a ten thousand year loli!"

"Isn't she an elf?"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue seemed to be very familiar with this loli, Kurumi said in surprise.

"Of course not, she's just a god."

If it is said that Gaia is the first Loli Yagami, I will never believe it. First of all, Gaia and Alaya are super gods. They are the managers of the world and will not create the world at all, so they cannot be the starting point of this world. Impossible to be the first wizard.

Secondly, he already knew in his heart who the first elf was.It's definitely not Gaia anyway.


What is God?Gods are immortal monsters with great power.

God is something in mythology. Could this kind of thing also exist in reality?

"Well... I am Lord God!"

Gaia, who struggled out, raised her small head, and at the moment when she raised her head, a golden-yellow-colored circle of light suddenly appeared on her head.

This is the characteristic of a goddess.

"It's really God!"

Kuang San not only saw the aperture, but also felt the power that Gaia deliberately released to destroy the world!

This is the real God, although it's hard to tell from the outside.

Looking at the halo on Gaia's head, Ye Shenyue wanted to laugh.It looks more and more like a fake.

"Speaking of Gaia, what are you doing here? It's time to return the first elf to us!"

"We're very busy and don't have time to play with you."

"Want to see the first elf? Then you have to wait until you have enough power. Tokisaki Kurumi, your idea is very naive and cute. You think that as long as the first elf is destroyed, there will be no other derivatives. but have you ever thought about why elves are feared and hunted by people?"

Gaia floated in the air with her small arms in her arms. Wouldn't she look weak if she stood in the pit all the time?So she floated up and was more than a half head taller than Ye Shenyue and Kuang San.And when Ye Shenyue said "play", she rose by half a meter.It shows her identity as a goddess even more.As everyone knows, this makes people want to laugh more, just like a child who likes to show off.

Gaia's heart is still a child.

"Because of the space earthquake! Just one shake is enough to destroy the space earthquake of a country. You can destroy the first spirit, but the space earthquake caused by her appearance will not disappear, and it will still lose a large area of ​​land and destroy it. After losing a large number of people, humans and elves still have a grudge. It will be too late to kill the first elves after they appear!"

Although Gaia is small, her words are not light.

Kuang San was stunned, she only wanted to destroy the first elf, and didn't even think about forming a big revenge with humans.

"There are still ten minutes. The first elf will appear in ten minutes. Now she is breaking through the atmosphere."

Gaia is a well-prepared loli.It seems that to make the explanation clearer, a huge mirror was specially created. The mirror stood in front of Kurumi and Ye Shenyue, and the picture on the mirror was exactly the picture of the first spirit breaking through the atmosphere.

"This is……"

Looking at the picture in the mirror made by Gaia Loli, Kurumi was stunned.

A figure appeared in the mirror, and the figure was surrounded by the constantly rotating airflow, but the airflow in the mirror was slowly disappearing, and then the true appearance of the person inside was revealed.

This is a girl, and Kurumi did not reject it because all elves are girls.

Just seeing the girl's real appearance, Kurumi was completely stunned.

"How...how could it be...it could be her!"

Kurumi was completely shocked.

The person with closed eyes in the mirror has beautiful blue hair, white and delicate skin, delicate and beautiful facial features, and has infinite charm.

Although the appearance of this elf and this elf is somewhat different, Kuang San still recognized it at a glance. She has seen this person more than once.Not only have they seen each other, but they have gotten along with each other day and night.

She is Murasame Reine, an analyst in the organization that maintains the spirits.

With flat, small, flat eyes, dark circles, snow-white skin, he likes to wear azure military uniforms, and he prefers to wear bears with scars on them.

Could it be that she is the first elf?

How could it be that the first elf kept appearing around her and she didn't even know it.Not only was Kuangsan stunned, he was almost stupid.

This fact is not acceptable to ordinary elves.

"I see... I'm surprised... I know your brains... If you really change the tragic fate of the elves, you must first solve the space vibration caused by the fall of the first elves, otherwise the fate of the elves will remain the same. walk."

On the other hand, the stunned Kurumi, Gaia Loli was very active.

"I think about it, the first elf is the mother of all elves, and the spatial vibration of all this elf is also the strongest. I want to send you some information, and the space shock can be offset by collision with the same strength. Now her space vibration It takes almost the power of 5 elves. And you, Ye Shenyue now have the power of 5 elves, and you are the only one who can stop the space from shaking!"

"Gaia, why don't you do it yourself? You can directly eliminate the space shock with your power."

Gaia, who has a funny halo above his head, sounds and expresses his intentions for the sake of others, but Yagami suddenly remembered something.

This Loli is known as the most powerful god. Although the power of the elf is powerful, it is not a god at most. It is a false god.God VS false god, of course, God has won a big victory.

Why push it on him?And isn't this adoring scene this loli's favorite?

"Of course I can... I am a great God..."

The loli with the halo above her head seemed to shine in an instant.

Gaia quickly apologize to Lord Guimu, you are a bug god!

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