"But don't forget... Now it's a test for you, don't you want to become Lord God!"

Gaia Lolita said angrily, actually changing a look of hating iron.

"Of course I do."

But definitely not like you!

Ye Shenyue secretly complained, "But this time you showed up early, do you mean you have to leave this world again?"

"God's trial?"

"Leave this world?"

Kurumi, who was standing on the side, felt that since the little girl who called herself God-sama appeared, she had become the background, and she was completely speechless.She could only watch Ye Shenyue talk to a certain loli floating in the air.Could it be that Jun Yue is not from this world?

Kuangsan's mind was full of doubts, but she was smart, of course she wouldn't ask Ye Shenyue now. Now Ye Shenyue was talking to "Sir Shen", what if she interjected rashly to make Shen unhappy?

In fact, Kuang San is really over-hearted, and the familiarity of Ye Shenyue and Gaia will not be cracked with a single interjection.

"It's not that you left, but there is a problem with you now. You...you can't use the power of the elves at all. To be precise, it is the fusion of the power of the five elves. To deal with the space shock of the first elves, all you need is A force, the power of the elves does not become stronger through accumulation. So you have to fuse the five forces! And you lack the key to fuse them, and now you just use them as the capital to supplement your body, there is no way at all. Make use of them!"

"How to do it?"

Gaia is right, his body is sealed with Tohka, Yoshino, Kotori, Hachimori

Let's work, April [-]st (xxxholic)

Chapter 0001 Work, Ye Shenyue

That's right... To go to the new world to experience, he has to combine the power of the elves in his body for the sake of Kuang San!

The consciousness of Yagami, who was sent into the new space by Gaia Loli with her eyes closed, slowly recovered.

Although I jumped directly from the dating world into the new world, I still had to go back to the temple, sway around the temple for a while, and then go to the new world.

It seems that the key to crossing the world is in the temple.Although they all had to pass through the temple, Yashinyue's only memory was seeing Alaya who was expressionless smiling, and he lost it again in this gloomy smile.

When his consciousness returned to his body, he was still thinking about whether he had returned to the temple just to see Alaya's gloomy smile.Her smile... is definitely not a good thing.

It's really not a good thing, but the moment she opened her eyes, Ye Shenyue immediately wanted to curse her mother, "Alaya and Gaia, you two idiots!"

The first thing I opened my eyes was the kind of terrifying, terrifying, but very low-level monsters. These dark monsters were all lying on his bed, and it would be fine if every one of them failed. Still so fat!He was almost out of breath.

What kind of personal purgatory is this!

What made people even more tangled was that Ye Shenyue felt that her body had no power at all, as if it was completely sealed, and the one in her body that was supposed to be merged was from Yoshino, Kotori. , Tohka, Miku, and Hachima's powers were completely frozen, and they couldn't move at all!

Is he going to be wiped out by these low-level monsters?

Feiju... Come and save your young master!

Speaking of monsters, of course, I have to talk about the cat demon's Feiju. Now Yashenyue is eager to have a Feiju come to help, and it's not bad for Gaya.As long as the monsters can be repelled, they are good monsters.

"Good boy! I heard, you are actually scolding me, it seems that the test for you seems to be increased a hundred times!"

Just when Ye Shenyue was struggling to get out of the quilt, a golden light appeared in the air. The light was so dazzling that Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that the monsters on her body had disappeared.

The quilt suddenly became lighter!Ye Shenyue stuck her head out.

"All the monsters disappeared?"


Ye Shenyue raised her head and looked at Gaia, which was really dazzling in the mid-air. He instantly understood that those low-level monsters were probably completely evaporated because Gaia's light was too hot.

Low-level monsters.Just because it evaporated and ascended into the sky.

"Looks like I'm finally awake..."

Gaia slid down from the air, landed on the tatami, and looked around, "This room is really small... But you can live here in the future, go to the place that really belongs to you."

Gaia paused and then said, "Go to work, April [-]st!"

"Huh... huh? What?"

Ye Shenyue showed an unbelievable expression.Gaia, these two goods, really calculated him.Part-time job or something, he is not some miserable Lord Demon King.

Uh, no... it doesn't seem like he's much better now.Ye Shenyue touched her body, the strength on her body was gone, and the white style she was wearing on her hands was gone.

Now his poor and sour look is really more than that of the working devil!

"Now your power is completely sealed, let me tell you, you have no problem with your body and can save energy. What you can't keep up with now is your state of mind. Once you have power, you will depend on your state of mind, so you can't keep up with it. … Now you have to experience it with your heart, to improve your state of mind.”

Gaia explained, but standing on the ground was much shorter than Ye Shenyue, so it was a little uncomfortable, and then floated in the air again.

To be able to look at Ye Shenyue.

Loli still really wants to show her divine power, although her height is a flaw.

"But it's not completely forcing you. Now the things in your dimensional pocket can still be used."

In the end, it seemed that Ye Shenyue was brought up, Gaia reminded.

"Dimensional pocket?"

Ye Shenyue quickly digs and digs, and finally found his treasure from the pocket of the dimension, the natural tooth, the knife is still there, it can be regarded as a comfort, but now Gaia said that the natural tooth can be used, but the natural tooth can be used. The function, isn't that the only thing left... the trick of resurrecting people?

Is it implying that he will hang up or what?

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